The old man was very angry.

"It's just a third-rate one, not worth mentioning."

Shi Potian said casually, what he wanted to become was a master like Master, who could split mountains and cut rivers with a wave of his hand.

Huang Rong was a little envious. Because of his physical condition, he couldn't learn martial arts yet. Seeing others flying over eaves and walls, he was very envious.


Huang Rong suddenly screamed, a poisonous snake bit her ankle.

Shi Potian was quick and stepped on the poisonous snake to death.

Huang Rong, who was about to fall, was held in his arms and acupunctured with internal force to prevent the spread of snake venom.

Ignoring Huang Rong's exclamation, he gently placed her on the stone, took off her shoes and socks, and sucked out the snake venom in one gulp.

Huang Rong looked at the other party's serious look, and with her ankle being grabbed by Shi Potian, he sucked out the poisonous blood mouthful by mouthful.

Her face couldn't help but turn red, and this was the first time a man other than her father touched her body.

"Okay, I can't suck out the poisonous blood anymore, it should be okay, I'll carry you back, and then you can ask Senior Huang for some antidote to take."

Shi Potian said seriously, helping Huang Rong put on shoes and socks.

But Huang Rong was still a little dazed and didn't hear what Shi Potian said.

Shi Potian stretched out a hand in front of her and shook it, and Huang Rong came back to her senses.

"Idiot, what are you doing?"

Huang Rong looked at Shi Potian who was very close to her and exclaimed a little.

"Why are you so fierce? I just saved you, okay?" Shi Potian said helplessly. Women's hearts are like needles in the sea. It's better to stay away from her in the future, so as not to be scolded after being helped. "No, I don't mean that. I mean thank you." Huang Rong also knew that she was too radical, so she could only say gently. "It's okay, can you walk by yourself?" Shi Potian didn't care about the little girl. "My feet are still a little numb, I can't walk." Huang Rong said timidly. Now only Shi Potian can help her. "Okay, you take this pheasant, I'll carry you back." Shi Potian handed the pheasant over. Huang Rong thought about it and had to accept this plan. It was getting dark and he couldn't let his father worry. Holding the pheasant, he lay on Shi Potian's back. The two returned to the camp. But when they were almost there, Huang Rong's feet were much better, so he didn't want his father to find out about his affairs. He forced himself to return to the camp. Huang Tao saw that Huang Rong was a little bit abnormal and asked with concern: "What's wrong with your foot?"

"I accidentally fell while walking. I'll be fine after applying some bruise wine later."

Huang Rong lowered his head and said softly, not wanting his father to find out that he was abnormal.

"That's good. I'll continue to study the magic skills. I'll teach you when I understand it."

Huang Tao didn't even eat dinner. She just wanted to memorize the Four Symbols Magic Skills as soon as possible to help her daughter improve her physique.

Huang Rong was relieved to see his father obsessed with magic skills.

He glanced at Shi Potian from the corner of his eye and saw that he looked like nothing had happened. He was inexplicably angry. What a little bastard.

But this little bastard is really reassuring. It's just that he is too stupid. It's easy to be deceived and nothing is left.

Especially beautiful women!

Wang Lun watched Huang Rong and Shi Potian go out to hunt game. Why did he feel that Huang Rong's eyes were always looking at Shi Potian when he came back?

Could it be that Shi Potian did something bad? I'll ask him after Huang Tao leaves.

He's too good to hook up with other people's daughters at such a young age.

After dinner, Huang Tao and Wang Lun were still browsing the magic skills. After all, there was only one day, and they couldn't make any mistakes.

Late at night.

There was only the crackling sound of the bonfire and the faint sound of turning pages. The two children and Zhou Xiangyun had fallen asleep.

Wang Lun looked up and looked forward, putting away the original copy of the Nine Yin Manual.

He got up and walked over.

Huang Tao also sensed something and sighed secretly. He was still implicated by Senior Wuming.

He would take care of them here. Senior Wuming should be able to handle it.

Today Huang Tao could feel Wuming's power. If he forcibly took away the Four Symbols Magic Skill, he would definitely die.

This was the master's intuition.

Wang Lun came to an open space. The full moon shone its light on a man in a silver mask, adding a bit of weirdness.

"You are here for the Four Symbols Divine Art as well?"

Wang Lun could sense that the other party's strength was also among the top among the Grandmasters, at the peak of the Grandmaster level, and only needed an opportunity to break through to the Grandmaster level.

"That's right, I, Young Master Shenxu, came here for the Four Symbols Divine Art. Old man, hand over the Four Symbols Divine Art wisely, otherwise, you know the consequences.

. "

The Kidney Deficiency Master was wearing a mask, so his face couldn't be seen clearly, but he looked very kidney-deficient, and his steps were light, as if a gust of wind could blow him down.

"Young man, self-confidence is a good thing, but blind arrogance will only hurt yourself."

Wang Lun looked at the other party forcing himself to show off, and shook his head silently.

He thought that money really moved people's hearts. In the past, he didn't understand why people in the rivers and lakes killed each other to death for peerless martial arts, especially the weak ones who had to get involved.

Now after experiencing it once, I can only say that people have a fluke mentality, thinking that they must be the last one standing.

The Kidney Deficiency Master naturally knew that he couldn't make Wang Lun hand over his peerless magic skills with words alone, and dozens of embroidery needles appeared in his hand.

In an instant, he used his internal force to sprinkle on Wang Lun, and each embroidery needle was With the blessing of internal force, it is enough to easily penetrate heavy armor.

Facing such dense embroidery needles, there is nowhere to hide, and you can only resist.

However, Wang Lun just opened the sword energy shield, and then used the flying catkins of the Nine Yin Manual to dissolve all the embroidery needles, and the embroidery needles fell to the ground.

Shenxu Gongzi frowned slightly. The flying rain was one of his special moves, and the opponent could easily dissolve it. This is a hard point. Why haven't I heard of him before.

"Dazed in the battle, it seems that you look down on me. "

Wang Lun sneered, if that's the case, then let me show you the gap between us.

Hundreds of holy spirit sword qi burst out from Wang Lun's body, and the powerful force shocked Mr. Shenxu. How could this be the power that a master could burst out?

Fortunately, Mr. Shenxu also learned a book of innate light skills, and turned around to escape from here. Today he was defeated, and he would find a few people to plan the Four Symbols Magic Skills in the future.

But how could Wang Lun let him leave like this?

The holy spirit sword qi seemed to have consciousness, chasing Mr. Shenxu closely.

It was the first time that Mr. Shenxu saw the sword qi that could track people, and he immediately released the light skill with all his strength. With so many sword qi, if he was caught up, he would be dead.

After running away for a while, Mr. Shenxu finally couldn't see the sword qi anymore, and he was relieved. He almost died.

"Why is this old immortal pretending... No!!! "

Mr. Shenxu saw a sword energy passing through his forehead and reached out to touch the wound on his head.

He suddenly fell to the ground, breathless.

Wang Lun sensed the death of Mr. Shenxu from a distance and turned his head with a smile.

"Everyone, I have exhausted my internal energy to kill Mr. Shenxu. Now is a great opportunity for a sneak attack. Why don't you come out? Do you have to let me, an old man, invite you out?"

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