Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 72: The Number Of People Has Increased Dramatically, Leaving The Sun! [The Third Change, Ple

The number of people in the construction center centered on the biosphere has skyrocketed to more than 8,000.

The rooms in the residential area are almost full, so one can imagine how big this residential area is.

"President, we now have more than 8,000 people. According to Yang Wei's report, there are not many survivors outside, and basically all of them have been rescued!"

Chen Qiuye took his own notebook and said very seriously, Chen Qiuye is very concerned about this matter, even if there is a computer in every room now, Chen Qiuye never uses that thing, saying it is unreliable, if it is lost, it can be It's not good, it's better to write it down by yourself.

Yang Qi sat on a chair and listened to Chen Qiuye's report. More than 8,000 people were not a small number.

"Well~ leave 300 people to maintain the order of the biosphere, you can figure out who they are, and the rest will continue to rescue. We must make sure that there is no survivor outside, and all of them will be brought to our biosphere and residential areas , that's the way to go!" Yang Qi said seriously.

There is an ominous premonition in my heart, and I always feel that the temperature outside seems to have dropped a bit, far from the hot feeling when the sun first came out.

Looking at the sun outside, it seems that 28 will be far away from the sun soon, so I took out my mobile phone and took a picture of the sun, this is also the first picture of Yang Qi today, starting today, I will never see him again It's time for the sun.

In the afternoon, everyone came back, and the temperature outside could also be experienced. Now it was around ten degrees, and everyone was a little sad. This was the last time they saw the sun, and they didn't expect the time to be so short.

But this is enough, at least I saw the sun, and I took a lot of photos outside. Can I keep them as souvenirs in the future? This is the proof of their life outside.

The earth is gradually moving away from the sun, and the temperature drops little by little, reaching a critical point, minus 40 degrees!

The rescued survivors looked at Yang Qi, Chen Qiuye and others very excitedly. If it weren't for them, these survivors would never have thought that they would not see the sun so soon.

Now at least they can see the artificial sun, which is also a comfort to them.

"Sir, just now the coalition government issued an order to fully launch the earth engine in ten minutes, please get ready!"

When Jarvis' voice came, the expression on Yang Qi's face changed, unexpectedly so quickly.

"Old Chen, quickly take them back to the residential area, no one is allowed to come out without my order!"

Yang Qi shouted loudly, everyone was in a mess at this moment, these new survivors didn't know where the residential area was, so they could only wander around like headless chickens, and the scene was a little out of control for a while.

"Quiet, come with me now, otherwise, none of you will survive!!!"

Chen Qiuye yelled loudly with all his strength. He didn't know if the people in the distance heard it, but the people around Chen Qiuye must have heard it anyway.

Followed Chen Qiuye frantically to the residential area. Along the way, there were so many people that they didn't have to walk by themselves. Some people didn't even know how they got to the residential area.

"This is your living area. Go back to your room immediately. There are security measures in your room. Don't come out and run around. Your life is guaranteed here. If you run around and something happens, we will Not responsible at all!!”

Chen Qiuye stood on the spot and shouted loudly. Everyone rushed forward. There was only ten minutes. Now, no one thought about whether Chen Qiuye's words were true or not. Only being in the room could give them a sense of security. They are now Want to go back to the room.

"Countdown now, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!"

As soon as Jarvis finished speaking, the earth trembled for an instant. From the video provided by Jarvis, it could be clearly seen that the earth erupted into a stream of azure blue light.

The earth~~ is fully activated!

The worry on Yang Qi's face became more and more serious. Yang Wei and other members of the rescue team were still outside, and they didn't know if they were safe now.

As everyone knows, the external changes are very serious.

When the earth accelerated at full speed, the entire earth erupted with an earthquake, a strong and powerful earthquake, if Yang Wei and the others were not wearing Mark 3 and could fly in the sky, it would be really hard to say now.

People in the residential area just felt a strong shaking. Many people wanted to run out of the room, but they couldn't open the door, so they could only give up and hide in the room in fear.

But what they imagined didn't happen. The building didn't collapse. You could only feel the shaking in the room. As for the collapse, it was impossible.

Seeing this situation, the survivors in the residential area feel relieved, as long as they don't collapse, they don't want to die here, the sun hasn't seen enough yet!!

Where is the sun outside now? The entire continental plate has been cracked, the huge cracks, and the land has instantly turned into an ocean. If they go out now, they may only have to swim out.

The rescue team outside is pretty good, at least they encountered this situation just after they brought the survivors out, and the survivors in their arms can be said to be the last few.

As for those who have not been found, or are still hidden in the room, Yang Wei has nothing to do now. In this case, everyone in 657 will die. If there is any safe place, it can only be biosphere.

Now that amphibious vehicle is still outside, Yang Wei only hopes that they will be safe.

Yang Qi looked at the screen carefully in the office, and the biosphere also shook slightly, but it was not very strong, just like the aftershock, very slight, if you don't feel it carefully, you can't even feel it.

This is the difference between the products produced by the system and those made by Yang Qi himself, but Yang Qi is already very powerful, a residential area that can accommodate more than 8,000 people, protected by a vibrating gold energy field, as long as the energy is not gone, that residential area is Very safe, Yang Qi is not very worried about them.

The driver and Yang Wei's rescue team haven't come back yet, Yang Qi is worried about this.

On the screen, the earth is slowly leaving the solar system with azure blue airflow, isn't it very fast, the speed visible to the naked eye.


Yang Qi sighed, he will now be able to see the false sun of biology.

But compared to the people in the dungeon, they are much better. They can’t even see the fake sun. What they see every day is the LCD panel outside. Compared to them, Yang Qi at least has a fake sun. Thinking about it this way is much more comfortable up. .

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