Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 421: Be Honest

Yang Qi said: "There is no doubt, the power of the No. 1 Great Elder belongs to me, and now he represents me.

He didn't show up much outside, but the No. 1 Great Elder has already mastered a large group of consultations.

The No. 1 elder said, "Inevitable, my men now have eight thousand if not ten thousand."

It can be said so bluntly.

Lin Hao said: "You are crazier than me when I first saw you."

When he came here, he dared to say anything, just held his head up and looked disdainful.

The current No. 1 Great Elder is almost the same.

The No. 1 Great Elder shook his head: "This is still not as good as you. If you are compared with you, then I guess the strength should be soaring to the sky."

Yang Qi said with a smile: "So the meaning of these words is that you, Lin Hao, have no strength and still pretend to be aggressive. You pretend to be "Three Nine Zero", and you can't even learn the No. 1 elder."

Indeed, when he came in, they thought how big his background was.

It turned out to be just a small member of a club.

Lin Hao said: "Then what's the matter, isn't the club amazing? As a member of the club, this is something that others can't even envy."

In the club, there were many outsiders who wanted to join, but they were expressly forbidden by them.

That is, outsiders are not allowed to join their clubs.

Similar to tribes, their place is only enjoyed by their own people.

Yang Qi said: "If you open it to the outside world, I am afraid that the current club will be wiped out by me long ago.

Opening up to the outside world is tantamount to openly opposing him.

After receiving all the people into their hands, two sub-powers were formed.

Once this kind of power is compared, the planet will not be in chaos.

Li Qing said: "That's why you should be glad that you didn't make that wrong decision back then."

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows: "Hehe, it seems that there are some unknown decisions in this tribe that haven't been made yet.

As far as Li Qing's words are concerned, they may have a secret intention to expand their clan.

The patriarch coughed lightly: "At the beginning, the idea was flashed, but it was only limited to a discussion stage. Because of the back and forth migration, the camp of our clan has become a little smaller."

So I was thinking, whether it is better to expand the whole place, and then add some outsiders to carry forward their clan.

Yang Qi said: "Why didn't you do that in the end?"

This decision has been made, but it would be a bit of a loss if it is not made.

Sometimes once an idea comes out, it is difficult to really want to change it.

The main reason is that the checkpoint in my heart is impossible to pass.

If you don't make it, you will always be unwilling to come down.

The patriarch said: "Just be the same as the old king. If you think that increasing the number of people in your camp is tantamount to going against you, think about it and give up."

She still wishes she could be more honest.

Yang Qi said: "It's okay for you to expand the number of people. You can do whatever you want after I really get my name out, but now people's hearts are not stable. It's okay to stop for a while.

Otherwise, it will be divided into several groups of forces.

It would be exhausting to win them back one by one.

Li Qing said: "Then when do you want to publicize your reputation and the heroic deeds you have done?

It has been more than a year in the planet, and Yang Qi has been doing things in obscurity.

It should also be a time to go out and promote yourself.

Yang Qi said: "After returning from other planets, I want to see if the next planet wants to start a war with us, or is unity and peace the priority.

If it is really necessary to fight, then after the fight is over, I will reveal my identity and image.

If you don't fight, then you can just talk about it when people move here.

Wei Ji said: "The arrangement is very complete."

Yang Qi said with a smile: "If it is not complete, it will make mistakes in one of the programs. After all, it must be rounded and every possibility should be considered."

Whether it is a failure or a success, the final solution has been discussed, and this is the perfect solution.

Lin Hao said, "What are you going to do on the next planet?"

I haven't heard of this explanation yet.

But inexplicable seems to be a not too small preparation mode.

Yang Qi said: "Didn't I tell you this?"

Li Qing said: "I didn't tell him, I just told Fade Chen, when he came in, we had a small discussion about the progress of this planet.

Therefore, Chen Fei's image is relatively perfect in their hearts.

Chen Fei said: "Well, but I don't agree with Yang Qi's decision.

He always felt that sometimes reason is not used in this respect.

It's really better to fight once, and then everyone will be lighter.

Yang Qi said: "Disagreeing also requires us to perceive and try positively.

Peace must be more important than war, right?

You can't fight for the sake of fighting, but just rush forward for the future.

In the end, the other party must not be the only one who was injured.

The current planet F is in the stage of being torn apart, but it was compatriots at the beginning.

At least you have to keep your compatriots to protect them.

Li Qing said: "Hey, it suddenly occurred to me that most of the people on this planet are our own people, so there is no phenomenon of xenophobia. What if most people in other planets are foreigners."

Those who are really wronged are really their own family members.

Yang Qi hummed: "This is also what I'm considering, when we can gather all our family members on one planet."

This can avoid the possibility of your family members being wronged on other planets.

Chen Fei said: "It's too difficult, I don't need to say what kind of scene it is.

It is easy to split, but it is as difficult as the sky to reunite. 1.6

The chance of success is within one percent.

Yang Qi said: "Let's go step by step, the real difficulty is that if we don't move, if we don't do it, then difficulties will always stand in front of us.

But if you really set out to do it, there will be no difficulty.

The patriarch said: "Well, as long as you start to do it, I believe everything can be untied head-on."

There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain.

She believed in Yang Qi's ability and strength.

Fade Chen said: "When I go to other planets, can I go with me?

Yang Qi looked at Fade Chen: "Aren't you resisting my actions?"

If you resist, you shouldn’t follow. It’s enough to stay on this planet and do everything you should do.

Fade Chen said: "If we go together, I will have a ruler in my heart to see what the result will be."

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