"If that's the case, then I'll go to the back and prepare it for you.

"But for wine, if you insist on ordering it yourself, then you can just pay for it and I will prepare it for you. W

The two just nodded when they heard Ronan's words. After all, they didn't know what kind of appetizers Ronan would cook.

Then if he decides the appetizers, then the wine should also be decided by him.

After all, they don't know what kind of match is the best, so it's better not to waste everything when the time comes.

So they also rest assured that the entire decision-making power is handed over to Ronan.

After all, as the boss, he understands all of these things better.

So the two of them were very relieved, and continued to sit on the bar, chatting about the recent situation of the two of them.

After all, the two haven't seen each other for a long time, and one is Marine and the other is a pirate. In fact, there are still many secret transactions in private.

Ronan also knew that he couldn't go to the side to listen to this corner at the moment.

After all, I am just the owner of a tavern. If I know too much, I am afraid it is not good, and the two of them are also unhappy.

So he was also very conscious, so he went to the kitchen to prepare appetizers and drinks.

He looked at the remaining material in the kitchen and frowned.

After all, the opening of the store has reached an afternoon stage, and there is not much time left.

Therefore, he can only use an existing ingredient to make a vegetable for the two of them, so the choice of ingredients is very limited. He looked at the green peppers and lemons left on the table, and then looked in the freezer, and found There are not many things left.

At this time, a new idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Hey, why don't we just make hot and sour boneless chicken feet, which are just enough to serve, and the two of us haven't eaten them yet."

Go ahead and do it Ronan is also a person who never procrastinates.

He is also the first step to prepare all the ingredients, which is the most basic step for Ronan.

It is equivalent to going to the battlefield without a gun when you are fighting, which is not acceptable.

Therefore, he is also a tool for removing chicken feet, lemons, various seasonings and the most important bone of chicken feet.

There are other things that are all prepared together, they are laid out on the table, and then all the items are cleaned.

As an owner and chef, Ronan is quite a clean freak.

After all, he doesn't want his guests to complain about the unsanitary environment when tasting these delicious foods, which is absolutely unacceptable to him.

Just like he saw in a place many years ago that people spread directly in the pit, and pickled sauerkraut with a piece of plastic sheet.

And among them, in order to turn over pickled sauerkraut, he directly walked on it with his shoes on.

Goose bumps all over his body when he thought of this, and he felt a bad (Nord's) chill, and he was absolutely incapable of doing that kind of thing.

After all, according to his recipe, things like sauerkraut are very clean, but if you touch the sauerkraut with a little oily hand, it will directly rot.

So he couldn't understand why this happened.

But this is someone else's business after all, and he can't interfere.

So at this moment, he can only keep it clean and tidy as much as possible when cooking by himself.

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