Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 344: No Less Than Li Qing

In the competition with Li Qing, Yang Qi must win in the end.

But to Yang Qi's surprise, Li Qing is indeed a person with inner strength, if he compares with Da Zhang, he may not be inferior at all.

Yang Qi gave him a thumbs up: "Yes, you boy, I always thought you were just a person who could use weapons."

Unexpectedly, this really unfolded, he is very good in all aspects, okay?

Li Qing smiled: "It's nothing, me, when my family fell, my father has always ordered me to grow as fast as possible."

Whether it's a weapon or anything, you must master it perfectly.

So if I say something shamelessly, I am really an almighty person.

Yang Qi said: "Then you can stop blaming your father, otherwise you won't be as strong as you are now."

The torment in the past may not be the real torment, and the benefits he brought to himself after getting through it must be more than what the naked eye can see.

Da Zhang said: "We used to keep saying that Li Qing was really born in a good family environment, otherwise no one would be able to grow too fast like him

Li Qing complained: "I sincerely recommend you to be my father's subordinate, and see if you can talk about my happiness like this. 810"

No matter how good the living environment is, what is not suitable for you is still not suitable.

Yang Qi said: "A life that we cannot accept, no matter how much others envy us, in fact we cannot be happy."

This is for sure. If you are restricted in your freedom, you will probably be depressed for the rest of your life.

The patriarch said: "But Yang Qi, isn't your attack power a little too strong to be true?"

The feeling of defeating Li Qing all at once made them even think that this world was created by a pervert.

Yang Qi has been changed and his physique will be different from all of them.

Otherwise, how could it be so powerful.

Yang Qi said: "Huh? Me? I'm not particularly powerful, I can only say that my energy is relatively good, and part of the strength is used skillfully, not really attacking violently.

If one is really careless and can knock down a piece with just a wave of his hand, then he really doesn't even trust him.

I don't know, I thought I had reached some kind of magical realm.

Li Qing said: "Although I lost and suffered a blow in my heart, I can detect (cjec) that when Yang Qi uses power, most of them are skillful."

That kind of technique can make you lose without anyone noticing.

The patriarch said, "Is that so?"

From an outsider's perspective, they really can't see any way to do it, but if Li Qing said so, it seems to be about the same.

Da Zhang said: "Speaking of it this way, I really have a little problem with reaction. When we were swept away, I just felt it all at once.

That sudden power is terrifying, but if you study it carefully, it really doesn't mean that Yang Qi's real power is that great.

It just took the opportunity to make a strong attack.

Yang Qi said: "That's it, otherwise, wouldn't I be going against the sky?"

No matter how powerful you are, no matter how much you train your strength, you won't be able to achieve such a feeling of being able to hit the mountains in a short period of time.

And if you really want to practice to that extent, the muscles in this body can no longer look so simple.

Li Qing said: "Can you teach us this kind of skills? If we learn it, maybe we can win you glory."

Fang Ming said: "If you ask him, he probably doesn't even know how he came up with this inch strength. It's like writing a score by himself. It's easy to play a piece by himself, but if you want to compose the score It’s very difficult to get it out.”

These are the methods that Yang Qi has researched unconsciously, and he will not understand if he tries to explain them.

Yang Qi said: "It's really true. I wanted to write this possibility in the notebook at the beginning, but I didn't know what to write after thinking about it for a long time."

It really belongs to one's own ability, and it is not enough to let others know how to operate it.

Li Qing said with a little regret: "Then we can only rely on our own efforts. Let's see if there is a way to discover some technical abilities like you."

Yang Qi said: "That's also good. Through my existence, I can understand that strength is actually just one of the skills. If the skills are used well, you can completely pull a thousand catties."

What the ancients said is understandable.

In plainness, it can be fully understood that only brute force is not that important.

You also need to have a mind.

The patriarch said: "When we go back to the backwardness of our clan, I will also start to mainly train their consciousness."

Li Qing nodded: "I'll take a class then."

Maybe I can also shine in their group.

Yang Qi said with a smile: "Don't you like the days when you are restricted?"

If you train together, it will be difficult not to be restrained.

Li Qing shook his head: "There is a distinction between voluntary and involuntary, and now I want to fight for our own lives, so I won't be unhappy.

The importance of mentality is experienced at this time.

You never know how much you hate things at that time, how much you will love them after you change your mentality.

"After that I went to the sidelines to see what this training mode would feel like," Yang Qi said.

It will probably be interesting.

Fang Ming said; "But the private training of the clan, and the hidden training in one's own clan will make people outside feel uncomfortable.

This is what he said out of anticipation.

Even if they understand that the tribe is very loyal to Yang Qi now.

But these are two feelings, everyone's mood will never be the same as Yang Qi's, when their jealousy comes up, they are likely to speak ill of the tribe.

There will even be a group of people who go to the clan in a sneaky state.

In this way, they are afraid that they will split again without knowing it.

The patriarch said: "There is nothing to be afraid of, as long as we speak out the words that have surrendered to Yang Qi."

Once this kind of statement comes out, no one will be so fussy about it.

Yang Qi smiled: "You underestimate people's jealousy. When they see that the people of your clan are improving themselves, there will definitely be a large number of people who want to frame you, thinking that you are still treating me from the bottom of your heart. Unconvinced."

Otherwise why practice behind your back?

The patriarch said: "In this way, if we want to practice, we must go outside, and let everyone learn together?".

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