Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 231: How About The Crisis Of Authenticity

When the sun began to accelerate its destruction, the whole world here was staring at those changing things, trying their best to change the most basic things, and even had to pay a huge price for it.

Those who hide in crisis.

The feeling after seeing the world clearly is to perceive the crisis and cruelty of the world.

Those hidden dangers will eventually change.

When everyone looks at this matter, after all, they have made some efforts, and even paid a huge price for it. It is precisely this kind of relationship, so the world of intertwined roots has unstoppable pressure here.

Yang Qi said with a cold face: "I observe that the reason why this world is today. The direction of our final destination will not change. The remaining things actually need to figure out the crisis in the basic situation.

Those "290" things that are extremely painful to the extreme are constantly changing here.

There is essentially no difference between the things that really bring danger to people or the things that change clearly.

During the long crisis, things also went unspeakably wrong here.

When you do this, your heart is constantly changing, and you even put in a lot of effort for it.

Chief No. 1: "If we want to succeed, in essence, there is no way to really change our own situation, and we even have to pay a huge price for it. To this extent today, the nature of things is constantly changing. "

Anything above, after something went wrong.

When everyone is dealing with these things, the depths of their hearts are full of uneasiness and pain. Even for this matter, you have to make great efforts, and do your best to do the basic stuff every time.

Battles and crises are constantly changing many things.

When we really walk through this world, everyone is engulfed by this world in the depths of their hearts, and enters the deepest crisis, even when it comes to such a matter.

It was also gradually liquidated by everyone.

The world is still that world.

But the essential things have never been the same, and even when they really do things for this, they gradually have a clear understanding.

Those things that were really clear in history have finally fully displayed a brand new style today. In this matter, everyone bears exactly the same pressure. The nature of the matter, there are cuts every time.

Yang Qi shook his head coldly and said: "I have observed this matter to the extent of today. A huge vortex has already formed, and I am in this vortex. Things can't really be separated. Solar storms, Already here."

Between the sky and the earth, there are still things full of solar-based molecules.

The whole world is in darkness, and the people who are involved in this matter have a feeling of desolation deep in their hearts, and at this time there is gradually a greater degree of disagreement.

Those cruel or tragic things, from today's point of view, are full of extreme crises that no one can change.

So at this juncture, we can only continue to sprint for higher-level things. Whenever the battle comes, there are also countless things, and mistakes and mistakes are constantly appearing in this place.

Everything in those shady scenes is so clear at this moment.

Yang Qi said with a cold face: "This matter is in essence. We have been calculated by others. Among the remaining things, there are countless sad and helpless things and reasons. In the end, everyone will die. On this front."

Black particles are flying in the sky.

Among the flying particles, there are hot worlds everywhere, if you look at it from various situations.

When the world collapses, it also brings countless romantic charms.

The sun is the most dazzling thing in this world, and it has even formed a certain impact to maximize it.

The essence of things, here shows something of extreme crisis.

Precisely so, that's why it gives people infinite danger. It's very difficult to really get out of this world, and you don't even have to pay a huge price for it.

The layer upon layer of things gradually became clear here.

Everyone sits in the corner and can only explore the direction of development of this world with difficulty. Even every time for this, you need to pay a huge price.

Yang Qi calmed down and said, "Although I have worked hard many times over the years. But today, we have to clarify the basic situation a little bit, that is, each of us has problems."

historical problems that have existed.

Today it has gradually become clear that everyone is under a lot of pressure, and even have to pay a big price for it...

On the whole, everyone is in crisis deep in their hearts.

Looking at those things in essence, what everyone has to do is essentially the same. Even after reaching this level every time, everyone needs to pay the ultimate price for it.

Really going through this matter also requires complicated procedures.

The energy storm between heaven and earth, after being continuously compressed into a small corner, also completely formed a huge sense of oppression here. There is not much difference in what everyone feels in essence.

Chief No. 1: "I once thought that this world has reached the level it is today. A huge strange circle has already been formed. We are jumping around in this strange circle, so we must always be influenced by this matter."

The crisis and cruelty are gradually melting away now.

Those who walk in history have been tortured by this world today and don't know what to do.

So, in this matter, the confusion is constantly increasing.

Things that used to be in history are gradually changing today, and even great efforts have to be made for this.

The whole world suddenly turned upside down today.

Yang Qi said indifferently: "This matter is just the beginning. The remaining things are constantly changing, and even become simpler and simpler."

The real thing is clear after looking at it.

Those who are walking in the crisis, the pressure they feel at this time is also constantly changing.

Things in historical colors, today, are finally regarded as heavy makeup.

Chief No. 1: "Look at this world, it should be a little clearer. Only in this way can we really understand the essence of things and what they are doing here."

Those hideous or miserable things.

Finally, at a certain moment, the danger that no one can explain clearly appeared. It is precisely the continuation of this danger that also brings people an uncontrollable sense of sadness.

Looking at today's planet from any angle, things that shouldn't be wrong should never be.

Pointing to the people around him, Yang Qi said: "I am organizing this basic mobilization activity, and for the rest, let me clarify the situation a little bit."

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