Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 463: Barbie Shell

Before, Yang Qi couldn't move forward at all, but now he swaggered and walked in front of them, and he seemed to have a kind of arrogance.

Even inside the spaceship, one can feel his arrogance.

To be honest, Yang Qi is really very arrogant now, and extremely proud, because just now that hanging hair dared to open fire.

If the spaceship in front hadn't appeared in time, and the sound stopped it in time, then those shit spaceships would explode~.

You read that right, those spaceships - going to explode.

Although the guns of those spaceships look quite ferocious and violent, it is possible that Yang Qi's space-time shuttle will explode.

Although this is Fang Ming's proud work, if he is really beaten to pieces by them, then Yang Qi will never tolerate it and will definitely fight back.

These shitty spaceships look very high-level, but, will Yang Qi be afraid? Who is he, just kidding, really angered him, and wiped them all out.

I'm not kidding, just these scumbags, each of them looks like a cowhide, and when they really fight, they can't resist Yang Qi's two hits.

Now they are all looking at Yang Qi's space-time shuttle passing by, as if they can all see Yang Qi's proud face.

Yang Qi's space-time shuttle seems to be of a different kind. Here, it is incompatible with the environment here. There are all spaceships here, which are Yang Qi's ten space-time shuttles.

To be honest, although Yang Qi didn't notice these spaceships, Yang Qi's space-time shuttle seemed a bit crude compared to them.

And it's not just a general leak, it's quite a leak, but it doesn't matter.

The corner of Yang Qi's mouth raised an incomprehensible smile. Although he couldn't compare with them on the spaceship, he was not necessarily inferior to them in shrinking the ball.

When he went out, he brought a few special shrink balls, which can be scaled to hold five such spaceships, so now he knows what Yang Qi is thinking.

Although it seems that they all belong to the planet Bala now, but soon these will appear on the earth.

Yang Qi thought carefully in his heart, these people from planet Bala naturally didn't know, and, they wouldn't know, Yang Qi would only do it secretly when he was leaving.

Then, following the spaceship in front, Yang Qi's space-time shuttle was unimpeded, and followed directly to the surface of the planet.

The spaceship in front stopped, so Yang Qi controlled his space-time shuttle also stopped.

Then, a person stepped down from the spaceship in front, wearing a special spaceship suit, which seemed to have a special effect.

The person who came down was the one who made the sound earlier. Depending on his age, Sitian looked like he was about to be a year old.

Of course, this is relative to the age of the earth, but I don’t know how old this place is compared to the planet Barra.

The Baracks look no different from ordinary humans, except that they have an extra pair of ears on their heads.

The first pair of ears is no different from ordinary people, but the second pair of ears is somewhat different, and the difference is not as big as usual.

These special ears are on top of the ordinary ears, and they have almost grown to the top of the head.

The ear is not stretched out, but curled up. It is not so much an ear as a tumor, and it really feels like a tumor.

It looks kind of ugly.

"Don't underestimate those ears. With these ears, people on Bala can distinguish things that many people on Earth cannot.


The sound of the system sounded at the right time, answering the doubts in Yang Qi's heart.

"It's still possible to do this, isn't it equivalent to the tentacles of some animals?" Yang Qi nodded, a little surprised, and then asked again.

The system answered in the affirmative: "Almost, but some abilities are stronger."

Yang Qi nodded, and then saw the Balak man walking in his direction.

There was still a little smile on the face of the Barak man, and he looked very kind, but he was blocked outside the planet Bara just now.


He doesn't have much affection for Barak, but this person stopped those people just now, so there is no hostility.

The man walked up to the space-time shuttle, and then waved at him, probably to let him go down.

Yang Qi didn't resist, and directly opened the door of the time travel machine, and then, after the ladder stretched out, he walked down.

"Bala, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!" Yang Qi naturally couldn't understand, but the system translated it for him.

"Welcome to the beautiful planet Bala."

Yang Qi nodded and smiled, although he didn't know why he was so friendly to him, but he didn't relax his vigilance.

"I'm Barbie Shell, the leader of this line of defense." Barack introduced himself with a smile.

Yang Qi nodded again, asked the system to translate what he wanted to say, and then said it.

That strange tone: "Hi, I'm Yang Qi, the leader of the earth. I was invited to register the information of the earth here, and I'm also one of the members of the Star Alliance."

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