Wanjie Dimension Group

Chapter 306 The Decision of the King of the Protoss

the next day.

Chaoge, the newborn sun slowly rises from the sky, and the sun shines.

It's another new day.

Outside Chaoge City, the appearance of some potholes made some people stunned for a while, and they were shocked in their hearts.

How did these potholes appear.

Is it the thunder of yesterday?

The people who lived in Chaoge City last night heard the sound of thunder.

For most people, the battle between King Zhou and those god-tiers was like the sound of countless thunders.

Perhaps these potholes were made by thunder.

According to the usual situation, King Zhou was going to discuss affairs in the palace, but on this day, King Zhou rarely declared to rest.

In this regard, the officials of Chaoge City have no doubts.

After all, King Zhou really worked very diligently for the people in the past, and occasionally rested, it was not a big deal.

Palace, study.

King Zhou's hands were naturally vertical, showing a little respect.

If the officials of King Zhou saw such a situation, they would probably be very shocked.

Even the so-called Protoss had never let King Zhou behave like this.

After all, this is genuine respect.

At this moment, the fluctuation of space appeared, and a figure slowly appeared.

This figure was wearing a simple white robe, his face was like jade, and his eyes were like stars contained in it.

This person is naturally Li Yu.

He came to Wu Gengji's world from his own world.

In order to complete the task of the collapse of the Protoss.

For this task, Li Yu is naturally confident.

Don't look at the amount of points. There are 40,000 points. For Li Yu in the past, such points are still very difficult.

But for Li Yu now, 40,000 points is no longer difficult.

"President." King Zhou greeted Li Yu respectfully when he saw Li Yu appear.

"Zi Shou." Li Yu nodded, "Why don't you tell me about the Protoss now.

"President, do you want to eat something first?" King Zhou asked.

As the king of a country, delicious food, this can still come out.

"We'll talk about it later. Li Yu laughed.

"Understood, President." King Zhou nodded, and then explained everything about the Protoss.

Regarding being there are several god-tiers to deal with him.

Also said something like God of War.

It is clear.

Just like what happened in history, it happened countless years in advance.

This may also have a certain relationship with the strength of King Zhou.

How to say, King Zhou and this world are closely linked.

"It turns out that it is." Li Yu nodded, "Zi Shou, as you told me before, I am afraid that the sky has indeed been eyeing you."

"Yes, President, that's why I need your help." King Zhou continued.

"Then I have two proposals now." Li Yu raised his right hand.

This time, Prince Zhou Shou also sat up straight.

"First, we go to the place where the Protoss lives and defeat or even kill those Protoss who do not like humans, so the collapse of the Protoss is obvious.

"Second, we are waiting, waiting for the appearance of Tian, ​​I believe that if you defeated Tianjian Liubu, the king of the Protoss will not be unresponsive, he will definitely come to Chaoge.

"These are my two suggestions for you, which one do you want to choose.

Li Yu slowly spoke out the relevant suggestions.

"To be honest, I actually want to wait for the arrival of the sky, so that I can tell the humans in Chaoge that the Protoss is not unattainable, but can be defeated by us humans." King Zhou's eyes had a ray of light, "But the back I thought again, even if I can defeat the Protoss, it is the strength of the president and me, not the Human Race. Humans still need time to grow, so as long as the power of the Protoss collapses and the Protoss and humans live in peace, it will be enough.

King Zhou slowly stated his reasons.

Likewise, the King Zhou had another reason not to say, he couldn't make the president wait.

King Zhou did not want the president to have bad feelings towards him.

For this Prince Zhou Shou.

In the Wanjie dimension group.

Li Yu is the most untouchable person among them.

Everything that King Zhou had obtained during these times, perhaps the guild leader in front of him could easily deprive him.

This, Prince Zhou never wanted to try.

...... ask for flowers ........

"Yeah." Li Yu stood up, "Then we'll set off now and head to the temple."

"Yes, President, but I'll put on the armor first." King Zhou nodded.


The will of the king of the gods was quickly issued.

This time, I can't go except for the really badly damaged Oniki.

Like the restoration of the complete ten punishment, and the god-tier of the god-tier who is almost restored, they are also ready to go together.

This time, there are also three god-tiers from Tianjian Liubu also joined them.

The high priest Xinyuekui naturally also went there.

"Do we need so many god-tiers to deal with a mere human being? The tall Tai Chi god-tier smiled and didn't care.


"The other party is very powerful and possesses the divine power of the Primordial Beginning Realm." The god-tier Tiankui of Doubu said solemnly.

"I know, I know." Tai Chi god-tier sighed.

But he didn't dare to say that Tiankui's god-tier is not.

After all, the strength of Tiankui god-tier is still stronger than his.

"However, Wang actually brought all the dragons, do you need it?" Umobe's Liuyue god-tier wondered.

There was a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Dragon, as a divine beast possessed by Heaven, it protects the gods for another thousand Ten Thousand Years.

That is a very scary creature.

Even their god-tiers can't compare.

Now even such a powerful being has to be sent out, which is simply incredible.

"Should it be just a place to rest?" Tai Chi god-tier shrugged, "There is a lot of space inside, and for us, it's also easier, and we don't have to act on our own.

"Okay, god-tiers, we're ready to go. 35 God Race King Tian said lightly.

"Yes, Wang." The god-tiers said together.

Before waiting for the king of the gods to act, his complexion suddenly changed drastically, and his eyes looked in a certain direction.

There were two figures.

You must know that just before, the King of the God Race didn't have any feeling about it.

This is simply impossible.

And in the temple, there are strangers invading, and no one finds this situation? Er.

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