"Then we can't keep Luffy in Ronan's tavern.

"My suggestion is that we come to Ronan's tavern now and ask him for his mobilization.

But after these words were finished, those people in front of them also shook their heads.

They felt that it was a little disrespectful to go to Ronan's tavern to find Ronan now.

The most important thing is that they can't beat Ronan, which is the most embarrassing thing for them.

These people in front of them were also quite speechless.

But a leader next to him also said decisively: "Everyone, I don't have too much entanglement with you.

"You can also tell me what you think now."

"If we want to rescue Luffy, then we have only one way to go to Ronan's tavern.

"But if we don't want to rescue, then we can only stay here silently."

After these words were finished, the other people in front of them were also quite speechless.

After they looked at each other one after another, they also said sonorously, we must rescue Luffy.

No matter what kind of power Ronan has, what kind of means he has.

Luffy we must rescue, you say now, can you take us to Ronan's tavern.

The leader in front of him also heard this, after what the members of the pirate group said.

Also quite speechless.

But if they want to go to the tavern to find Ronan and bring Luffy back, it is indeed feasible.

He also heard that Ronan's tavern has launched several very delicious drinks.

The leader in front of him also said to the members of the Straw Hat Pirates: "Everyone, since you have already made up your mind,

"Then you go ahead."

"But this time I won't go with you, if you can rescue Luffy, you will.

"If you can't save him, don't do anything with Ronan."

"Be sure to return to my side, we can also have a long-term plan."

After finishing these words, he also patted the shoulders of these pirates.

But these people also stared their own eyes wide, they didn't want to make any long-term plans.

What they wanted was to be able to get Ronan out.

They were grateful that Ronan was really ignorant of current affairs, and dared to capture Luffy.

They also looked at the leader in front of them and waved, and they also left here one after another.

Seeing that the members of the Pirates had left quietly, the leader also laughed out loud.

In the past few days, I can finally relax and relax.

All of this is also arranged by it.

Now Ronan has no idea that those members of the Pirates will come to his tavern.

But Ronan was also studying the drinks with the two waiters beside him.

Now he also feels that he has some problems with his drinks, and he seems to be unattractive.

But at this time, these pirates (with money) also came to the door of Ronan's tavern one after another.

They also saw Ronan's tavern, which was so magnificent, they were also very shocked.

It seems that Ronan is also a rich owner.

After they also coughed twice, they swaggered into Ronan's tavern.

But Ronan also saw these people coming, and he was also very shocked.

Who are these people? And why have they come to their tavern?

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