Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 70: The Ice And Snow Melt, Rescue Begins! [The First Change, Please Customize]

"What's not simple?" Liu Weihan asked curiously.

Because Chen Qiuye's voice is not low, everyone next to him can hear it. At this time, everyone looked at Chen Qiuye, waiting for Chen Qiuye to give them a reasonable explanation, why they could see the sun, why did they become a person when they came to Chen Qiuye? Isn't that a good thing?

"Three months later, you will be able to see each other, but don't forget what time it is now. When we see the sun, it means that we will really usher in the time of wandering. From then on, we will never see each other again in two thousand years. To the sun." Yang Qi's voice came.

Everyone froze in place.

Yes! Now is the time to wander the earth. Seeing the sun means that danger is coming. This is the last time they will see the sun!

"Don't be so desperate. After seeing the sun, all survivors will definitely come out. These three months are when we will go all out. The trucks, the stability of the biosphere, all of these have to be processed, etc. To ensure the safety of our lives when the time comes, we will start working immediately.”

Yang Qi waved his hand, and everyone went to work. Although it was the last time to see the sun, they didn't want their lives to be the same as the sun, and it was the last time.

Everyone was busy. Liu Weihan and Lao Li hurriedly went to study the planting area of ​​the ice orange fruit. Chen Qiuye was like a gold brick, moving wherever needed. As for Yang Wei, he set off with the rescue team.

One more person equals more power. This sentence can be used at any time, not to mention such a critical moment now.

This is the case every day, no one knows how long they have worked, and they only take a break when they can't hold on, and put themselves into work immediately after waking up.

It's not easy for Yang Qi these days, he's on-site commanding every day, looking for deficiencies, this is related to the lives of more than 1,000 people in the biosphere, so I don't dare to make any loopholes in this place

Three months have passed quickly, and the biosphere, residential areas, vibration gold mines, automobile factories, all these things have been stabilized, and vibration gold energy fields have been arranged in every place, and now they have all been opened.

The stability is also very good, as long as the sky is not falling, all the vibrating energy can be carried down.

Yang Qi stood at the top of the biosphere, looked at some introductions on the screen, and smiled on his face. Now everyone's life is guaranteed, and there is no need to worry when danger comes.

Today, everyone is very excited, because tomorrow is the time to see the sun, and everyone feels that the weather has become warmer now, and they can see a little sunshine from the sky.

The 1,200 people in the entire biosphere all shed tears. This was the last time they saw the sun. Some people took a video camera to record this scene. This thing is definitely worth collecting in the future.

If we want to talk about where the camera was obtained, we have to talk about what happened a few months ago. It was Yang Wei who specifically found Yang Qi, told Yang Qi about the whole thing, and then with the help of Jarvis, he ensured that everyone had There is a camera, these things do not need to be exchanged with the system, you can have as many as you want, and Yang Qi readily agreed.

From now on, they will record the whole process of seeing the sun.

They stayed up all night just to wait for this moment. The long-lost sun shone on them, and the glaring sun rose from outside. Yang Qi had already turned off the artificial sun in the biosphere, and what they saw now was the real sun.

The temperature of the entire biosphere rose sharply, which was the closest they were to the sun.

When seeing the sun, everyone endured the glare of the sun and stared at the sun without blinking. As for the tears flowing from his eyes, he let him flow like that, and no one went up to wipe the tears.

The long-lost warmth has descended on the earth, and the temperature of the earth has suddenly increased. The ice and snow have begun to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the cold has begun to disappear. The earth seems to be rejuvenated, but the only regret is that there is no green on the earth. . As for the creatures in the ocean, they are all dead. As for the people in the dungeon, they can't see this scene anymore.

But that's good too, save Yang Qi to rescue them, this can save a lot of things.

Everyone looked at Yang Qi eagerly.

Yang Qi smiled, and naturally understood what they meant, "Let's get out!"

……ask for flowers…


"Son, I'll take you to see the place where we used to live!"


"Earth, I, Hu Hansan, are back~~~"

How loud are the voices of more than 1,200 people [Now Yang Jian knows.

They swarmed away, and in just 15 minutes, there was no human in the entire biosphere except Yang Qi, and everyone ran outside, as for the cold clothes.

Now the temperature outside is about 40 degrees. In this kind of weather, we need to wear winter clothes. Can't we respect the sun?

Hot!! Very hot!!

This is the first feeling after they come out.

Now the temperature has reached forty-five degrees, and it is even soaring.

Yang Qi looked at the sun in the sky in the biosphere. It has been so long since he traveled to the present. This is the first time he has seen the real sun. The time has not caught up with the time. It is good to see the sun now up.

Outside, the ice and snow on the ground began to melt, the ocean reappeared in front of their eyes, and the frozen building slowly appeared in front of their eyes.

Liu Weihan and Lao Li came to the Yizhuang building, their eyes were slightly red. This is the place where they used to work together. At that time, they were not worried about whether the sun would explode

Didn't expect now...

The children looked outside excitedly. This is the first time they have come to the outside world. The children did not choose the right time and were born in the Shache era. This is not a good thing. As for the things outside the earth, They all feel very novel, they have never seen it before, and they have to ask questions when they see something.

Some young girls frantically took pictures with the camera, unwilling to let go of any corner.

In other places, survivors on the street slowly came out. No one knew that there were so many survivors in this place.

The temperature has now turned to fifty degrees, the man directly took off his clothes, and there was a stream of sweat on his forehead.

Even so, they do not want to return to the biosphere, where they have lived half their lives before starvation. .

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