Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 397: Empty Talk

Li Qing said: "But to be honest, not only Fade Chen and others can't see the internal structure, even the few of us haven't seen it.

So none of them can be regarded as people who really understand internal organs, why is it suddenly a little sad.

Yang Qi looked at him with a half-smile: "You small-minded guy, I want to take you to the big heart inside, do you have that time?"

It's been a long time since they've been here, they haven't even eaten their own meals, and they still want to go shopping inside?

Isn't this just empty talk? My original intention was to lead them to see the world that I created alone.

But there is no chance, and I am not happy.

Dr. Li said: "That's right, first there was movement from above, and then there was the Chen Yu and Chen Fei incident. We haven't completely stopped it yet."

And they have been concentrating on discussing issues related to tomorrow's club.

So this troublesome contradiction also appeared.

At this time, the big boss brought Chen Fei to the front of 29-year-old Yang Qi.

Fade Chen looked at Yang Qi with a look of disdain.

The patriarch said with a smile: "It seems that a guy who looks down on you, Yang Qi, has appeared again."

There are quite a lot of people like this, but Yang Qi didn't talk to them face to face and alone.

But today, I really met their tribe, met Wei Ji, and even saw this Chen Fei again in the middle of the night when I thought everything was over.

Yang Qi said with a smile: "This kind of result is exactly what I want to see."

Isn't this the consequence of being low-key, you have to understand it.

Fade Chen stood there, a little upset: "What did you call me here for? I have to conduct a second inspection at the Pure Land. If our work is delayed, Yang Qi, can you afford it?"

This responsibility went directly to Yang Qi.

The big boss said: "Be polite to me, do you know who is standing in front of you?"

Really, if Yang Qi hadn't taken the lead, did he think he could clean up the Pure Land there with peace of mind?

Thinking of himself so high is actually because someone is helping him carry the weight forward.

But he doesn't know yet, it's too much to ridicule those who protect him while not knowing.

Although it is said that those who do not know are innocent, but if the ignorance reaches this state, even oneself cannot accept it.

Yang Qi said: "Big boss without hindrance, this Fade Chen should respect you, right?"

Judging from the contact between the two, when the big boss told him not to speak, Fade Chen decisively shut his mouth.

So from this point of view, Fade Chen loves this planet, but he is not convinced by him as the leader.

But is this normal, as long as he can determine where his mood is going.

Fade Chen said: "Since I came to this planet, everything has been handled by the big boss. I haven't seen you as the leader doing anything, so I have no reason to respect you."

He has no objection to having someone be his own leader, but only if the leader is worthy of the name.

Don't just leave things to the servants to do, it's ridiculous.

The big boss sighed and expressed helplessness to Yang Qi: "I can't say this kind of thing either."

It seems to outsiders that Yang Qi is really the kind of person who has nothing to do, but what they can't see is that all of this is Yang Qi's credit, and they just ran errands.

Even very serious things, I have never done it myself, it is Yang Qi who is leading them to move forward.

Being able to beat the boss is because they are so cloudy, only this group of people whose brains are not good enough and only look at the surface do not understand, this is happiness after all.

Li Qing chuckled: "Facts have proved, Yang Qi, you are a little too modest, so many people can't figure out that you are the powerful one."

Before Yang Qi could speak, he heard Fade Chen sneer: "Is he amazing? You just talk about how amazing he is, and now compare him with the big boss. "How can he compare?"

From his point of view, no matter how Yang Qi competes with the big boss, he will be a complete loser.

The big boss said: "Stop talking nonsense, I don't want to compete with Yang Qi."

The previous seniors have all become Yang Qi's defeated opponents, is this a joke?

I saw their embarrassment in my eyes, and I really didn't want myself to be one of them.

It's better to make yourself look a little face in front of outsiders.

Da Zhang said: "Hey, all of us have had such a precious experience, big boss, it's not a bad thing for you to come once, isn't it, just to let your Chen Fei see clearly why Yang Qi is the leader. "

Fade Chen stood there, a little impatient: "Let's not talk about this first, what about my son, isn't it because my son caused trouble that you called me so late? Where is he, I will teach him a lesson."

I can understand the big boss's thoughts. If my son brings bad things to his work, I will definitely punish him.

It's one thing to hate Yang Qi, but you can't do something bad to this planet just because you hate him.

That was what I hated the most.

But my son is one of those people who did this, and I have to give him the biggest punishment in life 067, which he will never forget in his life.

Li Qing said: "Your son was locked up by us."

Fade Chen paused and frowned: "What did he do, you release him and I will punish you.

No matter how you say it, you won't be put in prison directly, isn't this a big deal.

Yang Qi said: "Your son sneaked into our forbidden area in the middle of the night and tried to discover the contents of the base alone. This has seriously violated our bottom line. To be honest, even if you execute him on the spot, you can't say anything."

Can only endure.

When I gave the order, I said that as long as outsiders enter this forbidden area, they will be executed on the spot.

This is not just talking about it, and the first person who came in has already punished them in front of this group of people.

This is killing chickens to warn monkeys, but Chen Fei's son dares to do this, whose nerve is he trying to challenge?

Li Qing said: "Fade Chen, we are good brothers, you have told me more than once that your son's autism is very serious, but the Chen Yu we saw is not what you said. "

That child simply looks like an extremist, including the way he speaks is in a very inexplicable state.

This kind of person doesn't seem to be called lonely. .

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