Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 85: Lava Eruption, Desperate Dungeon! [The Third Change, Please Customize]

"Jarvis, the rest is up to you!"

Yang Qi said in the nano-suit that there is still such a big bug on his side, so what is there to be afraid of, what worries do you have, the artificial intelligence has already taken care of everything.

How much trouble would this save me?

Jarvis obeyed Yang Qi's advice and changed all the information in the pilot station.

The staff who are cooperating with the government looked at the report from the pilot station, and some couldn't understand it.

"Leader, it seems that the information about the pilot battle was given wrong just now!"

An assistant walked into an office with the materials and said to the person on the chair.

"What's the situation, can you bring it to me to see?"

The leader asked curiously, his face turned red when he saw the situation above.

He slammed the document onto the table.

"What are those people at the pilot station doing? Can you talk nonsense about this kind of thing? What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and call me the rescue team going to Ningbo Dungeon!!!"

The leader said with a hint of anger, the people below have to go to work quickly, this happened in many dungeons.

The pilot station is in full control of their earth's movements. When they learned that Ningbo Dungeon might be in danger, they had already sent all the rescue teams out. Now it's all good. This turned out to be the broadcast of error 117. Why don't you just play with them?

As everyone knows, all of this is made by Yang Qi and Jarvis, a human-artificial intelligence.

They would never have imagined that someone would come up with an artificial intelligence more powerful than Moss, which seemed impossible to them. Moss was produced by scientists from all countries, so how could he be defeated.

At this time, in the Ningbo Underground City, a place decorated by a school, the sound of students attending class can be heard.

"Looking forward, looking forward, spring is here..."

What a strange word spring is to the current elementary school students, so they will never know what spring is in this life.

While the teacher was teaching, suddenly, there was a violent shaking from the whole school, and the teachers didn't pay attention to it. This used to be a frequent problem, but now they seem to be accustomed to it.

It lasted for a full five minutes, and the shaking didn't seem to subside, and it became more and more serious, and the fan on the roof had already fallen for you.

Only then did the teacher realize that something was wrong, and hurriedly organized all the students to run away thinking about leaking. (cibe)

The teacher was about to go out, when a huge boulder suddenly fell from the roof, directly buried the teacher inside, and from under the boulder, meaning blood slowly flowed out.


Some timid female students called out directly.

When they saw the dead, they guessed that it might be an earthquake. In an instant, the scene became a mess, and they ran out of the school one after another.

When they came outside, they were a little shocked to see the scene in front of them.

All the buildings collapsed, leaving only the bottom floor safe and sound, and their home also disappeared in the earthquake.

Everyone stood frantically on the school playground, and all of them jumped over the wall and entered.

Just then, Jarvis' voice came. At this moment, Jarvis' voice had changed, imitating Moss' voice.

"Ningbo Underground City Notice! First, due to the current earthquake in the prison and safety needs, all teachers and students in Ningbo Underground City stopped last night and went to the shelter to take refuge! Second, according to the emergency consultation of the Seismological Bureau, there may be the possibility of magma flowing backwards, everyone please Be sure to make precautionary preparations. Third, do a good job in local stability work. All leaders and cadres must go deep into the grassroots, do a good job of publicizing and explaining the appeasement work, and they are working! We hereby inform you and hope to pass them on to each other!"

Jarvis' voice made everyone in Ningbo Dungeon crazy, especially the sentence that the magma poured into the pit can work, it was like God made a huge joke with them.

They don't have anything to fear from an earthquake, but if the magma pours back, then even if they go to the shelter, it probably won't be of any use.

They don't think they can survive under the magma.

The scene became extremely chaotic. At first, they were just students, but now they are all the people in the entire Ningbo Dungeon, a total of 300,000 people. Only now do I know how magnificent 300,000 people are. I don’t think I’ve seen this in my life. many people.

There are several young people running in every direction in the entire dungeon, and some are old people. Those old people are more pitiful. They are old and their legs and feet are not good. There are no young people who can run fast, and there is no one to help them , Once it falls, it is impossible to stand up.

In the face of all people facing the same disaster, other people's lives appear so pitiful.

Yang Qi is on his way now.

Just now Kieves had told Yang Qi the latest news about the Ningbo Dungeon, and Yang Qi was also very nervous. He only hoped that they could hold on for a while, and they would arrive soon.

In the Ningbo Underground City, all the students were crying and looking for their families. They may be destined to let them down. When the earthquake came, some of their students had become orphans. At this time, the coalition government did not stand up and let them Some people are a bit dissatisfied with the coalition government.

Jarvis also notified the people of the coalition government just now, and they may be on their way now, so Jarvis will definitely not be able to hide such an important matter.

"Please go to the refuge from this direction!"

"Please go to the refuge from this direction!"

The staff stood in front of the passage and shouted loudly. The scene is so chaotic now that no one can hear them at all. It must be right to follow the crowd, and all rushed into the passage.

Everyone wants to survive, knowing that the chance of survival is not high, but everyone wants to fight, and no one wants to die like this.

Lava pouring, this is a very scary word, it would be better if there is an earthquake, but if it is magma, they don't think they can survive.

No one wanted to give up, the students were all standing on the playground, and now they didn't know which direction to run, "It seems that only on the school playground is safe.

From their birth to the present, it seems that they have never been exposed to such a scene. This is the first time they have encountered it.

Yang Qi is on his way at this time, rushing from Zhejiang to Ningbo, which is not a small distance, even if he is wearing a nano armor, it will take about half an hour on the road. .

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