Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 444: Explosion

Even if it is thrown out of the club, the houses and people in the vicinity will suffer.

So Yang Qi can only choose the sky.

"At Yang Qi's speed, in just a few seconds, he has already flown very high.

Explosion!" As the robot counted to one, the next moment, a violent explosion sounded suddenly, and the brilliant light covered the entire sky, which looked very beautiful.

But no one can understand the danger in this.

Behind the seemingly gorgeous appearance, it was Yang Qi who dragged the robot up into the sky alone.

"Yang Qi!" Lin Hao roared. He followed Yang Qi and ran out of the club. Looking up to the sky, he happened to see the scene of the explosion.

Even at such a distance, you can still feel the intensity of the explosion.

This is simply ~ devastating disaster.

If the explosion just happened inside the club, it would be unimaginable that the whole club would be reduced to ashes in an instant, and no one could survive.

But now it is obvious that Yang Qi resolved the crisis, but he himself did not know whether he was alive or dead, and everyone reacted.

Walking out of the club, looking towards the sky, pieces of tiny iron pieces shattered by the explosion in the sky fell down.

The iron piece is not big, and it just feels a little bumpy when it hits the person, and it doesn't hurt.

Even the iron has been blown up like this, Yang Qi's situation is unknown, and they can't go up to such a high sky.

On the other side, far away, on another planet.

In a secret room, many people's faces were not very good-looking. Looking at the bright light on the big screen in front of them, they could vaguely see a little shadow on the ground.

That picture is what the club looks like when viewed from high above the ground.

These people are the makers of robot bombs and the controllers of this planet. Everything that happens in this club is done by them.

However, the last scene was not what they wanted to see. They didn't expect someone to react so quickly and bring the robot bomb into the sky.

The robot bomb exploded directly in the sky. Although the man must have been blown to pieces in their hearts, it didn't achieve what they wanted.

"Damn it, how can you react so fast." A person angrily smashed the console, which was full of high-tech computers and equipment.

If Yang Qi sees this kind of technology, he will definitely be surprised.

"When he killed the robot just now, he was wearing a mask, so he couldn't see clearly, but he should be dead too. It is impossible to survive such a high-intensity explosion."

A woman was smoking a cigarette and puffing out clouds of smoke, but several men looked at her with extreme fear. Even if they were not very sensitive to the smoke, no one dared to speak.

It is worthy of killing such a person. Judging by the reaction and speed just now, it is far beyond ordinary people. said another.

"Maybe, this is just a small mistake in our plan, don't worry, take your time." The woman exhaled smoke again, then got up and walked out of the secret room

Naturally, Yang Qi couldn't be killed so easily. In fact, the camera on the robot was also exposed at the moment the self-explosion program started.

Yang Qi deliberately used the dead angle of the camera to avoid shooting, and at the last second, he threw the robot far away.

Although it was affected a little in the end, it was not a big problem, and there was still a mecha protecting him.


Now he doesn't know what's going on, the sudden appearance of the robot, he originally thought it was made by someone insane.

But when he saw the camera and the self-detonation program, he knew that the matter was not simple, but he didn't know how to check it, and the robot self-detonation.

"By the way, the energy source." Yang Qi remembered the energy source he tore off from the robot earlier, and that thing should be able to find something.

But now it is estimated that they all thought he was dead, and they didn't know if they had any eyeliner, so Yang Qi flew a little farther and found a place to land.


Putting away the mech, Yang Qi carefully looked around, and then walked to the crowded street.

Because of the explosion just now, everyone in a radius of a hundred miles was shocked, and everyone looked up at the sky, not knowing what happened.

Yang Qi doesn't care about these now, he has to go back to the club quickly and get that thing back.

Lin Hao was still at the gate of the club, looking at the sky. It had been so long, Yang Qi hadn't come down yet, thinking that something had really happened, and he was extremely sad.

I didn't see anything, and I thought Yang Qi's body was gone, so I was even more sad.

"You died so badly, you died, how can I explain to the common people, I am a sinner." Lin Hao shouted extremely sadly.

Lao Wang came over, patted Lin Hao on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry, Yang Qi is not an ordinary person, so he couldn't die so easily."

"Didn't you see how strong the explosion was just now? Can this survive?" Lin Hao didn't believe Lao Wang's comfort.

"Why, you kid still expect me to die, right?"

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