Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 366: Money Violence

The rich second generation is an ironic statement at a certain moment.

That is to say, you only have money, but you actually don’t have any abilities of your own. You are so powerful now only because of your father.

Isn't this actually a form of violence?

Using one's catharsis mood to suppress others, wouldn't that end up hurting everyone who is in a bad mood?

Li Qing said: "Hey, it's actually not easy being a rich second generation. You have to be discriminated against by others."

But you have to understand one thing, luck is sometimes a kind of strength, if you can't get such luck, then don't complain about "not realizing your true ability.

Otherwise, you complain that you will not be able to achieve the same achievements as others for the rest of your life.

The big boss smiled and said: "But I don't mind this kind of thing. Everyone's life is not similar to the "240". Even if it is the same rich second generation, don't we have different personalities? So be yourself That’s enough, don’t ask others to think the same as you.”

That is undoubtedly the stupidest idea, because no matter how much you try to change someone's mind, they won't listen to it.

In the end, it made you very angry, and after arguing for so long, you may not be able to struggle away.

Li Qing said: "No wonder you can be the chief. This is because your image is very good. In addition, you have learned so many things before. This is undoubtedly the most useful entry here."

In addition, his three views are very positive, at least in his own eyesight, his three views are absolutely beautiful.

Every word he said can become the goal of his own learning.

This undeniable.

Yang Qi said: "I am still very accurate in seeing people, which also proves my unique excellence."

As a leader, even if you are not very good, if you are good at judging people and can manage people, then no matter how bad you are, you will rise directly in the end.

However, the chances of judging people's accuracy have to be divided into time. If you really fail once, then one person can beat you.

So, I still need to have a certain strength, that is, I can be the first to fill in when there is a vacancy.

Where there is a deficit, when someone betrayed you.

At least you have to say that you don't use other people to quickly make up for it, but find out all your losses in the first place to ensure your own safety.

Otherwise, you won't be able to fully see what bad things the traitor has done to you.

That was just too miserable.

So to sum it up, it is a truth, no matter how powerful your talent is, you must learn some real abilities that can protect your body beyond your talent.

The big boss said: "I am a rich second generation, but I was actually controlled by my family back then."

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows: "For example, marriage or something?"

Although it sounds like this marriage is unlikely to happen now, because no one has carried out such a ridiculous move for a long time.

However, the real high society needs to implement a marriage through mutual supplies.

In this way, the two places complement each other, and the shortcomings of each other, or the lack of money, can pass this checkpoint.

So in the end marriage became a means.

In order to make his family survive longer.

The big boss said: "Hey, that's right, I fell in love with my girlfriend at the beginning, and the two of us have even been together for a long time, but the family decided to let me marry someone else."

Li Qing couldn't help asking: "You won't marry, right?"

Then he is a scumbag, and of course a scumbag is not considered a scumbag, it can only be said that he can't help himself.

But it is true that such a decision is not very good.

A little bit of hurting myself and hurting others.

The big boss smiled and said: "Of course I can't agree, people like me are dead-headed, and I don't want others to control my life at all.

Li Qing's eyes lit up: "We are the same."

He is also the kind of person who never wants others to control him.

Suddenly, I felt that I had met a bosom friend, and the slight doubt about the big boss just now disappeared quietly.

Hehe, this feeling is really beautiful.

Yang Qi said: "In fact, most people are like this. It is impossible to completely obey what our parents say. Once our parents suppress us too much [it is reasonable for us to want to resist."

This is not rebellion, nor is it that they are disobedient and ignorant, but in that situation, the only choice they can make is that one...

Otherwise, if I obey my parents' wishes and marry someone else, I'm afraid it will be like this for the rest of my life.

That regret will also increase a lot.

Li Qing said: "That's right, who would be so stupid as to obey their own words in front of their parents."

If everything is decided by the parents, they are afraid that they will have no love in this life.

The big boss said: "So at that moment I resisted, but fortunately my parents didn't force me, they just said that I don't need to marry a wife, but I definitely can't win a woman like that into our home."

Yang Qi was very puzzled: "What family is your girlfriend?"

How come people hate it so much?

It should not be as simple as an ordinary family, right?

The big boss said: "My girlfriend is a small teacher in the countryside, and my parents are still a little concerned about this, thinking that if she enters our house [it will bring shame to our family]

This is a common phenomenon in the upper class, who have a slightly contemptuous idea of ​​everyone.

Li Qing rolled his eyes: "The country people are messing with whoever they are."

There are not many people in the countryside now, and their lives are not much better than our own.

Only those irrational people will put themselves in a high position and despise others. 5.5

As everyone knows, their behavior proves that their education is still not enough.

Yang Qi said: "But it's not completely incomprehensible."

Sometimes people's hearts are stuck in such a place, and they feel bad or something.

The big boss said: "Yes, so my girlfriend and I have been in love for so many years without getting married."

The patriarch said: "It's not bad, at least we are still together, and we get along very well, so there is no marriage or not.

Because it feels the same.

The big boss said: "Yes, my girlfriend and I both have this kind of thinking, so we let it go, but now something happened, we are separated in two places.

Yang Qi said: "This is not considered two places, it is already separated by two balls."

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