Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Wang Hao bought houses and villas everywhere, with an average price of 120 million yuan for six sets in Yuyuan Garden, 10 sets in No. 1 in the eastern suburbs, with an average price of 60 million, and 14 sets in Huazhou Junting with an average price of 50 million yuan, a total of 30 villas.

It cost 2 billion in one go.

In addition, Wang Hao also registered a real estate investment company.

Finally had his own company, the serf turned over and sang, he is now the boss!

That afternoon.

The Bund is on the banks of the Huangpu River.

Yixiang Teahouse, Wang Hao sat in the window seat drinking afternoon tea.

He eats dessert while drinking tea and can also enjoy the river view, this day is comfortable!

“Toot toot!”

The mobile phone on the table rang, Wang Hao picked it up casually and answered it, “Mr. Wang, I’m Xiao Li, I’m here, where are you?” ”

Wang Hao looked back and saw a middle-aged man wearing a white shirt and black leather shoes.

“Xiao Li, here.” Wang Hao waved.

Xiao Li walked over quickly, “Mr. Wang, hello!” ”

Xiao Li is the assistant to the general manager recruited by Wang Hao from Greenland Group through the headhunting company, and most of the affairs of the real estate company will have to be handled by him in the future, so he will be given an annual salary of millions.

“Sit down and have some tea.” Wang Hao asked the waiter to bring another teacup, ready to pour tea for Xiao Li.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Xiao Li quickly took the teapot and poured tea.

At this time, Wang Hao just took out a cigarette.

Xiao Li quickly moved and took out a lighter to help him light it.

This Xiao Li is good and can be a person.

Wang Hao nodded slightly, spit out a cigarette ring and said: “Xiao Li, if you rent the company’s office space these days, it must be on the Bund…”

Xiao Li took out a notepad, and wrote down everything the boss said.

This is a sycophant, no, this is called professional.

“Boss, the rent for office buildings on the Bund is very expensive, as far as I know, one square meter costs 600 a month.” Xiao Li reminded carefully.

“Money is not an issue.” Wang Hao said without care.

“What other specific requirements?”

“To be big, to be big enough, but also to be magnificent, to give people a look that our company has strength.”

I see.

Next, Wang Hao explained some details, and Xiao Li left to find a house.

After a while, Wang Hao also left after eating afternoon tea.

In front of the Volkswagen plant.

The porcelain-white Lamborghini slowly stopped at the door, and in the car, Wang Hao dialed the monkey’s phone.

“Monkey, you haven’t left work yet, hurry up, I’ll wait for you at the door.” When the phone was connected, Wang Hao said directly.

“Coming, coming, coming out immediately.”

While talking, the monkey came out and got into the car, “Big guy, do you want me to drive?” ”

“Okay!” Wang Hao nodded.

Immediately, the two switched positions.

The monkey sits in the driver’s seat, holding the steering wheel with a look of excitement and starts.

As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the sports car roared and rushed out.

The strong inertia made Wang Hao cling to the seat, “I grass, you force away slowly.” ”

“Haha, enjoyable!” The monkey shouted excitedly.

It continued to drive at this speed for a few streets before gradually slowing down, because in front of it was a university town, where several universities were concentrated, and there were more cars on the street.

There are also a lot of students on the street.

Wang Hao lowered the window and lay down by the window to look at the beauty.

The monkey in his ear spoke: “Hey, did you see that news on the Internet?” ”

“What news did you say?” Wang Hao turned his head and asked.

“That is, you put a bottle of mineral water, or a drink on the roof of the car, and the beautiful student automatically picks up the drink and gets in the car, and then talks to you about the price and plays with the news.”

“Oh.” Wang Hao nodded, he knew.

“What if you don’t give it a try?”

“Yes!” Wang Hao agreed.

Anyway, boring, try it.

So, the two guys drove to the gate of one of the normal universities.

Then the two got out of the car, Wang Hao first went to the supermarket to buy a bottle of mineral water and put it on the roof of the car, and then the two hid in the supermarket and watched the car through the glass window of the supermarket.

Sneaky like a thief.

Ten minutes passed.

Students passing by all noticed the car, some felt that the car was super handsome and took pictures with mobile phones, some felt that the water on the roof of the car was inexplicable, and some pointed out….

However, there is no one to take water.

Another ten minutes passed

Still no one.

“The news is fake?” When Wang Hao was waiting a little impatiently, a beautiful woman with long hair and a white dress stopped by the side of the car.

“There is a play!”

Wang Hao instantly became energetic.

I saw that the girl in the white dress stayed for a minute, and then took the mineral water on the roof of the car.

“Yay~~” The monkey excitedly called.

Oops I went, it worked.

What a fucking person with water.

“Hurry up, hurry up!” Wang Hao encouraged the monkey to go up.

“You’re on!”

“You are pressed, and you will be prodded at the critical moment,” Wang Hao complained.

“You can do it!” Monkey retorted.

“This girl is not my favorite.” Wang Hao shook his head.


These two goods were provoked and hid and did not go out. Or they are actually just bored and curious, wanting to verify whether it is the same as the news, and they didn’t think that they could really date a girl.

Then the girl stayed in place for five or six minutes, saw that no one appeared, and left angrily.

Another few minutes passed.

Wang Hao and the two came out of the supermarket, smiled and drove away.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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