Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 67: Eating, The Most Extravagant Wish Of Wandering The Earth! [Second Update, Please Customi

The survivors who came back from the rescue didn’t care about Chen Qiuye, they all wanted to look at the entrance of the biosphere. They didn’t see what Liang was. Anyway, they saw a lot of planners, much more than when they came back. It contains food.

"President, is there food in it?" Someone shouted in the crowd!

After Yang Qi got out of the car, he looked at the situation in front of him, and said calmly: "Help Lao Chen up first, Jarvis, give Lao Chen a full body check!"

When Yang Qi finished speaking, they realized that Chen Qiuye had fainted, and hurriedly helped Chen Qiuye up.

Everyone was surprised. They didn't eat anything for three whole days because of Yang Qi's words. In their opinion, this was no different from a fool.

"Send Lao Chen some food!"

Yang Qi didn't tell them how much food they had, but just told them to work.

When Chen Qiuye's matter was settled, everyone looked at Yang Qi eagerly.

"I know what you want to ask, and I'll tell you now, have you seen those cars behind them, they are full of grain, a total of 600 million catties, enough for you to eat for more than two thousand years!!!!"

Yang Qi is not very loud, but everyone can hear it.

Everyone froze in place. They didn't expect Yang Qi to bring back so much food. This was something they didn't expect. They thought Song was bringing back the sun.

Some people have been crying, after such a long time, finally able to eat again!

"President, you are a good person!"

"I'm so sorry for what I did the other day!"



These words echoed throughout the biosphere, and Yang Qi just stood there looking at them, not stepping forward to stop them.

Just looking at them so indifferently, I learned from Chen Qiuye that these people are really too much, do they have to behave like this every time they encounter some emergencies?

After half an hour, the sound of the scene gradually faded away.

"You really should say sorry to me!"

When Yang Qi's voice came, everyone lowered their heads, and no one dared to look at Yang Ji.

"I'm looking for food for you outside. Do you know how much manpower we have spent in order to find this food? You are good enough to do things for me here. Although what happened to Lao Chen was not directly caused by you, it has something to do with you of."

Yang Qi said lightly, after finishing speaking, he just watched them quietly, now it is necessary to give them a good lesson.

"What you did this time is really too much. I went outside for so long to find food for you. These things will be resolved, but your performance really disappointed me, quite disappointed."

A small voice came from below. If you listen carefully, you can hear the three words "I'm sorry!" Now they really don't know what else to say besides sorry.

"Now that the food has been found, it is still enough for you to eat for more than two thousand years. Now you should rest assured, and I understand you, but I still have to say one thing. Since I am here, I will definitely not appear to make you hungry." In case of death, unload the food now!!!”

Yang Qi said with a smile, can't the atmosphere always be so awkward!

In an instant, all the men rushed forward to help, fearing that they would have less to do. Through this incident, they understood a little bit, and they couldn't treat Yang Qi as an ordinary human being. The weather outside is like that now. Yang Qi can get back the food, what kind of ability is this.

Zhang Qing cried loudly at the end of the crowd, the sound made anyone who heard it sad!

Zhang Qing didn't feel anything, she would eat less as a woman, but Zhang Qing still had a child, Zhang Qing couldn't let the child in her stomach starve to death, this is the greatness of a mother.

Now Zhang Qing is crying tears of excitement, enough to eat more than two thousand years of food, Zhang Qing can also watch her son thrive.

Not long ago, the memory of hunger still reminded them all the time, living a life of eating dried earthworms every day, they really didn’t want to experience that kind of life again, and it turned out to be what they are now, but now it’s all over, before That kind of life will not come again, and their lives will return to normal.

"I'll go! Look! Quick-frozen dumplings!!!"

One person shouted loudly, and a group of people came around in an instant. They all forgot when was the last time they ate dumplings. It seemed to be many years ago. As for the taste of dumplings, many people have already forgotten all of them.

Yang Qi looked at them like this, even went on the road to blow a smile, Yang Qi knew about these dumplings, nothing else, this thing is enough!!!!

Now that there is so much food, with two thousand years of food, Yang Qi doesn't know if he can live for two thousand years, but now enough is enough to eat. To put it bluntly, people like them don't have to worry about food shortages before they die. , Even if they want to hold on to death, they can satisfy them.

Yang Qi also saves money by exchanging with the system, which can save a lot of points. It’s very cool to think about it. This half of the evil karma can be regarded as a disguised form to earn a lot of points.

If there is so much food, it is impossible to rely on manpower for all of it, and no one knows when it will be done.

Just one truck was unloaded, and all the rest were put into the warehouse of the biosphere. Don't underestimate this truck, even this truck is enough for them to eat for a while, not to mention, there is so much food in the warehouse Well, I have a bottom in my heart and am not afraid.

Fortunately, the warehouse is big enough. It may be something that the system has thought about in advance. After putting all the food in, there is still room for a lot of things.

"Haha.....Now I finally don't have to worry about food!!!"

"is not that right!!!"

The two old men hugged each other and cried. This kind of thing happens to many people. Only when they lose it can they realize the importance of this thing. They have lived enough of the previous life, and now it has been more than two thousand years Let them eat the fresh food, and the mood becomes beautiful in an instant.

Thinking about what they did before, everyone had a regretful expression on their faces, and hurried to find someone to apologize and say sorry.

Things like this happened in every corner of the biosphere and the factory, and the situation in the biosphere finally returned to normal. Now no one is worried about this problem, and the atmosphere has become beautiful again!

They have the motivation to work, and now they are so satisfied, as long as they can eat enough, they don't worry about other problems at all.

[Sorry, the food in the car should be 300,000 tons, I didn't pay attention when writing it, it has been revised!].

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