The current Ronan also wants to use his own power to directly block Ryder in front of him here.

He felt the energy in Ryder still resisting.

The most important thing is that he still has the bat fruit on his body.

The current Ryder is also aware of Ronan, wanting to seal his power here, he is also extremely shocked.

He just mobilized all the power of his bat fruit.

Today on "803", he will also use some of the energy in this fruit to compare with Ronan.

Let's see what virtue Ronan has and how he dares to fight him.

He also quickly gathered his strength.

It is also continuously condensed into his body.

Now Bat Fruit also triggers accordingly.

Ronan felt the Ryder in his hand, after a burst of physical energy.

He also widened his eyes.

Why is this person's energy so powerful?

He thought about it for a long time but still couldn't figure it out, but he took a few steps back.

The current Kaido also came to Ronan and said to him.

"This is one of the reasons why some clues appeared in the bat fruit in his body."

"You have to be more careful, otherwise it will be quite unfavorable to you."

But now that Ryder is out of such a control, he also burst into laughter.

He looks at Ronan now with teasing eyes.

He also said to Ronan after transferring his own power into his body.

"Why do you still dare to compete with me today?"

"For the sword array you just released, I can treat you seriously."

"Today, you and I will go shopping together."

"Either you die or I die, I want to see what kind of means you have to dare to fight against me.

After finishing these words, he also quickly took out his saber.

It was also here that he stared at Ronan covetously.

But the current Ronan is also extremely embarrassed, and the person in front of him is indeed quite powerful.

He also said to Ryder earnestly and earnestly: "I wanted to let you go before."

"But why did you forcefully break through my seal?"

"Isn't it good for you to ask me to punish him directly here?"

"I won't get too entangled with you, I'll just send you away...

If you want to come tomorrow, then you will come again.

I don't have any objections to you either.

Ryder didn't want to have a conversation with Ronan at all, and he started attacking Ronan directly.

After he blasted out all his strength.

It also released energy continuously, and released the saber in his hand.

He blasted Ronan.

Ronan was also unequivocal, the Ryder in front of him didn't talk nicely to him.

Then he will kill Ryder here again.

He wants to see what kind of ability Ryder has to dare to fight against himself. 0.8 In his own tavern, he is fearless of anyone.

But now Ryder also understands that this is his last effort.

If he wins, he will win, but if he fails, then he can only bear it silently.

He may surrender to Ronan, or he may communicate with Ronan.

He also felt a strong aspect of Ronan before. .

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