Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 224: I Planted A Sun

In the frenzy of history, everyone is confused.

After really going through something like this, everyone feels uneasy and painful deep in their hearts.

Things that are crazy or unbearable to look at.

At this juncture today, the things that everyone bears are almost exactly the same things and things.

In the long history, everyone is uncomfortable and helpless.

Yang Qi sorted out his thoughts and said: "How to control this special planet, I really need to think about it carefully, before I figure out the situation "I'm really in pain.

Among the longest things ever.

Everyone walks on the danger of this appearance, and even everyone pays a huge price for it. In this matter, the dreams that everyone carries are gradually changing.

To really figure out what the world looks like, you need to pay the ultimate ideal.

Those authentic things are constantly impacting everyone's hearts.

Jarvis pointed to the HZZ star group and said: "On this planet, danger and cruelty are brewing everywhere. But I hope you can understand the basic situation a little bit, that is, our environment is almost completely Same stage. So, plant a sun. You've got all spring."

In the icy universe, the person who holds 660 nuclear reactor sun manufacturing technology.

Here is the most powerful person, Yang Qi is exactly this kind of existence. So powerful enough to check and balance everyone, it can be said to be truly awe-inspiring here.

While the sun was being created, the earth was constantly spinning.

Those things that really bring people high-tech achievements still give people an infinite sense of danger and cruelty today.

The achievements of victory in history will usher in everything that is stronger.

Yang Qi said coldly: "In this world, everything should be cleared up a little bit. We have already gone through the most powerful and dangerous situation. With such a thing under pressure, the remaining The next thing is much easier to say.”

The cruelties in history.

On such an important hurdle today, he has already gone out of some kind of limit to the greatest extent.

The long darkness and coldness erode everyone's heart.

Those things that once brought people an infinite sense of desolation have finally gradually revealed the tip of the iceberg today.

The pressure brought to people by any matter, there is also an indescribable feeling of grief in this matter (cjfa). After really passing through this hurdle, the sadness deep in everyone's hearts became more and more intense.

Jarvis grimly said: "We've been down this road, and now we should get a little bit of the basics right.

Those tragic things are now so clear.

Among the things in the real world, there is cruelty that people can see everywhere. In this matter, the catastrophe that everyone endured is naturally exactly the same.

Those things in history seem so real today.

Yang Qi nodded and said: "Since it's like this, I'll plant a sun. Then I'll get things done, and the rest may be fine."

After really going through those intricate things, the threat everyone felt became more and more severe.

In this matter, there is essentially no difference.

When you do this, even if you do your best, you still need to control the basic rhythm.

No matter what the future holds, the fundamental difference cannot be corrected.

Jarvis sneered and said, "What you see is actually just the beginning. The rest of the matter will be much simpler. From the beginning to today, we have been engulfed by this world."

In the longest history ever.

When we walk in this dangerous situation, our hearts are full of uneasiness and pain.

Those miserable or dangerous things showed a super strong color at this moment.

Yang Qi sorted out his mood and said: "When we do this, we should have a little understanding of the basic situation. Otherwise, the future is the most dangerous.

Everyone who really sees through this world is full of desolation or helplessness deep in his heart. On the overall matter, the things that everyone carries are exactly the same things at this moment.

Jarvis: "As long as you have enough energy, the world will give you the best comfort. On this point, I don't know what you are hesitating about."

In the long river of history, things are chaotic and complicated.

When everyone is doing this, it is inevitable that they will be coerced by this world, and gradually they will not even know what to do.

Those painful or dangerous things finally ushered in a transformation that no one could have imagined today.

Yang Qi smiled and nodded: "Since this is the case, I will plant this sun, hoping to shine everywhere."

Things that used to be in the world are now becoming clearer.

Events in history are unforgettable after all. When everyone did this, their hearts were full of sadness.

Jarvis: "If this matter is done well, no matter what kind of conflict the two civilizations have in the future, you will not have any problems yourself."

After the battle started, there were many complicated things.

The opposing bodies of the two civilizations have already formed a huge vortex. In this kind of struggle, no one can get out easily.

It coincided with the season of battle, and everyone's minds changed suddenly.

Those who have really stepped out of the vortex or danger actually have a great sense of sadness deep in their hearts.

It takes a lot of energy to get out of this matter.

From the beginning of the matter to the present, Yang Qi's position is relatively awkward. Even after going through all kinds of confusion, it is enough to make his whole body more and more painful.

Yang Qi nodded: "If this matter is really done well, it should be to figure out the essence of the rhythm of the matter, otherwise, I don't know what will happen in the future.

After really walking this path, everyone is full of sadness deep in their hearts.

Those who walk through this world clearly, suffer so deeply that they don't know what to do.

The essence of everything is gradually becoming clear.

Yang Qi pointed to the front and said: "We are all victims of this matter, what the future will look like. In essence, it is actually hard to say.

After seeing things clearly, everyone was a little shocked.

The cruelty and danger in history are constantly changing, but the essential things do not change so much.

Jarvis: "You have to think clearly, the final change of things actually has many crises that people can't imagine. So, at this time, you have to figure out the situation."

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