It can be said that this step is a very important step in making this staple food.

If the dough is not kneaded well enough, then in the next process, he will not be very firm and delicious.

As for the next step, he hurried to find a large pot and prepared to boil water in it.

Cook the noodles for a while, because the steps of this staple food are actually not very cumbersome, but the heat should be mastered better.

Otherwise, the side will taste a little soft.

Or a little less chewy, a scene he didn't want to see.

Because this is his first customer in the store today, and it's also Bonney's first day in the store.

He didn't want to leave a bad impression in front of the two of them.

927 Then it led to Ronan, when faced with such an oily noodle, it can be said that he was extremely serious.

There is a hot water burning on the other side, and Ronan's dough can be said to be ready.

The process of making dough is to give the dough that has been kneaded and let it undergo an expansion process.

Next, he also put the dough in the basin on the chopping board.

Picking up the rolling pin that was set aside, he made a flattening motion.

Change the entire dough into a dough of about 3 mm, and it must be uniform.

(bhaa) It can be said that Ronan has practiced for such a step for a long time.

Although, he is relatively free-wheeling when cooking other foods.

But when making this dish, he is also more focused.

Because this dish can be said to test the skills of a chef.

The next step is a relatively simple one.

That is to cut the rolled dough into strips according to a strip, and put them into the boiling pot.

This is how the soft noodles are prepared, and when they are put into the boiling water that has begun to tumbling.

The noodles will also gradually become cooked in such a process, and gradually become chewy and delicious.

While gently stirring the noodles in the pot with chopsticks, Ronan started to go down, he also didn't want the noodles to stick together.

All the noodles were already in the pot, Ronan covered the pot and let the noodles cook for a while.

And he went to prepare the minced garlic. After chopping the garlic, he pressed it lightly with the back of the knife.

Then cut it horizontally according to the cracked lines, and it becomes minced garlic [this is a seasoning he will use for more than a dozen children.

There are also sesame seeds, pepper powder, and a little bit of salt. At this time, Ronan also picked up another small pot.

He poured a little oil into the fire and it was heating up, because he saw that the noodles in the cauldron were almost cooked.

Then such a step of burning oil should be carried out quickly.

After all, oil splashing noodles, oil splashing is a very important step.

When it is almost cooked from here, the noodles are also cooked.

Ronan quickly picked up a large bowl and scooped up all the noodles in the pot.

Then very quickly put minced garlic, chili powder, pepper, and a pinch of salt into the bowl.

Immediately afterwards, the oil at this time has also been burned to a suitable temperature.

It can be said that the time is controlled very precisely.

I saw Ronan pouring hot oil on his face, making a clattering sound.

An aroma mixed with chili and other seasonings permeates the entire kitchen. .

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