Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 425: The Mysterious Secret Realm

So this club has become a chat between them.

Yang Qi said: "No. 1 Great Elder, do you know that their gate has been closed?"

If he knew how good it would be to tell himself earlier, he would definitely ask Lao Wang about his experience that day.

The No. 1 elder said: "I must know that the door is closed."

However, the reason for closing the door was not linked to this mysterious incident.

Fade Chen said: "Tomorrow I will also go to the club."

I am still hesitating, if I want to give my son more space, I won't go to him in person.

But if I don't look for it now, I can't hold back my heart.

Li Qing said: "Hey, it made all of us a little excited.

This in itself is a serious question.

Even how to communicate and communicate in the club tomorrow is something they struggled with "four four three" along the way.

I'm afraid what will happen if people don't welcome them.

If you can't be rough, then you won't be able to meet interesting things.

So everything may make them walk back with an unhappy face.

Now, just focusing on this little supernatural event is enough to make them have fun.

Yang Qi looked at Li Qing amusedly: "It's interesting that you want to go to the club together."

Before this, he was afraid that his eyes were full and he didn't want to go there.

Li Qing said: "You also know my hehe, the kind who doesn't want to chat with too many strangers.

But this time I went to other people's clubs to talk to each other.

Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

So, if there is one more thing worth looking forward to, going to the club will not be so embarrassing for me.

Yang Qi said: "I didn't see how much you don't like chatting with strangers. When Fade Chen first came, it seemed that you were the one who talked to him the most."

He was afraid that he might have misunderstood himself.

It's kind of cute too.

Li Qing coughed lightly: "What, Fade Chen, we are not real strangers, we were called old friends in our small clan back then.

This chatting is called a proficiency.

Moreover, Fade Chen is an old man to himself, so when chatting with him, he won't feel boring, and he doesn't need to find topics or anything.

This makes children and youths who worry too much relax a lot.

Fade Chen said: "That's right, I lived in his tribe for at least half a year, Yang Qi, let me tell you, after we all stabilize and live in peace, you must build such a small village.

Absolutely beautiful, absolutely heart-warming.

Yang Qi said: "Do you like the scenery so much?"

Now here is actually almost a representative of quietness, but there are fewer trees.

Chen Fei said: "The main reason is that there are a lot of green plants, and although there are more mosquitoes, some herbs can be used to fight against them, so what we feel is the natural fragrance of the leaves."

After a lap, I feel that my soul has been purified.

Yang Qi said: "If we can have a lot of green plants here, don't worry about your suggestion, I will also get more."

Because trees are always specimens of people's survival.

As long as there are trees, it proves that there is no shortage of water resources and civil engineering.

Their lives are almost colorful.

Li Qing said: "Hey, I'm really looking forward to that day, I don't know when our trees will grow into big trees like the sky.

Then the entire planet is shrouded, and it becomes the main planet of a large forest.

Yang Qi said: "We will continue to study how to make trees grow quickly and other items such as nutrient solution, I believe that day will not be too far away.

Sometimes as long as you keep researching, the final result will not be bad.

Li Qing said: "Hey, let's hope that day will come sooner."

He and the patriarch belong to the birth of nature.

The last thing they can leave is everything in nature.

Although they have been overthrown now because there is nothing left, their highest pursuit is still the original environment.

As long as the original scene can be perfectly replicated here, this is their biggest dream.

The patriarch said: "Although time passes quickly, we are not without gains. One day, what we want will become what we have in our hands......

Li Qing said: "Hey, that's inevitable, but I'm wondering what the scene will be where this old Wang lost his way."

Since they were lost, they must have disappeared to a place that did not belong to their territory.

So what happened to Jin at the other mysterious scene?

Yang Qi said: "It's true, old Wang, if I tell you about it, it won't cause much panic."

Sometimes hiding it makes people want to know the result even more.

If you speak frankly, maybe the talk will be over.

Lin Hao said: "Old Wang himself is a person who is willing to confide in anything, probably this time, the picture is beyond his tolerance, and he feels that it is difficult for us to accept it.

That picture, it is very likely that it is really not very beautiful.

Yang Qi said: "This is the endurance of atheists. They don't necessarily see things that are dark, but they are really lost in a field that they are completely unfamiliar with, so it leads to panic."

In fact, the opposite is not necessarily an unacceptable species.

Li Qing said: "When Yang Qi speaks, he is a step ahead of us."

It seemed that if he wanted to say something, he would have to say that Pharaoh was probably scared to death.

But when Yang Qi said this, it seemed that all the pictures on the opposite side had been beautified.

Yang Qi said: "In the face of the unknown, we should never make him think a little bit more scary, because in the end it's just 0.3 deceiving himself and others, and fooling himself.

After arriving at that place, even if it doesn't scare people, it will scare oneself.

Why bother, it's better to relax your normal mind and accept and tolerate everything.

He couldn't believe it anymore, could there really be some demons waiting for them there?

Yang Qi continued: "There is a reason for me to say that. Thinking about it, it's really dangerous. I'm afraid I'm going to hide my life somewhere."

There was no chance of coming out at all.

This is when he came out, and then he fell into a daze, but there were no wounds on his body, and he didn't feel weak.

This means he is healthy and safe.

Then it can only be said that he has entered another space, and this space is not necessarily full of strange things. .

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