And it is very delicious when hidden. The combination of lemon and sauce is perfect.

Mix it up and pour it on the chicken feet, because all the bones of the chicken feet are shaved, so it is more delicious.

After the sauce and chicken feet are marinated for a short time, they can achieve an unusually delicious feeling.

Kizaru was also very pleasantly surprised at the moment. After taking a bite, he continued to pick up the chopsticks and put one in the basin again.

Seeing his action, Whitebeard quickly took 17 chopsticks to stop Kizaru's action.

"Hey, can you continue eating after you tell me if it's good or not?"

When Kizaru heard what Whitebeard said, he just gave him a sideways glance and continued: "Then I will continue to eat it quickly, do you think it still tastes good?"

"Why would I eat it if it doesn't taste good? Am I masochistic?"

Whitebeard was very dissatisfied. Kizaru's attitude towards him and his words made him a little unhappy, but he also understood that maybe this chicken foot was very suitable for Kizaru.

That's why he picked up another chopstick, so he also held a little hesitation, picked up the chopsticks and stretched them into the basin.

Looking at Kizaru's satisfied expression, Ronan's originally probing eyes have also turned into anticipation.

Because when Kizaru tasted it, he was afraid that the food would not taste good.

So it is to explore Kizaru's expression to see if there is an unpalatable expression on his face, then he will immediately take the chicken feet away.

But Kizaru caught another chopstick, which let Ronan know that what he did this time can be said to be very successful.

Then Whitebeard's taste test can be said to be looking forward to it. He is looking forward to what kind of expression Whitebeard will show when he eats such a delicious dish

At this time, Whitebeard had clearly noticed Ronan's expectant look.

He also understood that Ronan should be very curious, what kind of expression would he show when he ate the chicken feet?

Although he still doesn't accept the chicken feet at the moment, he has made up his mind.

Even if the food is not tasty, he still has to show a delicious expression, and he must not let Ronan down.

After all, this dish was given to the two of them by Ronan, and it was not counted as something other than what he paid for.

But in fact, he also understood that Ronan deliberately lost to the two of himself.

Because he is as smart as a white fox, he must know that with Ronan's ability, he will never lose to himself, so this is just a game Ronan uses to make himself and Kizaru happy.

So he also accepted it readily, but at this moment his expectant eyes also made White Beard make up his mind.

Even if it was so unpalatable that he would die, he would never spit it out, he must swallow it, and even said it was delicious.

Immediately afterwards, he put the chopsticks into his mouth, and put the chicken feet into his mouth as if he was dead.

At this moment, Ronan also saw his frowning with the same expression as before Kizaru ate.

He also understood that Whitebeard might not be able to accept such a mistake now with a bitter expression on the corner of his mouth. After all, this is something they would not normally use as an ingredient.

It's just a custom that Italians don't eat pineapple pizza, but at the moment, Ronan believes in one of his abilities. .

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