Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 226: The World As Dark As Ink

The feeling of despair comes from the coldness of the laws of the universe.

When the earth has changed from the era of self-braking to what it is today, everything in the realm of possibility is constantly rising.

No matter what kind of things and things look like, they will bring you endless crazy pressure and pain. Looking at this issue from this perspective, everyone is naturally fully aware of the essential difference in things.

In a long life, everyone will suffer great suffering.

But after really going through those dangers, it still makes people feel a little confused today, and they don't even know what to do.

Things on the road of confusion in life will eventually lead to gaps.

Anyone who walks on this road is carrying great grief and can only continue on this road.

Yang Qi said sadly: "I know, all of you are very pessimistic about the current situation in your hearts, and you even have indescribable resistance in your heart.

Things are complicated.

When everyone does this, it is inevitable that others will perceive the danger and cruelty of the matter.

For historical reasons, the two civilizations handed over people.

Having experienced a conflict once, it seems a little bit inexplicable today. But when things are really done well, everyone feels a little sad in their hearts.

Things have come to this day, the hatred between the two civilizations, in fact, cannot be solved at all.

Castor looked at the sun in the sky and said: "In our civilization, there were things like this. But I never thought that something like this would happen. This thing really feels like this to me." good."

That shining sun.

It is constantly rising, constantly chasing the darkness.

Solar energy is the basic thing for breeding organisms, and it can even give birth to more unexpected things.

From the beginning to today, things have been getting harder and harder.

When everyone walks this dangerous path, they will naturally have to face more cruel things, and even pay a huge price for it.

Every time something goes wrong, it will give people more and more powerful impact.

Things have reached this level today, and things that ultimately affect others also show a completely different look at this moment.

Yang Qi said coldly: "I've noticed that what's happening on this point is actually far more complicated than imagined.

Those brutal things are gradually becoming clear now.

Things in the world are all constantly shifting and clarifying, but the world in essence is constantly hedging.

Everyone looks at this matter, and there have been huge twists and turns in the original way.

Castor looked at the cheering crowd and said: "You have successfully reversed some things. I really didn't expect such a situation."

When those crowds are constantly fading away.

All things are constantly being corrected here.

After really walking through this kind of world, what everyone sees gradually has mistakes that no one can correct.

In that dark world.

Every time it hits the boundaries of the higher world, it even brings people an indescribable feeling of depression. The whole world is constantly collapsing here.

Those real things are constantly being changed nowadays.

Yang Qi said coldly: "This is an event to make up for the gap between you and me. I hope everyone can truly realize this. Although I know, this matter is actually very difficult."

After really experiencing some things.

Everyone is full of sadness deep in their hearts, and they don't even know how to do these things well.

Those cruel or dangerous things have shown a huge gap today.

The essence of things is constantly changing in this place.

No matter what the situation looks like, it will eventually bring people more inexplicable changes.

Dangerous and cruel things are so clear every time, even making people feel a little uncomfortable and helpless.

Castor tidied up his clothes and said: "I hope that we can have a better world in the future. This thing may be really difficult for me. But I believe that we can succeed."

Things are changing.

But there is no essential difference, we can only constantly correct ourselves.

Those things are extremely dangerous every time, and even bring some kind of pressure and frustration.

Yang Qi tidied up his mind and said: "I created light for you, the next thing is up to you...

For a long time, he was thinking.

When this planet is constantly drifting, how many unpredictable crises are there.

Every time things go wrong, there will eventually be deeper dangers.

Castel sneered and said: "I feel that we have really come to an end with this matter today. There are still many changes in the matter. There are many things and dangers, and we need to figure out the basics."

The world keeps collapsing.

Those who walk in danger are full of unwillingness deep in their hearts.

Only after taking this matter seriously can we feel the hardships of the world. The things and things that once appeared in the depths of people's hearts have gradually undergone major changes now.

Those real or dangerous things have completely disappeared now.

Yang Qi said coldly: "I have been observing this matter for a long time, but it has never really made me happy."

The world will eventually fall, and things at this level always have a strange color.

The authenticity of things has gradually become clear today.

Castor said sadly: "I observed this matter. In essence, it has already undergone a huge change. Since we have reached the level we are today, we should clarify the situation a little bit. How can we proceed to a deeper level? change.

To correct the perception of the world, to change basic things.

1.6 Anything that has reached the level it is today will face unimaginable danger and pressure. In essence, what everyone can do is to constantly maintain the basic things.

Fighting or continuing things, even today, will eventually make people feel a huge sense of frustration.

Yang Qi shook his head and said: "You have to think about why the world has undergone such a big change at this time. We already don't have so many things to describe.

Just stick to the basics. "

Those things that bring great harm to people every time will eventually usher in more transformational things today.

The danger of mountains and mountains has finally been resolved today.

Looking at the world from any angle, you should deal with it in a clearer way. .

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