Wanjie Tavern: Akainu Who Smoked Hanako Was Dumbfounded

Chapter 779 Since You Say That, You Can't Blame Me

But all the pirates in front of them also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Naval Headquarters they also know.

This place can be said to be very huge, and they simply don't have the strength to force their way into Naval Headquarters.

Why did Ronan ask Garp to bring Luffy to Naval Headquarters~?

They were also very confused. Could it be that Ronan didn't want Luffy to come back alive?

They are also looking at Ronan one after another, quite confused.

But at this time, a member of the pirate group also said.

"Gentlemen, do you think this was done by Ronan?"

"Garp would never have taken Luffy to Naval Headquarters if Ronan hadn't said it.

"I feel like it was all done by Ronan, and to hit us guys."

Everyone thinks that if Ronan did it, should we fight Ronan too?

This is Ronan not giving face first, and he can't blame us.

But after these words were finished, other people also looked at each other one after another.

Once they made a move on Ronan, wouldn't it mean that they didn't take it for granted.

The most important thing is that they have also promised Ronan before, once they know the news, they will leave here.

They were also very confused now, so they looked at the person in front of them.

Facing him, he said forcefully: "You also said just now, let us attack Ronan and teach Ronan a certain lesson."

"But we also promised Ronan before that we would never fight her hard."

"If we do this now, won't it be a joke?"

"We also hope that you can tell us the truth."

After these words were finished, the members of the pirate group in front of them also looked at the person who just spoke.

But at this moment, Ronan was also very confused.

I have already told the pirates that Luffy is in Naval Headquarters.

But why don't these people leave?

Seems like you still want to communicate in your own tavern?

Ronan also sat down on the chair straightforwardly, and also raised his legs.

He picked up the drink in his hand, looked at the pirates and said, "Everyone, why don't you leave here?"

"You must also tell me what you have done today."

………… Ask for flowers……………………

"Otherwise, I will punish you too.

After finishing speaking, he also looked at these people of the Straw Hat Pirates with a teasing look.

But after they heard these words, they also burst out laughing.

They have already made a decision, that is to make trouble here at Ronan and give Ronan a certain punishment.

Whoever told Ronan to send Luffy to Naval Headquarters was targeting them.

These people also pointed to Ronan's nose and gave Ronan a slow pause.

But now Ronan also doesn't understand why these people want to insult him.

Ronan also widened his eyes, and said to them, "Everyone."

"I don't think I have offended you, but why did you insult me ​​just now?"

"If you don't tell the reason today, then you can't blame me."

"When you came here, I told you, don't make trouble in my tavern.

Do you not understand the words?

Ronan was also very angry, he directly released his power to the corpse. .

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