I didn't expect such a wonderful adventure, so I also encountered a very delicious tavern.

After eating here, he quickly picked up the orange-flavored sparkling water beside him and drank it.

The orange flavor exploded in the guest's mouth with the air bubbles, bringing him a different taste experience.

In the past, when he drank this kind of sparkling water, it was basically just Coke.

And such a juice tastes "zero zero zero", so to speak.

He opened the door to a New World for the guest, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Spicy and spicy, full of flavor oil splash noodles, and such a refreshing drink with bubbles.

When the two add up, although it looks like fire and water are incompatible, it seems to be unexpectedly harmonious.

Bonney and Ronan noticed the satisfied state of the guests eating noodles and drinking drinks.

Bonney felt very envious and wanted to eat, while Ronan felt very satisfied.

Because he made such a delicacy has been recognized.

What's more, such a set meal can also be said to be recognized, which makes him very happy.

Ronan silently sat in his exclusive seat behind the bar, and sat there watching Bonney and the guests.

The two of them chatted one after another.

Bonney could tell, because there wasn't a single piece of food in his mouth.

So the eyes are always staring at an oily noodle on the guest's table.

The mouth is not idle at all, and has been actively looking for topics.

And the guests clearly felt such an action of Bonney, so they kindly asked about it.

"Why don't I give you a bite too?" Bonney, when he arrived, quickly waved his hand to signal that he didn't need it.

After all, Bonney is a waiter, and it's not very good to eat the food of the guests.

What's more, although she is a relatively familiar person, the two of them met on the first day.

She also couldn't do such a thing, Ronan at this time.

It also appeared in a hurry and solved an embarrassing dilemma between the two.

He also took out a bottle of the same sparkling water and put it in front of Bonney.

I saw my boss standing in front of me with a bottle of sparkling water like a savior...

Bonney was also very moved, after all, she was really greedy for such a set meal from the customer in front of her.

Although she just had a staff meal, such a curry rice for three people.

And my portion of curry rice is comparable to such a portion of oily noodles.

But as a big eater, how can you not want to continue eating just because you are full?

Bonney quickly picked up the bottle of sparkling water that was on the table.

Under the eyes of the two people, they also put it into their mouths and took a sip.

Sure enough, she also showed the same satisfied face as the guest just now.

Although I said that it was only the first day, I came to such a tavern for a trial.

But to be honest, the boss took good care of Bonney.

Although this is under the premise that no compensation is required.

But Ronan can also understand that, in fact, one meal for Bonney has already exceeded the part of the reward.

All Ronan thought Bonney deserved, so said to provide her with these meals and drinks. .

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