Command is a sensitive topic. Not to mention that the two are unfamiliar with each other, even brothers have to avoid it.

However, Derek overlooked one point. In this era where knowledge is extremely precious, military knowledge also has a threshold.

The Knights of Count Pereira also teach basic knowledge.

The capital of some military nobles passed down from generation to generation will not be easily known.

New nobles like Baron Palmer cannot rise without several generations of soldiers and blood in exchange for thorough military knowledge.

In fact, Baron Palmer has tried very hard to recruit some knights, but he can only barely maintain the operation of the army. Further military tactics rely entirely on blind guessing.

Therefore, Baron Palmer has no confidence in guessing the thoughts of the upper echelons of the legion.

He is not arrogant enough to think that war is a game of numbers and that he is a genius in war.

More likely, he is just a fool.

So when he saw Derek and inquired about his background, Palmer chose to trust him.

There is really no better way.

Derek hesitated for only a moment and agreed immediately.

"Then thank you for giving me the chance."

Derrick did not push his luck further, nor did he laugh at the other party.

In fact, a teammate with a clear self-awareness is worthy of respect and cherishment.

If the other party pretends to know, it will do harm.

Derrick took over the command of the 8,000-man team of the First Legion without hesitation.

Except for Baron Palmer's direct 100-man team, all were in his hands.

His method was also simple and crude, directly sending his knight attendants to take over temporarily with a team of infantry.

This made Baron Palmer drool with envy, because he soon found that these knight attendants were all very good, and were obviously much better than the knights he recruited.

"Is this a military noble?"

Obviously, Baron Palmer had a wrong perception.

Then, the last trace of doubt in his heart was temporarily put aside.

The infantry stationed outside the town was actually not idle, and they also made some simple siege equipment in the past few days.

Derrick took advantage of the light of the next morning to start assigning tasks.

Adrian took some soldiers away from him.

Then the remaining army was divided into four.

Elite and ordinary soldiers were intertwined.

As a thousand-man captain and the highest commander of this battle, of course he could try to avoid casualties among his own people.

Baron Palmer observed silently, hoping to learn something.

Watching the messengers running back and forth, quickly controlling the army to act separately, this control is something that ordinary people don't have.

Don't think it's easy, it's hard to command a thousand people to line up, let alone on the battlefield.

Several hundred-man teams were gathered by Derek as a reserve.

There were five hundred-man teams on each of the other three sides.

Only the place near the north was empty without a single soldier.

About five hundred barbarians could not defend this town.

The only difference was how many casualties would be required.

Derek didn't play any tricks and directly ordered a strong attack.

Use life to pile up momentum and time.

Attack from three sides, and the supervisory team stood behind with a knife.

Either die outside the city or die on the city.

The army in the front row was a little scattered, but it was clear that they could maintain basic order.

Derek was not polite and directly used the 8000-man team as cannon fodder.

The officers around Baron Palmer wanted to object, but he stopped them.

Since you are here to learn, you have to pay the tuition.

"Baron Palmer, the first wave is just to test the focus of defense, and the next siege mission will be carried out by elite infantry."

On the battlefield, Derek's attitude was much stiffer than yesterday.

But his meaning was very clear. The 8000-man team was at the level of cannon fodder, so of course they had to be used as cannon fodder.

Next, my people will fight hard, and there will be no less casualties.

This sounded a little uncomfortable.

"How long will it take to break through?" Baron Palmer asked.

"It depends on the fighting will of the barbarians. If the fighting will is not strong, they can rush in before dark.

If the fighting will is strong, tomorrow will be enough."

"So fast?"

Baron Palmer was a little unconvinced.

Derek did not explain. In fact, as long as he was willing to suffer casualties, the speed could be faster.

War is complicated, but it is actually simple.

Fighting will, number of people, training, morale, all these can affect victory or defeat.

And the number of barbarians determines that they cannot last long.

Why is the story of a small army holding on so famous? It is because of its scarcity.

Five hundred people, a few waves of desperate attacks can reduce the number of one or two hundred people, and it is good enough if the remaining ones do not collapse.

Leaving a retreat, the opponent's fighting will will be further weakened.

But there is no need to explain these to him in detail.

Derek occupies a relatively high position and can clearly see the situation on the battlefield.

Cannon fodder is not worthless. After paying dozens of casualties, it successfully tested the opponent's strength.

"It's quite standard."

The level of the barbarian commander is there, but not much.

All the troops are evenly distributed, and even the north gate has a part of the troops.

If it were Derek, he would adapt to the situation and not be so rigid.

Since the other party does this, it is easy to exert pressure.

"Let the east side increase the pressure."

The messenger waved his flag, and soon the elite centurion team that stayed behind was dispatched.

This was a reorganized unit with Derek's old unit as the backbone and joined the 10000-man unit. Compared with friendly forces, it can be called elite.

And these days have not been in vain, there is some training effect.

Baron Palmer saw the movement and immediately opened his eyes wide, wanting to see if these elite infantrymen who looked elite were just for show.

He was not disappointed. The elite centurion team came from behind and climbed up the narrow wooden wall with just one wave of charge.

The barbarian commander was shocked and personally went to the battlefield to supervise the battle.

In fact, there was no need. The gap between the two sides was not so big that it could be taken in one wave.

Derek ordered the other two sides to exert pressure again.

It was obvious that the barbarian's fighting rhythm was very chaotic.

Derek commanded the attack continuously throughout the day.

Wave after wave was like a tide, and there was absolutely no chance for the barbarians to rest.

When night came, the barbarians' casualties were already shocking.

"I'm afraid the battle will end today."

Derrick suddenly said.

Baron Palmer didn't understand what he meant.

In his opinion, the barbarians' fighting spirit was still very firm.

The large number of casualties did not make them retreat.

However, in Derek's opinion, the barbarians were indeed tough, but morale had nothing to do with toughness.

It was not obvious during the intense battle, but once they counted the casualties, they might want to retreat.

Why was he so sure?

Of course he saw the test at the north gate.

There were not so many clever plans. The other party wanted to leave, and this could not be concealed.

And at night, it was the best opportunity.

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