Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Zephyr spoke again without hesitation.

With the support and encouragement of the two students, Zephyr became stronger again.

Although his right arm is gone, he has worked very hard to adapt to the new robotic arm fitted to him by the scientists.

Even the scientists added a seastone "640" to the mechanical right arm because of Zephyr's request.

Because Zephyr clearly remembered the group of pirates who killed his students at that time, they had these many abilities.

And it is precisely because of this that he suffered such a heavy blow under a very disparate force. Of course, scientists cannot refuse this request.

After that, in order to appease Zephyr's emotions, the leaders of the Marine headquarters also worked hard to prepare for his every idea.

Because everyone understands that they don't want Zephyr to leave the Marine headquarters, and there are many, many students who can take him to teach.

But this matter has indeed become a very big psychological obstacle for Zephyr.

Then, under the discussion of the bosses, they also decided to agree with Zephyr's idea at that time and set up the Pirate Guerrilla Team.

Even a lot of brave Marines were allocated to join such a team.

Going to help Zephyr is arguably a vengeful act.

And what people take for granted is that his two surviving students also joined such a pirate guerrilla team.

In this way, Zephyr also temporarily stopped his duties as a teacher, and went around every day to catch pirates.

Capture them to the Marine headquarters, and then personally interrogate where the pirates who killed their students went.

Day after day of killing did not make Zephyr feel better, but it was his two students who changed his mind.

Their encouragement and comfort several times made Zephyr's mentality gradually calm down, and soon he was able to accept such a thing calmly.

Hearing what Zephyr said was completely different from the past he knew, Kizaru also continued to be immersed in a shock.

After all, in this version of his story, Zephyr was simply going to a higher position simply to gain fame...

He just went to arrest those pirates, so when he heard such a rumor, he actually had some doubts about such a teacher as himself.

After all, my teacher at that time did not care about interpreting these things in front of me.

And he has already taken such a position in Marine Admiral, so Kizaru was even more afraid to meet his teacher at that time.

Under such a long-term misunderstanding, the relationship between the two gradually became estranged.

The occasional few contacts are when they met on the road, the two met in a hurry and had a simple greeting 0.3.

In fact, both of them can see from each other's eyes that they care about each other.

But such a misunderstanding between the two parties can be said to be deeply rooted.

At this moment, Kizaru, after learning the truth of the matter, couldn't help feeling very remorseful.

Why did the headquarters lie to him so many things and hide so many things from him?

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