Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 338: Different

He and Wei Ji were originally guarding below, but Fang Ming just didn't like them.

Zuo Hufa smiled and said: "As a genius, this is different, he is withdrawn."

The more withdrawn you can see that he is different from them.

Yang Qi said: "How is the blueprint?"

If the child had a smooth journey and did not encounter ups and downs, it would be impossible to drive them out even after thinking about it.

It seems that I have encountered a problem and there is no way to solve it, so I am irritable.

Chief No. 1 said: "I feel that if he wants to design the blueprint within two days, it will be very difficult.

Wei Ji coughed lightly: "Let's not say it so directly. Back then, he made a bet with Yang Qi that he would hand over the complete blueprint to him within one day."

If this cannot be handed over, Fang Ming himself will regret it to death.

Yang Qi said: "It's okay, I know I won't expose him, I said at the beginning that the blueprint of this robot is not easy to design, it will definitely take a day or two.

In his own prediction, he didn't need him to be so serious, he must build it when.

Doesn't this add pressure to yourself for no reason?

Not a good thing.

The patriarch asked: "What kind of robot do you want to make? Why is it so complicated?"

A genius can't design the blueprint in one day, it seems a bit troublesome.

Yang Qi said: "A robot that can attack and wear on the body.

As long as you have this robot as protection, it's like watching a movie. When the time comes to play, you can use any attack equipment you want.

Although Chen is a bit heavier, it is definitely a sharp weapon.

Some of them may be less technical, but they are more focused on strength. As long as they increase their training efforts, there is no pressure to bring a robot body.

Wei Ji said: "Speaking of which, if the robot is successfully developed, we will be so foolish. At the beginning, no matter how I watched the movie, I thought it was so illusory, but finally, in our field, we successfully built it.

Haha, if there are outsiders, I must publicize their power outside.

Yang Qi said: "Even if we don't let people know, we are proud enough, but Fang Ming pays too much attention to the issue of time, you go down and tell him to ask him to suspend the design and come up to chat with us for a while."

The patriarch coughed lightly: "Why don't we go down? Don't let that child come up angry."

This thing was halfway done and suddenly forced to stop, let alone a genius get angry, even I would be somewhat irritable and depressed.

Yang Qi said: "Give him a space to relax, don't think this matter is so inevitable, if it is true, you have to focus on one thing, if you don't come out, I'm afraid he will eventually drive himself to collapse."

Sometimes the ideas of geniuses are a little more extreme than theirs.

Once they get into the horns, it is very difficult to get out.

Don't drive yourself crazy afterwards, it will be miserable.

Li Qing said: "I don't think Fang Ming is that good. He is usually very rational, and he wouldn't say that he would go crazy just because of a little setback."

Yang Qi said: "Just take a look, if he doesn't create the blueprint today, don't wait for me to say anything, he will give himself a few slaps."

Genius cannot stand failure.

They wish they could be dozens of hours ahead of their estimates.

As long as they have achieved success from the very beginning, that is their favorite life.

But what if it fails?

At that moment in my heart, I am afraid that the thread will collapse.

The patriarch said: "You are really meticulous."

Even the thought of this kind of personal mentality is so clear.

This is really not a possibility that an ordinary leader can do.

Yang Qi said: "You are all very important to me, I need to pay attention to the feelings of all of you, otherwise if you follow me aggrievedly, I will feel sorry for it."

Sometimes I can't speak, especially on the day when I become a brother, I will definitely act like I want to use them.

This is no trick, sometimes I really can't control my thoughts.

The words that are spoken will inexplicably increase the distance between them.

But once they become his most sincere brothers, then he will give them nothing less.

Even, I will see all their thoughts in my eyes, what they want, what I can give, and I will definitely not be stingy.

This is his carefree personality.

Not an advantage, but definitely not a disadvantage.

Li Qing said: "This is so touching and embarrassing, no, okay, I'll go down to comfort Fang Ming, you sit here and wait for me."

He and Fang Ming have always had a good relationship.

So Fang Ming should easily obey his own words.

Yang Qi nodded: "||Go."

Li Qing is a person who hits it off with Fang Ming very well. Although the two have different identities, they have similar personalities.

Of course, one is withdrawn and the other is more withdrawn.

After Li Qing left, Guardian Zuo asked: "Then do you want to get the design drawings as soon as possible?"

If there is this time for Fang Ming to change his mood, it is better to let him take advantage of this gap to design well.

Yang Qi said: "Some things don't need to be rushed for a while. It is enough to complete the drawings within two days."

Otherwise, he would keep pushing himself into the corner, and finally collapsed like crazy, so it would be better to relax himself.

The patriarch said: "Also, the brain thinking of geniuses may be more extreme than ours, and we should pay more attention to their emotional state."

Otherwise, if they are not careful, they will really be half genius and half lunatic.

Soon, Li Qing brought Fang Ming out.

Fang Ming looked displeased: "I'm studying the blueprints, why did you ask me to come out?"

I don't know (Zhao Wangzhao) that it's impolite to disturb others at such a time.

Yang Qi said: "Tell you about the situation, we are preparing to raid the next planet at night."

Fang Ming was surprised: "Huh?"

What kind of sudden progress is this? Why is it so?

Li Qing said: "We are going to test the tone of the enemy and see how they feel about the war.

The patriarch said: "After that, we will trouble you to help us open the spaceship."

I knew how to open the spaceship at the beginning, but at that time I almost crashed and died.

So after that, don't open things that you don't know so recklessly if you kill yourself. Lu.

Fang Ming frowned: "When are you planning to go?"

He sailed, and he must go with him, but the blueprints haven't been finished yet.

Yang Qi said: "Three days later, so you only need to deliver the blueprint design within three days.

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