Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 304: Planting Herbs

About the planting of herbs, it's all a later story.

They first came to the center of the lot.

As Yang Qi said, they got a lot of support right after they came in.

A group of people stopped directly in front of the gate of the center, as if they wanted to fight with them.

Li Qing said: "Is it so serious that we can't have friendly exchanges? And Yang Qi was brought by me, you don't know my personality?"

The guy in the lead named Qi Fan said directly: "I know your character is good, but whether Yang Qi is a good guy or a bad guy, we can't guarantee, and now you actually brought him here, I don't know." I began to wonder if your previous good looks were faked."

Yang Qi stood aside and said with a smile: "It seems that the impression of me in the clan is not very good."

It has been guessed before that they cannot regard themselves as good people.

But it never occurred to them that they could regard themselves as such bad people, and even come here, they would be the first to punish them.

Even if I deliberately avoided that situation, I didn't even bring a single subordinate.

Hey, the image of this person is really the same in one person's mind.

Obviously Zuo Hufa thinks that he is an absolutely good person.

Da Zhang said: 807, "Don't mess around. If Li Qing brought Yang Qi with him, he was a bad person, and I let the two of them enter the central lot together. Am I not a good person?"

This is the result of one's own traditional thinking, because you must think that the other party is bad, so as long as you are in contact with bad people, you must not be good people.

But the premise is that they haven't even figured out whether the other party is really a good person or a bad person.

It's a bit ridiculous to start such a fanfare confrontation now.

Qi Fan asked: "It's true, Da Zhang, are you crazy, you want him to hurt our patriarch, you clearly know that our patriarch is not in a good state now."

Someone in the tribe gets sick, this is the most terrifying thing for them.

Even if they were afraid in the original world, they would still be afraid.

So the more they are in such a time, the less they can let others come, otherwise others will attack based on their weakness.

This may leave them without even the ability to fight back.

It is impossible for Li Qing and Da Zhang not to know this point, they are both people who have experienced that step, why do they need him to explain such a small (cjfb) problem clearly?

Yang Qi said: "But the patriarch himself allowed me to go in. Are you still going to disobey the patriarch's order?"

He leaned lazily and smiled at the side, just scanning these people lightly.

They can understand their own thoughts, nothing more than they feel that they occupy a certain position on this planet, so treating a powerful tribe like them will definitely kill them.

It's just that the patriarch doesn't care anymore, and they are still unwilling. This obviously doesn't take the patriarch seriously.

Of course, I had already guessed such a scene long before.

Saying that now, it's just for fun, seeing how scared they are, makes me very happy.

Qi Fan said: "It's because the patriarch is confused now, the decision she made has nothing to do with her."

Hearing this, Yang Qi couldn't help applauding: "I give you full marks for what you said. The decision made by the patriarch herself has nothing to do with her? Then you mean that the patriarch has been controlled by some ghost now." Living?"

Isn't this ridiculous?

Qi Fan said coldly: "What nonsense are you talking about now? Anyway, it is impossible for me to let you enter here, even if it is the order of our patriarch, I will not obey it."

Okay, now it's time for cannibalism.

Yang Qi looked at Da Zhang: "Faced with this situation, it should be me to provoke a wave, and then knock them down?"

Da Zhang must not be able to make a move, and it will definitely affect the unity of his family.

Dazhang hesitated for a moment: "This...I want to help you, but please."

Li Qing smiled, and walked into the opponent's team with his arms around Da Zhang's shoulders: "It doesn't matter, we are also a member of Qi Fan now, it doesn't matter if we all become Yang Qi's enemies."

Anyway, Yang Qi can beat them.

Seeing this, Yang Qi's eyes widened: "What is this for?"

Are they going to compete against such a powerful team with themselves?

Huh? That's okay too?

Li Qing said: "For the sake of the unity of our own tribe, we must stand on the side of our brothers, so Yang Qi, you should go ahead and conquer us all so that we can get in quickly. "

Otherwise, they are on the side with Yang Qi, and in the end Yang Qi succeeds, and the ink still needs to be painted on this side.

For example, they must explain clearly why they rebelled, why they agreed with Yang Qi's actions, and so on.

It is estimated that the ink is not finished.

So in order to avoid ink stains in the future, they simply completely blocked this thread.

Yang Qi gave him a thumbs up: "It's impossible for me to be unconvinced by your actions."

The operation is as fierce as a tiger.

And how much he trusts himself, he can follow the other party 100%.

But Qi Fan doesn't think they really want to follow him.

He said coldly: "It's better for you to stand on the sidelines and watch the battle. Now you are standing in the direction of the patriarch to fight us. If you fight with us, I will doubt whether you did it on purpose."

Just to help Yang Qi in the future, there will be a wave of rebellion.

Da Zhang was also speechless: "You are so scheming, don't put your character on others, okay, Li Qing and I have never had a side-on-side fight.

As long as they say it is to help this side, then they will not say a word, and they will definitely not change their minds.

Talking about a mutiny in the middle, that may be the most unlikely decision in their life.

Qi Fan said: "The present is different from the past, who knows if you are serious, anyway, you should just watch the battle now.

For the rest, they just said they didn't believe it.

Yang Qi said: "That's fine, otherwise I'm afraid of hurting my relationship with Li Qing and others."

They are all brothers who have just been dating, if they are defeated again, it may hurt their face.

Otherwise, I wouldn't even hesitate just now.

Li Qing said: "That's fine, the two of us will stand behind and be a referee.

Da Zhang's subordinates whispered: "Be careful, we have all seen Yang Qi's skills, it doesn't matter if he singles out you.".

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