"Teacher, calm down, I believe he has no malicious intentions, just like the two of us before.

"If there is any misunderstanding, we can all sit down and have a good communication without having to use knives and guns."

"And as a friend, I know Loki very well. He just wants to play tricks."

"Or he's really just interested in your right arm, he won't do anything harmful to you.

"If you still don't believe it, you can use your seastone to imprison Loki."

"Because he is a god, none of his abilities will disappear because of Seastone's confinement.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it from this aspect."

At this moment, a word from Kizaru also made Zephyr suddenly enlightened.

That's right, if that's what they said, then it can indeed be proved that Loki didn't have such an idea.

After all, no matter how powerful the Marine headquarters is, they can't let a god become one of their undercover agents.

At this moment, Zephyr also turned around suddenly, and after seeing Jia Yuan propose a solution.

Loki also nodded, he did agree with such a statement.

Even if he is drunk, he still has the most basic rationality.

What's more, Zephyr threw Whitebeard on the back with ease just now and knocked him down.

If it's me, if my ability can really be suppressed by him, then wouldn't it really be over?

He didn't want to make such an embarrassment after being drunk.

Otherwise, if someone from his own plane comes here next time, wouldn't it be considered a disgrace?

He would not allow such a thing to happen, so he also agreed to such a method of Kizaru.

Agreeing to have a try with Zephyr, and seeing such a proposal from Kizaru, Loki did agree.

And very willing to cooperate with himself, then Zephyr has nothing more to say.

After all, if he really did something too bad, which affected the operation of a tavern in Ronan.

Then he will not forgive himself easily, after all, this battle has happened until now.

Zephyr also didn't have any one to speak.

Although it is said that the tavern is close to closing at the moment, there are no customers in the store.

………… Ask for flowers… 0

But he didn't say any words, and the few people were also very moved.

Under such conditions, Zephyr gradually calmed down,

After thinking about it carefully, he really thinks this is a very useful method.

If Loki's ability can indeed be suppressed by himself.

Then I can solve it very easily, no matter whether he is an undercover agent or not.

There is no way for him to study one of his pulverizers, and if his ability cannot be suppressed by himself.

So it means that Loki is really not an undercover agent at the Marine headquarters.

That being the case, it doesn't matter even if you study the pulverizer on your right arm.

And he can see it very clearly.

Kizaru and Whitebeard and even Ronan consider Loki a friend.

Although it is true that there is an element of teasing Loki in this wine game, it can still be seen.

It was because of his friends that he was able to play tricks on him so calmly.

Well, after such a logic has been smoothed out, he has no room for rebuttal. .

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