Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 500: Leaving With Purpose

"Then if you have any problems in this area, you can tell me, maybe I will be able to provide you with some solutions.

Yang Qi's eyes were too sincere, as if he was really thinking about these people.

But if you can think about it carefully, you will realize whether this is their original intention after all.

"We don't need your help, we just need you to leave this planet as soon as possible, because you should know that the longer you stay in this place, you will be easily assimilated by our people, and even make some things that make your brain uncontrollable thing.~"

Some high-tech seems to be relatively complicated, but after entering the human body, it will become more and more strange, and even only shoot your brain. Such a behavior is extremely terrifying.

Yang Qi thought about it, and what he said was indeed correct, but now he didn’t want to just leave a planet casually like this, and the experiment he did back then was not completely over [Zhan Zhi has a large part of the reason for this person. .

"What you said will definitely make me feel very moved, but what I want to say is that my purpose has never been to engage in design, but to do more..."

Yang Qi straight to the point once again emphasized everything he wanted, and then wanted the other party to give him a chance to explain, not to mention whether there was much doubt in the end.

But at the very least, he must let him know whether there are any mistakes in what he did, and whether it will make people have some more doubts.

"Then you can talk about why you want to stay on this planet. If you give me a few convincing reasons, then I will let you continue to stay. If not, leave as soon as possible."

The other party ordered him to be expelled directly.

It's not that he doesn't care about his ability, but that he feels the internal chaos and cannot let outsiders know too much. Besides, no matter how powerful outsiders are, after they really control some of their internal political structures, will they let them know? Some systems are changing directly.

This kind of behavior is very crazy when you think about it. Whether it is a person or a thing, anyone who can penetrate a little bit of it may make himself very greedy. Even if there are some outsiders, they may be very greedy for this kind of thing. Very disinterested, but if you live in it gradually, you will understand after a long time, not everyone can resist the temptation.

"What I want to say is that the alien planet you mentioned will soon have a face-to-face collision with your planet. If possible, I need to enter their planet at this right time."

The purpose of Yang Qi is very simple, that is to continue research on another planet with a certain design, not all planets can survive in a short period of time, since they want to avoid it, they should avoid it for a lifetime .

Don't show up again in a short time, it will make him feel very scary, and even have some doubts.

"Reason? Your behavior makes me wonder if you stole something from us, otherwise why do you have to go to another planet? Isn't it right for you to go back to your original place?"

The person in charge once again questioned Yang Qicheng and expressed his denial of some of his actions.

In fact, if you understand it from an objective perspective, Yang Qi is indeed a little weird, including the requests he made will make the other party have some guesses at different levels.

...seek *flowers ¥tt………………

Not everyone can gain the trust of others, he must have a certain ability [there are many, many inferiorities.

"I know what you are doubting now, but I want to tell you the truth that things that she thinks you don't care about will always appear suddenly by your side, if you really want to believe it, just listen to me Just once, I will definitely give you a higher level of experience."

Yang Qi once again talked about some of his own views on this matter. The design he took away was not designed for only one planet, but for many planets. To survive, if not, he couldn't bring back some facilities that were not prepared.

The place where Yang Qi originally lived has become somewhat empty, and even a huge crisis has occurred. All he has to do now is to build his own home. Although it may be said that a lot of sacrifices may be made in the process, and even many people may not understand.

"I don't know how you think about how to build a home, how much energy and ability it takes, but I think I must be one in my lifetime. At the very least, I must understand that I am a home that I live in. guard."

Yang Qi spoke an impassioned speech, and in an instant the man in front of him had tears in his eyes.

If there were still some guesses before, now I just feel guilty for some of my dirty thoughts. .

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