Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 509: Danger Arrives

"I see.

Yang Qi closed his eyes, he doesn't want to think about this matter now, because there will definitely be a large number of people coming to deal with it later, and the planetary commander will come to comfort him at that time.

In fact, the heart is very complicated, because such a state cannot only exist for a period of time, it is very likely that it will happen all the time, and once more and more are involved, they may really not be able to stay in this place for too long. long.

"Are you all right? There are some critical conditions outside, I'll come over here quickly to see if you are injured, if not, it would be great."

That person is really very responsible, he clearly understands that the whole planet is smoking, a big accident, but he can still appear in front of Yang Qi without changing his face, which shows that his inner fire is really very angry It is really powerful to be a person with good enough leadership ability.

"I'm fine. It's just that the voices outside sound very scary. Why don't you go and deal with it quickly. After all, this is the problem of your entire planet, and it cannot be completely solved by you alone."

Yang Qi thought for a while and emphasized to him that the situation is serious.

Those people and things that seem to be indifferent will one day become more and more deviated from the main direction.

But if you really look for a choice, the heroine may decide without hesitation. This is not his choice alone, but the choice of many people.

"It's fine."

The other party calmly responded, in fact, there was a lot of sweat on his forehead, mainly because he was worried about the safety of the entire people, and the other party seemed to be very well prepared for such an attack.

There has never been such a situation before.

But when Yang Qi came to their planet, someone intentionally bumped into it. Could it be that they were brought in by Yang Qi?

"Tomorrow you may encounter some questioning, and then you should say that you know what you know, and don't be put off by their intimidating voices. After all, it is not a good thing to be tortured."

This leader is still relatively friendly to Yang Qi, because he believes from the bottom of his heart that Yang Qi is definitely not a person who will endanger their planet. Maybe he just came here to seek strategic cooperation. She is the special direction that the spaceship hopes for this time. strangeness. And it is very close to where Yang Qi lives.

This caused some high-level people to have deep doubts, and even felt that the cause of all these disasters was caused by Yang Qi alone.

"I know, when this happened, I sensed that there was definitely something wrong with it, and it was going to be mostly in my favor."

Some people always engage in some conspiracy theories, and even think that all the injustice in this world is caused by people they don’t want to see, and they never look for problems on themselves, such behavior Yang Qi It is very denial.

Moreover, for such people doing such things, Yang Qi always showed a kind of disdain, and even sneered a few words coldly (cjbg).

On the second day, many high-level personnel really came to find Yang Qi and took him away directly to a large inquiry room.

"Don't you have anything to do with what happened yesterday? Hurry up and talk about it, so many of us are watching.

Hearing the other party's interrogation voice, Yang Qi's eyes revealed a trace of bad emotion. He especially hated this kind of person, and interrogated himself with the attitude of interrogating a prisoner, besides, he himself was not a prisoner.

Being suspected by others but having no means to explain it, he was really unconvinced by such an operation.

"I don't have any contact with your planet. This time I accidentally fell into this place. I originally thought that I could explore some better things, bring you some benefits, and then allow me to seek opportunities for strategic cooperation. , but now that you think about it, you guys doubt me so much..."

Disdain was revealed in Yang Qi's words, he was still unwilling to accept these unclear stains.

There is no evidence, "Why should he be made to bear these things?

"At the very least, if you want to frame me, you have to show evidence, instead of suddenly appearing, he is here to snatch something that happened for no reason, and it has no direct relationship with me. How can I say something?"

His denial was very clear, and the logic was exceptionally clear.

"How could it have nothing to do with you? Such a bad thing has never happened on our planet before, but your appearance caused great chaos on our entire planet. Could it be said that this has nothing to do with you?"

Oh, there was confusion, and then blamed an outsider.

If something really went wrong, if you don't look for your own internal reasons, just rely on finding someone who doesn't understand anything to shirk responsibility, but it's really a good show.

"I heard that your place is more serious and fair, but now it's all fake."

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