Now they finally have such an opportunity, and they don't need to pay for it.

This is their Hundred Beasts Group paying for it, so why not do it?

They also came to Kaido one after another, bowed deeply to him and said.

"Thank you for everything you have done for our Hundred Beasts."

"In the future, we will definitely do everything for you, and we will do whatever we want."

"It was also you who helped us organize such a banquet."

"Our Hundred Beasts Group has been there for many years, and we haven't held a banquet."

Kaido also widened his eyes, and he didn't intend to let the people in front of him compliment him.

He was just thinking that he hadn't had a party in a long time.

Today, he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to gather all the people in the Hundred Beasts Group together.

See how it should be in the future, because of other things.

But he didn't expect to cause such a big sensation.

He also smiled naively, and said: "Everyone, you don't need to praise me like this."

"I have my own plan in mind for all this."

"Just wait for tomorrow."

"I believe Ronan is also preparing some drinks and food for us.

Tomorrow he will also vacate his tavern and let us have a banquet, and we are equivalent to booking the venue.

But (bhbb) we need to deprive some of the money for this banquet from the money of the Hundred Beasts.

You can't let Ronan do things that are not worth the cost.

The people in front of them also laughed out loud.

Now that Kaido has said so, they will go through fire and water for Kaido.

They will also follow Kaido's.

They also nodded, and they left one after another.

On the other hand, on Ronan's side, he will also prepare some things for tomorrow, after the preparations are completed.

Just left his tavern.

All the things in the tavern were also sealed off.

He didn't want anyone in the tavern.

Ronan was also aimlessly looking for some food and other things to make wine.

But time also flies by.

Kaido and those from the Hundred Beasts came to this tavern one after another.

But they knocked on the door [and found that Ronan wasn't even here.

The people from the Hundred Beasts also looked at Kaido one after another.

Do they feel that today's Kaido has deceived them?

Why is Ronan not here, and what are some of the reasons?

They also await an answer from Kaido.

But now Kaido can't speak, and he doesn't know why.

He didn't even know why Ronan left here.

But just when he was confused and struggling, Ronan came directly to Kaido's side.

He also coughed a few times and said to their backs: "Everyone, I didn't expect you to come so early."

"I also want to go out and find something.

"But you came so early, it also makes me quite embarrassed."

However, after seeing Ronan, the members of the Hundred Beasts also bowed deeply to him and said.

"You don't need to be so concerned."

"Our original intention is to come here to make some troubles."

"Early or late, it doesn't matter to us.

But Kaido widened his eyes, these people before said that is not the case.

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