Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 61: Former Zhejiang Grain Bureau! [Seventh Change, Please Customize]

In terms of finding the location, with the help of Jarvis, the location was quickly found. As for the construction of the energy field, it requires the cooperation of Yang Qi and Jarvis. No, it is a cooperation between a person and artificial intelligence .

The Zhejiang Provincial Grain Bureau is not very close or far from Jinhua. If you drive a truck, it may take five or six hours. But fortunately, the car has an artificial intelligence system, with the help of Jarvis , They just need to sit in the car and don't have to worry about anything. Yang Qi put on the Mark 3 and went straight to Zhejiang Province.

"Jarvis, are you sure you're at the Grain Bureau of Zhejiang Province? Why can't I even find the Grain Bureau?" Yang Qi asked curiously in mid-air. Yang Qi went wherever he could, but what? None were found.

"Sir, do you need me to guide you? Five hundred meters ahead, then turn right and you will see it!" Jarvis' voice came. I didn't expect that Jarvis had learned to joke in such a long time. It's an improvement, at least better than the cold and respectful look before.

Anyway, Yang Qi thinks so, Yang Qi is really not used to Jarvis's appearance. Yang Qi flew over directly at 28 in the direction Jarvis pointed. When he saw the sign of the Zhejiang Provincial Grain Bureau on the ground, he was a little confused.

"Jarvis, are you sure this is the Zhejiang Provincial Grain Bureau?"

"Of course, aren't all the signs here?" Jarvis's affirmative voice came, and Yang Qi's face was covered with black lines. The sign was indeed here. Didn't the grain bureau at that time say it was good for transporting grain? , What is the situation with a brand now, do you want to get this brand back by yourself?????

For this job, Yang Qi mobilized 100 truck drivers and 50 Mark 38 Iron Man suits. He didn't expect that they all arrived at the destination, only to find that there was only one brand. ?

"Sir, the Grain Bureau is here."

Jarvis' voice came from inside the Mark 38 suit, and Yang Qi became excited instantly, without saying anything, he directly built a vibrating gold energy field in this place.

The people next to him looked at Yang Qi curiously. They knew about the vibrating gold energy field, but they really didn't know how to build it. Now they are full of good ministers.

When they saw a gigantic object rising up, everyone shouted with surprised expressions. They didn't expect such a huge energy field, and the whole process of building it was so simple.

Yang Qi came out of Mark 38, not cold at all, and greeted everyone.

According to the position provided by Jarvis, everyone began to get busy.

The environment at the scene was really not very good. There was ice all around. Although the temperature at the scene had returned to normal, the place had been frozen for too long, and the ice cubes at the scene had no intention of melting at all.

How powerful is the Mark 38? With a strength of 100 tons, it quickly found the frozen food.

When everyone came to the food, they gasped. This scene was really shocking.

These grains are transported, depending on the situation, they are transported by trucks, and they are packaged in special sealed cans.

Unexpectedly, the five hooligans were already prepared at that time, and there should be a lot of food below, enough for them to last for a while.

It must have been dire.

From the expressions on their faces, it can be seen that their condition at that time was better than now, and it was not so cold.

As for why it is frozen here, it may be because of the tsunami method, these people have no ability to resist.

It may be because of the earth that the temperature here suddenly dropped. These drivers did not react and were directly frozen.

Coupled with the sudden collapse of the nearby building, this is the current situation.

The situation should be like this. After such a long time, it is impossible for the five gangsters to not know about this place. It's just that saving these people really needs a lot of financial and material resources, so the five gangsters gave up.

Yang Qi doesn't know how to describe his current mood. These drivers are also poor people. They were first frozen and then covered by buildings. It can be said that they are very pitiful.

"They should have survived!"

"Maybe it's for the survival of more people in the dungeon that they became what they are now.

"I didn't expect that no one came to rescue them."

The people around were discussing in low voices, and Yang Qi heard them all. For various reasons, these five hooligans stayed here forever, which is also a pitiful person.

If it wasn't for Jarvis, Yang Qi probably wouldn't have found this place, and he didn't know how long they would be frozen here.

However, since you have discovered it by yourself, then you will be liberated.

Yang Qi thought respectfully, Yang Qi will take care of the things that the five gangsters don't care about.

Speaking of it now, the strength of Yang Qi's biosphere is much greater than that of the five hooligans, but there are fewer people, which is the main reason why they were discovered by online comparisons.

If the numbers of the two sides were equal, then there would not be so many problems.

"President, what shall we do next?"

A person came forward and smelled it curiously.

Hearing this, Yang Qi showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and he didn't know how long it had been frozen here.

Although there is a special compartment, after such a long time, I don’t know if it has been completely frozen. If it is frozen, it may be a waste of time to get it out so rashly. The layout for such a long time will be completely lost. wasted.

"Let's warm it up first, and we'll start again when the ice on the car melts."

This is also the best way Yang Qi can think of at the moment.

The staff listened, found a place, and wanted to expand it, and increase the heating speed by the way.

"Jarvis, do you have anything better to do?"

Yang Qi asked lightly.

"Sir, just do as you say." Jarvis' voice came. Yang Qi nodded, seeing that Jarvis had no better solution at present.

Turning around to look at these ice cubes, it has been frozen for such a long time, and I don't know how long it will take to melt.

It seems that there are still many things to be busy, and now the vibration gold energy field has been completed and can start working.

The vibration gold energy field has also been set up, and the Ark reactor has also been placed inside. If there is no accident, it may take a day before they can do it. .

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