This made him feel encouraged and made him feel comforted.

He took away the hand covering his face and looked at the two people who gave him warmth.

Ronan's warm smile and the warmth in his teacher's eyes made Kizaru feel a lot better at the moment.

The three continued to calm down, ready to listen to Zephyr's follow-up story.

Although it is said that after hearing the whole story here, the "550" scriptures are all clear, but everyone also wants to know the final ending.

Otherwise, Yinjia still feels that there is nothing very satisfactory about this matter.

Zephyr also understood what the three of them meant, and at that time Zephyr was also spending his days in a daze.

After all, he couldn't imagine the pirate who chopped off his own arm and tortured and slaughtered all his students.

Why was he chosen to be Shichibukai? He couldn't understand the ridiculous decision of Marine HQ.

He couldn't work with such a pirate, and the huge sense of humiliation and pain made him torment himself day and night.

Finally one day he came to his senses, he didn't want to stay in such a place any longer.

As a Marine, there are too many constraints for Zephyr.

Zephyr understood that if he went to be such a Marine Admiral again, then he would not be able to avenge his students.

Even the enmity between himself and his wife and children can only be forgotten in this way, he cannot accept such an ending.

So at this moment Zephyr has also decided that he will leave the Marine headquarters.

He is going to resign from such a position in Marine Admiral and become a pirate.

Since having such an idea, it has taken root in Zephyr's heart like a seed.

Day and night, under the birth of pain, it took root and sprouted, and it grew faster and faster in his heart.

Finally one day he couldn't take it anymore, and that night Zephyr hosted Kizaru who came to visit him.

He listened to Kizaru's consolation that was completely wrong, and he just muddled through it.

He knew that Kizaru probably didn't know anything at the moment either.

The darkness in the Marine headquarters not only blinded his own eyes, but also blinded one of Kizaru's eyes.

But he is really not going to tell Kizaru about his departure

Because what he was worried about was that Kizaru would leave here with him, and it would be better for Kizaru to be in Marine.

It is a good thing for him to continue to be promoted, and it is a thing that suits him.

And let yourself carry this hatred alone.

Of course, he didn't say this part, it was just a thought in his heart.

Especially after seeing that Kizaru has become a Marine Admiral at the moment, such an idea is even more deeply rooted.

Thankfully I didn't tell Kizaru at the beginning, otherwise it would have delayed one of Kizaru's future.

What's more, seeing Kizaru who has grown rapidly under such pressure, Zephyr is also very happy with 4.5.

After all, this was once a student he regarded as his own, so it is said that he has made such achievements.

Zephyr was actually very happy.

After finding out the cause and effect of the whole incident, Kizaru also felt very ashamed at the moment.

They didn't expect that the Marine headquarters didn't disclose any news to themselves about this matter. .

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