Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 90: Killing the chicken to scare the monkey

Virut is doing war mobilization, and he is more suitable than Simon for this mission.

The reason lies in origin.

No matter what, he is the legitimate son of a baron, a nobleman born with a golden key in his mouth.

He has a higher tolerance for tasks that require sacrifice... or in other words, he can be more indifferent to the death of ordinary people.

Gradually integrating into the Augusta family, Virut came into contact with more secrets.

For example, each of this elite infantry can be called the elite among the elite, and some of the best can even compete with the title knights in infantry combat.

Such an army is absolutely fantastic.

Especially in small-scale wars, it is a big killer that can dominate the direction of the war.

When there is no need to worry about sacrifice, many impossible things become possible.

Even though they were about to participate in a siege, many infantrymen still wore iron armor and seemed not to be afraid of being affected at all.

The worst part is that he is also wearing a leather armor, which can block ordinary arrows.

"For the glory of Augusta!"

Virut shouted the slogan, and the memory integrated into the instinct made the infantry shout in unison: "For the glory of Augusta!"

It's like a signal that gets them excited.

Virut was very satisfied. Such an army was simply what a general would dream of.

It's a pity that the number is a little less, only 400 people.

Of course, the number of people attacking is more than ten times larger, and these elite infantry will be involved in the attack.

This is equivalent to hundreds of titular knights sitting shoulder to shoulder, which is so luxurious that it makes people look at them.

The slogans here attracted some attention, but the surrendered nobles did not think that high morale could change the basic laws.

The same old ladders and carriages are familiar to nobles who have received military education.

Only nobles who are proficient in this art can see the changes in the rhythm of the infantry attack.

Of course, it is indeed excellent, but this is not a reason to win quickly in half a day.

The rumble of the war drums continued for a moment, just like an offensive at this time.

A small number of archers occupied the archery tower and started shooting.

The elite infantrymen raised their arm shields to protect their vital points and continued to advance.

Baron Halei appeared on the city wall and personally directed the soldiers to fight.

All means of defending the city were used one by one.

However, Augusta's infantry came too quickly and quickly scaled the city wall.

"Kill, kill these Locke dogs."

The knights of the Halayi family roared and personally waved their knight swords to drive away the small number of infantry.

After the clanging collision, the knight took a few steps back.

"Title Knight!!!"

Could it be that a knight with a title disguised himself on the city wall?

The knight was shocked and quickly called for soldiers to encircle and suppress him.

"Kill him, kill him together."

The death of a titled knight on the battlefield is enough to make Rockman heartbroken.

The people of the Halei family are thinking about how to make these Rock people pay a greater price.

However, after they fought hard to kill each other, more Mega Man soldiers rushed forward.

The knight soon discovered that there were more than one soldier with the strength of the title knight.

He even suspected that he was dreaming. Was it because Rockman was too powerful or the Holy Cross Kingdom as a whole was decadent?

Are all soldiers this strong?

Confused, the knight lay on the wall.

When the first infantryman climbed the city wall, the outcome was already determined.

A group of title knights fighting in a small area is simply a dimensionality reduction attack.

Of course, there is no such thing as invincibility for flesh and blood, but the price you need to pay for victory is very heavy.

Baron Halei tried very hard to reverse the situation, but Mega Man's strength exceeded his knowledge.

It really only took one morning for the entire castle to fall.

Even after Virut checked the safety, he asked the chef to start cooking.

The soldiers began to collect the bodies, and various trophies were sorted and put away.

When Derek entered the castle, the soldiers carrying buckets to wash away the blood had just walked away.

The floor tiles were wet, and moccasins made a clicking sound on the door.

Many nobles' clean clothes were stained with mud.

However, no one cared about the so-called noble demeanor anymore. At this time, Baron Halei was being pinned in the muddy water.

"Rockman, traitor, you will not die well."

Baron Halayi was still arrogant. After seeing Derek, he suddenly struggled wildly. If the soldier holding him down hadn't been strong enough, he might have been freed.

Virut hurried over and reported in a low voice: "There are many fewer people in the Halei family, and all his heirs left early."

This is normal. Although Baron Halei is ready to sacrifice, he will not forget the family inheritance and drag his whole family to die together.

The Kingdom of Holy Cross has not yet been destroyed, and based on his behavior, the family's heirs must be arranged no matter what.

Unless the king doesn't want to do it anymore.

All loyalty has a price.

I have paid the bill before and I will continue to pay it in the future.

Baron Halayi was still cursing, using all kinds of obscenities.

Derek frowned, walked up to the other person, and stared at him condescendingly.

Baron Halayi cursed for a while, but when he got no response, he took a break.

Derek then said: "I admire your loyalty very much, but you are my enemy, and the most respectful thing to do for you is to send your whole family to see you.

Maybe I can't destroy your Holy Cross Kingdom in my lifetime, but please believe me... within a year at most, no matter if it's an assassin or some of your senior officials bribed by money, I will send your whole family to see you.

I hope the Halei family can continue to be loyal underground. "

Baron Halei was stunned, as if he had never thought that Derek would do this.

Theoretically, no... the fact is, what Derek said can definitely be done.

It just requires a certain price.

He is ready to die, but it doesn't mean he has no worries.

If the Halei family is extinct, then he will die with regrets.

Baron Halei wanted to say something else, but Derek tilted his head and signaled Virut to take action.

The latter stepped forward and chopped off Baron Halei's head with a sword.

The blood splashed a foot in front of Derek's shoes.

Facing the surrendered nobles, Derek showed two rows of white teeth: "I'm very sorry, the greatest respect I have for my enemies is to kill them all. "

Betrayal? Rebellion? Treason?

No problem, if you think you can bear the revenge, then go ahead.

The loyal ministers of the first kings did not pledge allegiance for all kinds of weird reasons.

If you want to take revenge on Derek, you must first let him put down the sword in his hand.

For Derek, he is not afraid of backlash at all.

Either become the supreme one, or die.

Viscount Yanes's legs are already shaking. He is good at playing tricks.

But he dare not fight with real swords and guns.

I originally thought of rebelling at any time, but Baron Haley's body was not cold yet, and he no longer had the courage.

"Maybe it would be nice to surrender."

Derrick looked at the panel, and a bunch of new avatars had appeared.

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