Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 370: Keep Doubting

The big boss went to write a letter.

Li Qing asked: "Let's go and have a look too. To be honest, I still have some doubts about whether this girlfriend really exists."

Generally, as a man, he must love his girlfriend endlessly.

It is to keep mentioning his girlfriend, not to mention how much he likes his girlfriend from his tone.

But they like it so much, for so many years, even each of them knew that he had a girlfriend.

Is this really an excuse?

In order to divert this suspicion from myself, I made up a hypothetical possibility.

The patriarch said: "I don't think it should be. It can be seen from his eyes that he is serious."

When talking about my girlfriend, the love and appreciation revealed in the eyes can be seen completely.

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows: "The patriarch can see through other people's eyes."

It should be part of the mind.

This patriarch really knows a little bit of everything, and then he can use it a little bit.

If this is something I learned out of interest, the possibility of using it is estimated to be almost zero.

The patriarch said: "As a patriarch, I just want to be responsible to my clan. If they are dissatisfied with me, I can find out from the conversation whether they are telling the truth or lying.

If it is a lie, then it must be a little dissatisfied with myself.

As long as there is dissatisfaction, I must change it, and it is impossible to stay there blankly, just do what I want to do.

This is a whole team, a whole clan, if there is not even the most basic unity, that clan will split up sooner or later.

She absolutely cannot allow this possibility to appear, this is the biggest item that her father gave her, and it is something that she must protect no matter how desperate she is.

Therefore, she began to delve into various books on a large scale, as long as she could be useful to herself, she would memorize them.

It seems that only in that way can I hold this tribe tightly in my hand.

Yang Qi said: "This psychology is not easy to learn."

To guess whether the other party is lying or not through everyone's eyes and all body movements, this should be something that requires a lot of attention.

The patriarch said: "It's okay for me. After all, I am a woman. This concentration can be clearly detected in the details of people."

So with my own carefulness, I really got started with the study of psychology.

Although it is not particularly powerful, it is still possible to see if anyone is lying.

Li Qing said: "Wow, then I will go to your clan to read books, I think I can counterattack on your side.

I feel that the patriarch himself kept a lot of things, even books.

The patriarch said: "You can take it and have a look. It's not a valuable thing, but you should keep it well and don't break it."

Otherwise, I will definitely kill him.

Because books are something worth cherishing for me, if there is any damage, I will feel distressed.

Yang Qi said: "What else have you studied besides psychology?"

Since the patriarch has read so many types of books, he must not have only learned one.

The patriarch said: "Psychology, and some mind-reading skills, which are all included in psychology, but I don't understand mind-reading skills because of research, it's too difficult."

This is also to guess what your current mood is through your eyes and actions.

However, what was written in that book was too general, and I seemed to be unable to make it very clear.

Yang Qi said: "It's also excellent. It seems that if there are any children who don't tell the truth on my side in the future, I will find you and read my mind."

In fact, mind reading is just a superficial statement, it is impossible to truly guess all your thoughts.

The patriarch said with a smile: "In this way, I seem to have thought of a new skill of the witch."

This topic changed very quickly, but suddenly it returned to the witch again.

Witches are indeed a very shocking tribe, they seem to have cultivated many things that cannot exist in this world at all.

A very mysterious ability.

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows: "They can still explore people's hearts?"

All the skills of the witches seem to be very useful, but it is not clear whether they will cause damage to themselves when they use this skill.

If you really hurt your life, you can hear other people's voices, so try not to listen well.

……ask for flowers…

Because this kind of exchange is not very suitable.

What if your body is directly dragged down.

Li Qing said: "I think, those witches have almost used up their lives when they practiced these things.

Even if it is used now. This life may not be able to live for a long time.

This is inevitable, whether it is learning or using, you will overdraw your own life.

Speaking of which, the witches are really excellent, but at the same time, they are also very sad behind the scenes.

I have to watch my own life being gradually lost under my own use. I can't experience this feeling, but it must be very desperate.

I also hope that I will never experience it in my life.


The patriarch said: "This kind of operation is considered a small operation. If it is not serious, it will not pose a great threat to their lives."

Even if there is a threat, it will not make them lose their ecology for a whole day after using it once.

It's not worth the candle.

Yang Qi said: "So small skills and the like will cause the least damage to the body?"

From what I heard, it seems to be pretty good.

The patriarch said: "But even if it is a small skill, they probably don't want to show it in front of the public, because the identity of a witch is a bit too dirty."

This kind of filth does not depend on their own, but that their reputation has been tarnished by others. If they appear in front of this group of people, they will even use some witchcraft.

It is estimated that they will become rats crossing the street in a short time, and everyone will shout and beat them.

Yang Qi said: "So the protection of witches starts with me."

There is no need to be so hostile to a group of girls, of course, the premise is that they have a measure of their abilities.

Don't use it on harming humans, that's fine.

Li Qing said: "This profession, in fact, is very clear, that is, some people are good and some are bad."

Regardless of whether it is a witch or any other industry, as long as there are people, it is impossible for them to be good people.

Their lives are not easy, but while it is not easy, there must be opportunistic girls.

Yang Qi said: "So after recruiting the witches to our subordinates, we must pay great attention to the other party's three views and character mountains.

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