Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 14: Becoming Bigger and Stronger

"Afraid! Why are you afraid?" Derek asked back, laughing loudly: "I think you are a person, but the mountains restrict your vision.

There are more than just the rats, insects and leopards you see in this world. If you have other thoughts, I can kill you with my sword. "

Lloyd didn't say anything, but some mountain people couldn't help but jump out.

"Outlander, don't be too arrogant. Believe it or not, grandpa, I will kill you right now."

Derek didn't respond, but Simon threw the box on the ground and drew out the long sword in his right hand like lightning.

The next second, lightning flashed.


The long sword was inserted in front of the opponent's animal skin shoe, just scratching the front edge and going an inch deep underneath.

This strength, this speed, this precision.

All the mountain people took a deep breath and couldn't believe it.

They have seen powerful people who can compete with tigers and leopards, and can run faster than elk.

But such a skill has never been seen before.

"Don't think of me as a scum among those nobles. There are many heroes in the world. Why was Luis crowned king? Why is Perez's surname passed down in the northern province?

There are some losers among the nobility, but there are also real heroes. I... von Derek, I am not the losers you have seen. "

Derek sat there, matching Simon's performance, but as calm as a mountain.

"I'm here to make friends, and I don't want this kind of temptation to happen again."

Lloyd had a sullen face, this slap in the face really made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But as Derek said, he's not a loser.

Even some hidden contempt disappeared without a trace.

In this world, some people fear power, some worship money, and some are afraid of death.

But everyone looks up to the strong.

Here, Derek is the strong one.

Lloyd lowered his head, and even he didn't notice that his aura had dropped by more than one point.

"I'm sorry, outsiders are never friendly to us, so... I'm sorry.

My name is Lloyd, and I would like to be your friend. "

Derek was not blindly forceful. When he saw this, he signaled to Simon: "Open my gift and show it to Chief Lloyd."

Simon walked up to the provocative mountain man first. The man was shocked by the sword and still doesn't dare to move.

He unceremoniously pulled out his sword, turned around proudly, and then pried open the box.

Layers of sawdust wrapped the contents inside, and Simon peeled them off layer by layer, revealing the items wrapped in oil paper.

He took it out one by one, and when Derek didn't respond, he opened it directly.

A dark black long sword revealed its metallic luster under the reflection of the firelight.


Gently push the scabbard open, revealing a metallic sword body with a layer of inconspicuous lines.

"What a sword!"

To mountain people, any weapon is precious.

Besides, this sword looks very beautiful.

This is of course also Derek's handiwork. Firstly, the craftsmanship of Xiao Tru and others have indeed improved a lot, and secondly, they have also been specially polished.

With this workmanship, this quality, and this packaging, you say it costs five silver coins a handful?

No, the starting price is ten silver coins, and you won’t sell it if your relationship is not good.

Although Lloyd was stronger than the average mountain man, his vision was a bit narrow after all.

When Simon lined up the five swords, his heavy breathing could be heard.

His eyes were as if they were nailed to the sword, and he could no longer move away.

Even though he knew that Derek wanted something else, he couldn't refuse.

It took him a long time to suppress his urge to rob.

"Derek Knight, what do you mean?"

You see, add carrots and sticks, no matter how heroic you are, you have to bow your head.

"To make friends, I, Derek, dare not say anything else. I am absolutely generous to my friends."

Lloyd couldn't help but nod, he saw this generosity.

"Yes, make friends. From now on, you will be my friend, Lloyd. If you encounter difficulties, tell me my name. It will be useful in the mountains."

Just as Lloyd was about to pretend, he immediately thought of the other party's fierce fighting power, um...he still didn't say it.

What does Derek want?

Fur business?

No, this thing won't last long without someone covering it.

Even if he wanted to do it, his priority would have to be lower, and he would even have to drag Baron Ferreira along with him.

Derek wanted only two things.

land, population.

Could a mountain man or bandit give him these two things?

Of course not legal, but Derek doesn't need to be legal.

If you want to get involved in this era where all resources are controlled by the great nobles and royal families, you must either join them or open up a new track.

The former, Derek has no chance now.

The latter may not be possible.

He was not in a hurry to reveal his true feelings. With these greetings, the two sides became very harmonious when dealing with each other.

The rabbit was roasted directly on the rack, and they also took out the stock.

While eating and drinking, Lloyd asked a few tentative questions. He thought Derek wanted to start a fur business.

But was rejected.

They waited until they had finished eating and drinking, leaving the others to continue bragging and spanking.

Derek invited Lloyd to walk with him, and the latter understood instantly.

The two walked for a while and left the camp.

Lloyd's face gradually became serious. He knew that his friend's request was coming, but he just didn't know if he could afford it.

"Lloyd, you guys usually do robberies, how's the business going?"

He was already prepared for his identity to be discovered, so his expression remained unchanged.

"Just barely enough to survive. This is not a major transportation route. They only robbed some small merchants. The materials in the mountains are expensive. It's barely enough to eat and drink."

"Haha! I believe it's barely enough to eat and drink. It's normal that the materials in the mountains are expensive. But there should be more than just small merchants here, right?"

Derrick is too familiar with the nobles and kingdom officials.

All caravans are doing relationship business.

Without background, it's hard to move forward.

The nobles and officials don't need any threats, just one trick... set up checkpoints to collect taxes.

The kingdom's law is to collect one in ten.

But you collect taxes at every checkpoint and pay when you encounter a checkpoint.

The nobles and officials often set up checkpoints privately. If your goods go a certain distance, the cost will double. If you go another distance, it will double again.

In this way, how can you make money?

But you have a plan, I have a ladder.

Merchants of all sizes cross mountains and ridges and take small roads.

Some secret trade routes are the core capital of some businesses.

There are fat sheep in this mountain.

It's just that they can't eat them.

Derek said a few words and Lloyd was silent.

"I'll give you a suggestion. You might as well try to become bigger and stronger. Anyway, these caravans can't go deep into the wilderness to trouble you.

If you want to sell goods, many merchants will be willing to do so at a lower price.

I can provide you with weapons.

I can even help with formal soldier training.

How about it?"

Lloyd raised his head in shock and blurted out: "You want to recruit me?"

"No, this is just mutual help between friends. If you are willing to go out of the mountains to rob a wave of people, I am happy to spend money to buy them.

You buy weapons, and I can also make money.

Only training is the witness of our friendship.

Although we just met, I believe that interests will make our friendship stronger, what do you think?"

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