Leave a few cavalrymen to monitor the barbarian camp. The barbarian cavalrymen who came to ask for help in small groups don’t need to be taken care of.

Derek led his men to clean up the battlefield. There were more than a dozen intact war horses, and the rest could be used to eat horse meat for a few meals.

Then they cut off the heads to be rewarded, and the remaining bodies were thrown into a pit and buried with some soil.

Although Derek didn’t like the weapons and leather armor pulled from the bodies, they could still be sold for a few dollars.

Then they just waited.

The elite infantry centurion did not disappoint him. This centurion had trained the longest and had no outsiders mixed in. It arrived before midnight.

However, even the elite soldiers could not immediately go into battle.

They simply set up camp and made do with food. Everyone just rolled up their sleeping bags and rested on the spot.

The real battle was on the second day.

Dawn broke!

The barbarians finally argued out a result, or compromised.

Hold on and wait for help?

They had no confidence at all. Don’t get me wrong. They didn’t think they could hold on for a few days.

They didn’t believe anyone would come to rescue them.

With a little common sense, they knew that the counterattack of Locke Kingdom was coming, and no one would care about these scattered soldiers.

In fact, some barbarians had already withdrawn, and those who stayed behind were just taking risks to plunder more.

But Derek was about to laugh.

Whether the barbarians held on and waited for help, or simply abandoned everything and ran away, it would add some trouble to him.

Only this kind of hesitation could make him feel at ease.

"If you don't make a decision, you will suffer from chaos.

Either you form a formation and hold on, at least you can cause more casualties to the enemy.

Or you abandon everything and run away, and if you are lucky, you may be able to escape most of them.

In this way, you want to run and stay, and you want to stay and run, but you will not be able to please both sides.

Remember, if you encounter this situation in the future, you must be decisive."

Derek taught on the spot. As for the specific situation, it depends on the effect of this battle.

However, compared with the barbarians who spent a night in fear, Derek's side was full of energy and vigor, and they wanted to pounce on him and bite him.


Keep half of the spoils for yourself."

This was the first battle in the true sense, and they were all the old men who had followed him the longest.

Derrick knew that no matter how much he said at other times, it was not as real as the generous reward at this time.

Sure enough, when this was said, everyone's eyes turned red.

As the elite infantry attacked, a small number of cavalry cruised around the periphery of the battlefield, waiting for the moment when the barbarians showed their flaws.

The barbarians also discovered this Rockman army, or they were mentally prepared.

"I have said long ago that the Rockman cavalry has backup behind them, and they should decisively abandon everything and escape."

"It's okay to hold on and wait for help, at least we can bite off a piece of their meat."

"Stop talking nonsense, the other side has fewer people than us, what are you afraid of?"

"What if we defeat them? There must be a large army behind them, and the longer it drags on, the more miserable they will die."

Before the battle was about to begin, the barbarian army actually had an internal conflict.

Some barbarians abandoned everything and walked away lightly, while some stayed where they were, trying to repel the enemy.

The funniest thing was that some barbarians watched helplessly until the infantry 100-man team approached, and then they hurriedly helped.

"Unified command is very important. One-man rule may make mistakes, but at least this situation will not happen."

Without Derek's reminder, others also knew that there was a problem with the barbarians' command.

The leaders of several small tribes could not determine a leader at all, and the final result was division.

The barbarian army, which seemed to have more people, had less than half of its combat effectiveness.

The barbarians overturned the spoils and tried to build a temporary wall.

However, the elite infantry had stepped over the obstacles.

Even in this situation, they still maintained a relatively tight formation.

Compared with the barbarians who were scattered like a group of sand, the gap was very large.


Under the command of grassroots officers, the infantry quickly harvested the lives of the enemy.

Once the barbarians came into contact, they found that these enemies were different from those they had encountered before.

The power of the elite infantry generally crushed the ordinary barbarians, and their discipline and fighting will were very strong.

When they were in neat formation and wearing leather armor, it was difficult for ordinary barbarians to cause effective damage to them.

After discovering this, the barbarians' formation became more chaotic.

Derek was keenly aware of the barbarians' confusion and emotional changes.


The iron hooves of the warhorses were roaring.

It was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The barbarians, who had seen the powerful cavalry of the Locke Kingdom, finally couldn't hold it anymore.

The chaos intensified.

Then the cavalry arrived.

Massacre, and then there was a massacre.

As the knights shouted to surrender, some barbarian soldiers put down their weapons and lay on the ground.

The whole battle lasted half an hour and ended.

The infantry began to clean up the battlefield and tied up the surrendered barbarians together.

A simple count of casualties showed that two cavalrymen and more than a dozen elite infantrymen were lost that day.

The number of injured was more than doubled.

This was still the result of occupying an absolute advantage and attacking with elite troops.

If the barbarians had a stronger will to fight, the casualties might be greater.

Derek's evaluation of himself was just qualified. If the barbarians had a qualified commander, I'm afraid the trouble would be even greater.

But at least there was a good start, and there were 70 or 80 heads cut off.

The number of prisoners was about the same.

The rest all ran away.

Derrick didn't know how the other thousand-man teams had fought, but his speed should be considered in the forefront.

The messenger had returned with the victory report, and Derek was even ready to continue the march.

The purpose of Count Pereira was nothing more than to drive away the barbarians and cause casualties.

After clearing one area after another, this area was over, and it was natural to pursue the victory.

The only thing to worry about was that if you stood out too much, you might be separated from the Second Legion.

Then you will become a thorn in the eyes of the barbarians, which is a very big risk.

However, Derek thought about it and decided to continue to charge.

If you don't stand out, how can you stand out?

To put it cruelly, this is to risk your life for your future.


In the Second Legion of the Northern Province, Count Pereira did not build a camp on a large scale.

In fact, he didn't plan to stay here for a long time, but just stationed temporarily.

After each thousand-man team completed the initial goal, it was necessary to continue to advance.

He drew three horizontal lines on the map.

After the last one, it happened to be the Iron Wall City.

"Ten days, at most ten days, we must concentrate our forces to attack the barbarian army."

Count Pereira knew that if he dragged on, Iron Wall City would not be able to hold out.

It would be best to lure the barbarian army to move in these ten days, and then look for an opportunity to fight.

Because the First Legion of the Northern Province is also coming.

The combined strength of the two legions is enough to fight the barbarians.

If it doesn't work, force the barbarian army to retreat.

This is very ugly, and it can't undermine the confidence of the barbarians.

Count Pereira still wants to try.

Until the messenger arrives.

"Report! The 10,000-man team has completed the mission, beheaded more than 80 people, and captured more than 90 people."

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