Ronan waved to the two, and then walked towards his lounge.

At this moment, the idea of ​​recruiting employees in his heart is also very strong.

After all, he didn't want to do everything himself, that would be too tiring.

And he also felt that he didn't know what the reason was recently.

The number of people coming to the tavern seemed to have increased, and it was too busy at all.

Originally, he was able to relax a little bit, but now he is too busy. Thinking of this, he also strengthened his mind, yes he wants to hire a waiter,

Then just do what you say and do it. This is Ronan's principle of doing things. After all, he does not allow himself to have such a procrastination.

What needs to be done today must be done today. If it is not done today, then he will have to work overtime and stay up late to finish it.

So he is also thinking about how to recruit an employee so that his work can be relaxed and relieved.

So, what kind of recruitment method is more suitable for him?

Then he thought of two ways, one is to find it himself, and the other is to get someone to recommend it.

First of all, if someone recommends it, then he also carefully thought about it in his mind.

(bhce) Who is so reliable that there are these candidates who can provide their own choices?

Then he quickly thought of Whitebeard and Kizaru sitting at the door.

Because the two of them are very powerful in their respective fields, if they are asked to recommend, there should be very suitable candidates.

But then he also denied his idea, because he also thought of a very serious question.

So no matter who recommends it, this tavern of mine is a very special existence to be honest.

Whether it is in this world or in various worlds on other planes.

In fact, Ronan is still very worried. Someone deliberately arranged some spies in his tavern.

So this is not only irresponsible to his own tavern, but also irresponsible to other people.

Just like if the Marines are asked to recommend a small employee, then if they install an undercover agent.

When the next time Four Emperors or Shichibukai come to their tavern, the head will directly expose their whereabouts.

Although it is said that fighting is not allowed inside his tavern, no one can guarantee that they will ambush at the door.

In fact, Ronan does not want to see such a thing happen in his heart, which is why there is a rule that fighting is not allowed in the tavern.

So he also quickly erased the option of letting others introduce it in his mind.

Then there is only one direction for you to choose, and that is to find it yourself.

There are actually many ways to solve such a problem, such as letting Ronan go to various planes to find suitable people.

But he is the only person in this tavern who can master a large number of recipes and know the characteristics of each drink.

So it is actually quite difficult to leave.

If he leaves this tavern and goes to the outside world to find such a waiter.

Then the guests in the tavern are not served by anyone? Isn’t it equivalent to the existence of a half-closed shop?

This is a bit of a small gain. .

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