Before the worst-case scenario came to Augusta, the water levels continued to rise.

Soon, the entire city of Augusta turned into a blanket of water.

The noble Grand Duke can only ride in an open boat.

More people were soaked in the water and lying on the roof.

Ignoring the cries for help everywhere, His Excellency the Grand Duke hurriedly snatched away a group of nobles and started a new round of escape.

Even if you think about it with your toes, you know what happens after a flood.

Mega Man won't give up this good opportunity.

Before he could leave Augusta City, the water level rose even further.

There were a large number of corpses floating on the water, and there were screams and cries for help everywhere.

Archduke Fernandez sat blankly with a pale face. He could not understand why he had completely failed in just a few days.

What about rebuilding glory and establishing a principality?

Everything happened so fast, like a dream.

Other nobles did not have the strength to accuse the Duke, and everyone was still immersed in the joy of escaping from death.

They did not face the flood and had a chance to escape.

What's even worse is the army facing the flood.

At that time, the roaring water waves rolled up two feet high, and the strong camp was directly torn apart.

The soldiers in the camp had no time to react and were swept away by the flood.

Several military camps housing tens of thousands of people were directly submerged in the floods.

When the water receded, only corpses were left scattered on the ground.

The survivors almost went crazy. In just two days, everything was over.

Everything familiar has disappeared, and the familiar people have become cold.

Besides corpses, there was a rotten smell all around.

When Derek returned to Augusta City, the mud under his feet had not yet dried.

The rancid smell was extremely pungent.

The army behind the Holy Cross Kingdom collapsed and surrendered on the first day of the flood.

Now, the owner of Augusta National is back.

"Clean up the bodies and bury or burn them all."

Derek gave a brief explanation and continued to advance with the army.

Under the White Birch Castle, there are still 40,000 to 50,000 Holy Cross Kingdom troops.

At this time, Archduke Fernandez had fled to the foot of Birch Castle.

The shocked survivors finally found some rare sense of security.

There are still 40,000 to 50,000 troops left. Although they are not enough to continue fighting against Rockman, they can at least ensure safety.

Archduke Fernandez did not want to stay for even a quarter of an hour. What he had experienced in the past few days was a nightmare for him.

A nightmare that ruins everything.

He immediately urged the army to leave here and leave Mega Man's territory.

An army of fifty thousand could not bring him an absolute sense of security.

Seeing the Holy Cross army begin to retreat, Adrian knew his opportunity had come.

He stayed in the city for several months, and people were going crazy.

Now, I finally see the opportunity.

"Brothers, today is the day to make great achievements. Whoever can catch the Duke of Bruno family, I will take credit for him."

After months of eating and drinking, all the soldiers felt like caged tigers finally being released.

On the other hand, the morale of the Holy Cross people was low. They all knew the news of the defeat on the front line. How could they boost their morale?

When tens of thousands of elite soldiers rushed out of White Birch Castle, the army behind them tried to resist.

But soon, the feeble resistance collapsed.

When the morale of the army collapses, no matter how many people there are, it is useless.

Besides, the number of troops in White Birch Castle is much greater than imagined.

If you are prepared, you may be able to resist for a while longer.

Now... let's run.

Archduke Fernandez had not been stable for a few hours when he immediately heard a series of bad news.

Originally, he thought that leading troops in battle was no more than that, and he could maintain order in the army.

But suddenly, accidents happened one after another, and the army collapsed instantly.

At this time, he couldn't even think of how to control the situation and who to arrange to gather the army.

"Derek, are you my nemesis?"

Grand Duke Fernandez sat on the horse, tears falling unconsciously.

Tragic, too tragic.

The 200,000-strong army was defeated in the blink of an eye. Even he himself felt that such losses were outrageous.

He even wanted to die, but lacked any courage.

The knights on the left and right didn't dare to let him have any accidents.

Just go with the flow and let's talk about the future later.

Even the commander-in-chief has this mentality, and the collapse of the army can be imagined.

Adrian had been waiting for several months, and what he was waiting for was a hearty victory.

Except for charging each other a few times at the beginning, the rest was like a victory parade, with no difficulty at all.

By the time Derek arrived at White Birch Castle, Adrian had already rushed into the Holy Cross Kingdom.

"Rush, rush, rush."

Derek did not hesitate, now is the time when the Kingdom of Holy Cross is at its weakest.

Fernandez divided his troops into three groups and still had control of 200,000 troops. The province of St. Peter supported a lot of troops.

A large number of nobles sent their family members to join the army of Archduke Fernandez, and the serfs also supported a lot.

It even served as a temporary transfer station on the front line, hoarding a large amount of food.

Now, with this mouthful of fat in front of him, how could Derek hold back?

When the Rockman's iron hooves came, the neighboring province of St. Peter had not yet realized the failure of the front line.

The latest news is that Archduke Fernandez raided the Rock Man Granary and won a crucial victory.

Many nobles packed their luggage and prepared to go to the Holy Mile Province to meet Grand Duke Fernandez.

A grand duke with real power in the fiefdom is about to be born.

The political landscape of the entire eastern border of the Holy Cross Kingdom will usher in a huge change.

Then... there are the scattered defeated soldiers who fled back in a panic, and the army of the Rock people.

Derek rushed forward with the Holy Cross nobles who were willing to surrender.

"If you are loyal to me and submit to me, I can forgive your crimes."

Derek declared to the captives, and now that the knife was on their necks, they had no room to defect.

Should they be loyal to the Bruno family in death, or be the living vassal of the Augusta family?

How to choose this choice?

Facts have proved that not everyone will choose to betray.

For the middle and lower nobles, loyalty is the greatest political capital for them, and they would rather die than give it up.

Of course, there are also people who obediently change their flags, declare allegiance to Augusta, and help lead the way and rule the newly occupied land.

Derek did not advance at full speed, occupying more than one-third of the province of St. Peter. It was not that he did not want to continue advancing, but that he was short of manpower, and beyond the newly occupied land, it was a plain with no strategic location to defend.

Several castles in the heart of the Holy Cross Kingdom are now all occupied by the Augusta family.

And in the rear, there are still a lot of unconquered territories.

Some feudal nobles chose to be loyal to the new master, and some raised the banner of resistance and tried to drive away the invaders.

Derek turned around and began to purge these loyalists of the Bruno family.

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