Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 236: The World Beyond Reason

In the cosmic space, the sun bloomed with endless brilliance.

The whole world has turned into a new color in this place. Countless things are constantly running, and even today it is completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Things are of the essence, and there is little difference here.

After calming down, Yang Qi said: "I observe that the reason why this world is like this. In fact, in essence, we are completely played by others.

It takes a lot of energy to really figure things out.

People who have wanted to do good things countless times, are now constantly expanded by this matter.

Everyone looks at things like this, and their hearts are full of anxiety and pain.

The big boss pointed to the red cloud above the sky and said: "I want to completely trample this world under my feet."

Before really figuring out the situation.

Everyone's "May 20th" is full of unwilling anger deep in their hearts, and they don't even know how to deal with these things.

But today, the world is constantly changing.

Among those real things, some are things that everyone must face. That's why it's what it is today.

Fighting, or something that continues, has completely brought people great deterrence even today.

Those catastrophes in the past have shown great deterrent power now.

Those things and things in history actually need to pay a huge price after you really see them through. Behind any real thing, there is an unknown pressure hidden.

The real thing, too, is constantly changing here.

When the solar storm started, the whole world fell completely.

There are many things hidden in danger, and when everyone deals with it, it is quite complicated in their hearts.

In the entire huge world, cruel dangers are everywhere.

How to break free from this world is a complex and changeable thing. Naturally, we must do a good job of making changes in the most basic nature.

After experiencing countless confusions, it is gradually changing now.

The way everyone looks at the world is constantly changing, and even every time we have to do our best to maintain the superficial peace and hardships.

Yang Qi said coldly: "In fact, from any angle, this matter needs to be taken seriously.

When everyone looks at this matter.

In fact, my heart is full of sadness and helplessness, and when I do things, I no longer have such a frightened appearance.

The big boss said coldly: "I have observed this matter to the extent it is today. In fact, in essence, what we all do has not changed much. Therefore, how to do this well is the most important consideration for everyone. s things."

As with anything authentic, it's complex.

No matter how hard it is to control this matter, how hard it is to roar, this is not an exaggeration.

When the world sinks behind the whole world.

The whole world is constantly changing, and even more complex and changeable things will be ushered in each time.

Those who have been through countless things and are constantly making deeper transformations.

In this era, there are finally new changes gradually, and countless things have even been made for this. Combat or dangerous things will eventually be things that need to complete basic operations in a more complicated situation.

Earth's tools and gadgets are so simple and clear.

Yang Qi said coldly: "This matter has reached today, and we are completely immersed in this crisis. Everyone should understand the situation a little bit."

The dangerous world will become a new color.

Those crazy battles in history are completely clear today.

The harm of authenticity seems to be an unsolvable thing today. The sky is full of red dark clouds, covering the land.

The big boss said coldly: "This matter is actually the same thing and situation in essence. You need to figure it out, it's just the basic facts."

After figuring out these things.

Huge setbacks and changes are constantly taking place in everyone's mind, and even a huge price has to be paid for this.

The essence of anything requires a clear understanding of the basic situation.

Those brutal or cruel things all have uncontrollable pressure.

When the whole world has reached the level it is today, everyone needs to do their best to deal with this world.

Thousands of crises are constantly changing.

When a city turned into a steel-cast mess, Yang Qi looked at those worlds with an ugly expression.

The big boss lamented: "The underground city-state has been destroyed countless times by things like this... We have to be careful, otherwise, we will be completely swallowed up by this world.

Things from the original world.

It seems so clear today that it has even seriously threatened everyone's security.

Things in the real world are gradually being reversed today.

Yang Qi pointed to the front and said: "When we observe things, we should try to adjust our mentality. In terms of things of faith, how to do the essential things actually requires a huge price."

Any cruelty of authenticity will bring uneasiness to people.

In this matter, there are naturally things that ordinary people don't understand, so it is precisely this way that brings endless danger and cruelty to people.

The appearance of the entire world once fallen is actually far uglier than it is now.

The big boss said painfully: "The city we have just built is now about to be destroyed by this world.

Fight or keep fighting.

This is the color and thing that repeats constantly, it is precisely this appearance that brings people a huge impact.

Those miserable things have completely changed now.

It is completely unreasonable to not really see through the things that really penetrate the pain points of this world.

The painful lessons in history are revealed more clearly today.

Yang Qi said coldly: "In this matter, we are just taking the lead. It's hard to say what the future will look like. 1.8 In the real world, everything is nothingness.

We are dreaming of the same situation, and we are changed by us.

Yang Qi pointed to City of Hope and said: "As long as you still agree with the existence of City of Hope, then you have to figure out what the future will look like."

In those chaotic worlds, unpredictable mistakes finally appeared today.

As far as the whole thing is concerned, everyone is carrying great pain, and even has to pay a huge price for it.

The big boss said coldly: "This is Hope City, where is the greatest hope? Is this why you are proud? I really feel very sad."

Sometimes, the world is just as real as it is.

What was full of helplessness and sadness finally exploded into a new color today. .

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