"I also hope that you can communicate well."

"I'm also waiting here with peace of mind."

After saying these words, Ronan also looked at these people and waved.

All the pirates in front of them also gathered together one after another.

They also looked at the leader just now, and cupped their hands at him and said, "Your injury is fine now, why don't we help you recover first, and we can talk at "533"?"

But the leader also shook his head, his injury is not the point.

The most important thing is how they left Ronan's tavern.

The leader also said to the front: "Everyone, Ronan has also given us time to communicate."

"Then we can't chill Ronan either."

"But we can't stay in the tavern for a month.

Now let's see how to do it, shall we?

After saying these words, the rest of the people also nodded, they had already had such an idea.

But at this moment, Ronan on the side also raised his legs.

The waiters were also watching them secretly, giving Ronan a thumbs up.

They admire Ronan a lot.

Ronan's ability to deal with people, as well as Ronan's all means, also convinced them.

But the current pirates are quite speechless.

But one of the team members also said decisively: "Everyone, now I have an idea."

"That is, we compensate according to the price, and compensate as much as we can."

"See how long we have to stay in Ronan's tavern."

"If it is within a few days or within ten days, we can also accept it.

But if it exceeds ten days, then we have to find another way.

But after these words were finished, the rest of the people also shook their heads.

They didn't want to use this method very much, and they also said to the person just now: "Is there no other way?"

But the member who spoke just now shook his head, he could only think of this way.

Now everyone is also looking at the leader.

But the current leadership is quite confused, the only way for these pirates to come up with a solution?

Can't anyone else tell at all?

He also said to the others: "Everyone, I also hope that you can think of a way...."

"How should we implement it?"

But these people also let out a long sigh. If they could figure it out, they would have said it long ago.

If they don't say it now, doesn't that prove that they don't understand?

They also said to the leader in front of them: "Ronan is still watching."

"You'd better tell us your method."

But the leader also shook his head. If she had a way, he would have said that he would let these people communicate?

But now Ronan can't wait.

It stands to reason that these people should have finished discussing it long ago, and it doesn't take such a long time.

The current Ronan is also looking at these people with incomparable playfulness. 4.6

He also said sonorously to them: "Everyone, how is your discussion going?"

"If you have anything to tell me directly, if you don't want to serve those customers here for a month."

"Then you have to pay for it."

After speaking, Ronan also waited for these people's orders.

But the people in these bandits in front of them were quite speechless. .

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