Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 95: The Surprise And Puzzlement Of The Coalition Government Army! [The Third Change, Please

"May I have your name?"

Wang Kai walked up to the commander and asked coldly.

"My name is Zhang Zichen, and I am the captain of the Wenzhou team's search team."

Zhang Zichen said helplessly that he was captured just like that now, and he was captured without any resistance.

Many people on their side were injured, and there was nothing wrong with them. This made Zhang Zichen quite interested in the armor Wang Kai and the others were wearing. If each of them was given a set of armor, then they would still What's there to be afraid of? If you give them each a set, they might not be helpless now.

"Captain, what about these people?"

An Iron Man warrior stepped forward and said.

"Take it back first, let the president decide.

Wang Kai said lightly, just like that, leading the search team of hundreds of people slowly walked "750" into the energy field.

When Zhang Zichen entered the energy field, he just felt that it was no different from the outside, except that there was a light blue light curtain in the sky.

Next, a scene that surprised Zhang Zichen happened.

I saw that all Iron Man fighters took off their battle armors and just walked inside, which shocked Zhang Zichen a little.

"Aren't you cold?"

Zhang Zichen asked a very mentally handicapped question, because Zhang Zichen was still wearing cold-proof clothing and could not feel the temperature outside.

"Don't you know when you take it off?" Wang Kai turned around and said mysteriously.

Seeing their expressions, Zhang Zichen slowly took off his winter clothes.

It wasn't as cold as imagined, and it was even a little warm, which made Zhang Zichen stunned. What kind of place is this place? He can move around freely without wearing winter clothes?

My head was full of questions, obviously, no one was going to answer Zhang Zichen's current questions.

They were still walking in the depths. When they came to the place where the energy field was registered, Wang Kai took them to make a registration. After the registration, they walked towards the inside.

When he came inside, Zhang Zichen realized that this place and the outside are simply two worlds. This place is full of human beings, and everyone’s faces are full of happiness and hope. What’s going on? Zhang Zichen no longer has the ability to think for himself. Ability, followed behind Wang Kai like a machine.

Everyone was working in front of some huge machines. Although they didn't know what they were used for, they could tell that the technology was very advanced! Zhang Zikang had never seen it before.

The cold-proof clothes on their bodies have already been taken off, and here they feel that they have come to heaven, without wearing cold-proof clothes, and it is no different from their previous life on land. If I have to say it, it may be that there is no sun.

Everything here brings only doubts to Zhang Zichen. I thought that there would be no human beings on the surface. Even if there were, it might be because of what happened in the Ningbo underground city. I didn’t expect that there are not only human beings here, but they are even living very well. , I don’t know how many times better than the dungeon.

"Captain, what is this place?"

"I feel like I'm in heaven."

"Why are there so many people here?"

"Is this something the coalition government has worked out during this time?"

.......Every soldier's face is full of curiosity, and there is also a kind of envy for the human beings here. It is a kind of enjoyment to live in this kind of place.

You must know that they don't have such a good life in the dungeon, every day is dark, not to mention the sun, every room is very humid, not to mention their military equipment is not so good.

That kind of armor is simply a nightmare on the battlefield, and Zhang Zichen still has lingering fears about the terrifying combat power and defense power.

At this moment, the commander already had some thoughts in his mind. This is very likely to be the place where the top leaders of the coalition government live. Only in this way can they explain why there are so many human beings here, and why there are so many high-tech things here.

If this is really a high-level place of the coalition government, then the conjectures above can be justified. Now it needs to be confirmed. This matter may not be as simple as Zhang Zichen thought.

At this moment, a voice interrupted Zhang Zichen's conjecture.

"Welcome to City of Hope!"

Chen Qiuye stood at the door and said with a smile, looking at them with no hatred.


Zhang Zichen asked in a daze...

"I am the vice president here, and I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Chen Qiuye said with a smile that he was here specially waiting for Zhang Zichen and the others. As for Wang Kai who led the way, when these people were handed over to Chen Qiuye, Wang Kai had already gone about his own affairs.

I have to report the following battle situation to Yang Qi, Wang Kai is very excited, and can't wait to tell Yang Qi the news, this is not asking for credit, but just looking for someone to share his current mood.

"Can you explain to me how this happened?"

Zhang Zichen has a lot of questions now, as if he understands everything now.

"Just like what you see, this is what it looks like here, everything you see is real. y

"Why is there such a city on the ground? Is this the place where the high-level coalition government lives? Why doesn't the coalition government promote this technology?" Zhang Zichen roared loudly.

He mistook this place for the coalition government, and was very angry. Why did the coalition government have such technology, but arranged them in the underground city? This made Zhang Zichen hate the coalition government.

"You made a mistake, this is not the place of the coalition government, Zhang Zichen, you are a prisoner now, do you understand?"

A cold voice came, making Zhang Zichen tremble all over. The voice had no emotion at all, just like mechanical synthesis, and it still gave people a very terrifying feeling. 3.1

This is one of Chen Qiuye's subordinates, and this is also a talent specially selected by Yang Qi, just to help Chen Qiuye share the pressure. Chen Qiuye can be said to be the most tired person in the entire biosphere now.

Chen Qiuye smiled, lowered his head and said something to his assistant, only to see the assistant glared at them fiercely, then turned and walked to another place.

Chen Qiuye smiled shyly, and said, "This is my assistant. I have some opinions on the coalition government. Just get used to it!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Zichen didn't realize it. The coalition government is like a god in their hearts. He was also the person who gave them a second life when they were wandering on the earth. Zhang Zichen couldn't understand why he would treat the coalition government. Have an opinion?.

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