When the snow and wind subsided a little, Derek rode his horse to patrol his territory.

Adrian did a very good job, he is an excellent executor.

Wooden stakes can be seen everywhere in the new city as markers, and the future city will also be built with these markers as boundaries.

I believe that the final city will become a dazzling pearl of this era.

Now because of the snow, almost all civilians stay in the house.

The horse's hooves stepped on the fluffy snow and made a slight creaking sound. Some brave people would peek at the passing nobles through the cracks in the door.

Derek walked around and got an understanding of the city today.

"I still need a tax collector. I can let my second uncle come and try if he is willing." Derek got off the horse after walking around and said so.

Adrian was a little hesitant. He knew what kind of virtue his father had, and he also knew what kind of character Derek had.

The relationship between the two was good, but that was when they kept a certain distance. If they got together... it might be a bad thing.

Derek took two steps and found that Adrian did not catch up. He turned back and saw his hesitation.

"What? Do you think your father is not competent?

Cousin Adrian, don't underestimate your father."

Derrick certainly knew what kind of person his second uncle was. He had made a lot of money in the family's territory over the years. Such a huge family business was not easily accumulated.

But he really needed a tax collector who was familiar with the situation. His second uncle obviously understood the tricks here. After all, his sheriff also worked as a tax collector.

You don't need to be outstanding, just be able to complete the task in a proper manner.

After all, corruption is a feature of this era, and it is impossible to find a cat that does not steal fish.

On the contrary, he needs some relatives in any field.

You don't have to have strong abilities, just be there and do your own thing.

As for why, you can understand it yourself.

At this point, Adrian naturally couldn't refuse.

"I will send someone to send a letter to my father. I believe he will be very happy."

Compared with military caution, civil affairs actually have more room for error.

Derrick is not only bolder himself, but also willing to give his men opportunities.

He inspected the only city, and then went around several towns.

The last two stops were the most important.

The horse farm and the military camp.

There are now hundreds of people working in the horse farm, all of whom are the most trusted soldiers and slaves.

A large number of northern horses are bred here, and there are people who are responsible for taking care of them and exploring the most efficient training methods.

For others, improving quality through training may be a pipe dream, but for Derek it is a great weapon.

Of course, in order to keep a low profile, he will choose some foals to train, and when they grow up, they will grow to the right quality.

Summon the person in charge of the horse farm, a slave.

A slave who belongs to Derek alone, and even his face has Derek's noble mark.

As a candidate carefully selected by Derek, Philip will be a slave of the Augusta family for life, and there will be no chance of pardon.

In return, he can have his own property and offspring.

One of his offspring will become a retainer of the Augusta family.

This is an exchange, and it turns out that Philip did a great job.

"Viscount, I have prepared the war horses you want separately. They will be ready for use in another half a year."

At least 300 excellent quality war horses and more than 1,000 good quality war horses.

Derrick's ambition needs these war horses to support it. A small-scale heavy knight is enough to deter most enemies.

Yes, in Derek's eyes, the greatest role of this army is deterrence.

There are tall sentry towers around the horse farm, and the military camp is also nearby.

Pile of new wood stakes are inserted into the ground, proving that this place has not existed for a long time.

A few tall crosses in the distance, and a few black shadows are floating in the wind.

"I heard there have been some troubles recently?"

"Yes, a few disobedient guys wanted to escape, and I hanged them."

Philip's answer was very calm, as if he had hanged a few cows and horses.

In fact, in his eyes, a war horse is more valuable than those escapees.

Human life is not as valuable as a war horse.

"Have you found out who is behind this?"

"No, they are very cautious. The people who showed up just used some money to bribe these traitors."

Derrick didn't have much hope. Don't think other nobles are too stupid.

Maybe most of these guys on the battlefield are very stupid, but this kind of conspiracy is definitely a trick that can be easily caught.

Behind the seemingly glorious Augusta territory, there are all kinds of peeping and conspiracy.

It's just that Derek's glory covers up these dark things.

Of course, if someone accidentally reveals his feet, don't blame Derek for being cruel.

"We need to increase manpower. The biggest advantage of us northerners is cavalry. I need more cavalry."

Derrick made an order. In fact, the cost of training war horses for him is already very low. It would be stupid not to use this advantage.

Left the horse farm and came to the barracks.

This is not the barracks of the Saint Maitreya Legion. This is the barracks of Augusta's private army.

A large number of private soldiers are trained here, and they are all good guys recruited from the serfs of the territory.

Derrick gave their families a certain amount of land to cultivate, so that the serf families could have enough food and clothing, and then gave them a chance to get ahead.

With the help of the panel, a usable private army has been trained in a few months.

This is the foundation of the Augusta family.

Of course, the blacksmith brought by Little Tru is also here.

The war did not extinguish the blacksmith's furnace, but burned even hotter.

In their own territory, the blacksmiths can finally display their skills happily.

In the future, Derek will choose some reliable blacksmiths to continue to improve, rather than swarming and infinitely improving blacksmiths.

Compared with ability, loyalty is also important.

A certain ability is enough to meet the needs, and then there is the elite policy.

When he came to this era, his first goal was not to improve productivity and save the serfs.

To be selfish, he wanted to wear the crown and live a better life.

Little Tru has been very honest recently. As the first subordinate to be trained, he was arranged clearly by Derek.

However, the latter did not treat him badly. Now there is no panel, and Little Tru is still repairing farm tools in the territory of the Ferreira family.

How could it be so glorious now?

So when he saw Derek, he bent down and reported very humbly.

"Your Excellency, the armor you need is ready.

And the crossbow you mentioned is still under research, and the progress is very slow."

Derek didn't know the structure of the crossbow, and just mentioned it, so little Tru's head was almost smoking recently, and there was not much progress.

However, Derek's biggest goal this time was not the crossbow.

As the burly blacksmith lifted a set of heavy armor, the eyes of the servants who followed him seemed to be shining.

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