“Can I change some room layouts?” Wang Hao asked.

“Of course you can, as long as it’s not demolishing the house, the owner of this villa can change it however you want.” Xia Yan said with a smile.

“Then turn the gym into a games room.” After a pause, Wang Hao continued: “There is also a bedroom on the second floor that has been converted into a children’s room, I have a four-year-old little niece, I will bring her to play.” ”

“Okay.” Xia Yan remembered.

While speaking, Wang Hao walked into the private small theater and sat down on the sofa.

The gaze rested on the wine cabinet, dozens of bottles of wine were placed on it, everything.

Wang Hao thinks he likes it the most.

It’s refreshing to sit here drinking wine, watching a movie, or singing with friends.

“Boss, do you drink red wine or champagne?” At this time, Xia Yan asked.

“Red wine!”

Saying that, Xia Yan took a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and opened it.

Then poured a glass of wine for Wang Hao, and Xia Yan asked again: “Boss, if you need steak, or something else to eat, I will order the chef to make it for you immediately.” ”

“Okay, steak, another fried egg, peanut rice.” Wang Hao ordered.


Saying that, Xia Yan left the small theater.

After a while, steak, fried eggs, peanuts, all arrived.

That’s comfortable.

Wang Hao looked at Xia Yan and said, “Do you want to sit down and eat together?” ”

“Thanks, I don’t eat at night.”

“Lose weight?”

“Hmm.” Xia Yan nodded.

“You are already beautiful and don’t need to lose weight.”

Xia Yan smiled.

“It’s okay, are you going to rest?” Wang Hao said.

“Okay, if you have any orders to call me, I’ll be in the bedroom downstairs.”

As soon as Xia Yan left, Wang Hao’s mobile phone rang, it was a monkey calling, “Monkey, you can sleep realistically, you have slept for a day.” ”

“I’m so tired, Haozi, where are you?”

“I was in the clubhouse yesterday, come and play?”

Saying that, Wang Hao pointed his mobile phone at red wine and steak, and took a few photos to send to the monkey.

“I lost it, it’s so comfortable!” Monkey admiration.

“Hehe, you come quickly, I’ll wait for you.”

Then, Wang Hao chatted with the monkey a few more words and hung up the phone.


Half an hour later, the monkey came.

Wang Hao led him around the villa, “How about it, this is my private villa!” ”

“Awesome!” The monkey extends his thumb.

While talking, the two arrived at the private small theater and sat down.

Wang Hao poured a glass of wine for the monkey.

At this time, Xia Yan came in and delivered a steak.

The monkey kept staring at the people, until the people went out, he withdrew his gaze and exclaimed, “Who is this beauty?” ”

“My assistant, isn’t it beautiful?” Wang Hao said proudly.

The monkey nodded, “It’s beautiful.” ”

“Drink and drink!”

The two clinked glasses.

The monkey finished drinking the wine in the glass in one sip, and couldn’t help but sigh, “Grandma’s, if you have money, you will really enjoy it!” ”

“Do you want to see a movie?” Wang Hao turned on the big screen with a remote control.

“Can you watch Avengers 1? Recently released, I heard that it is very good-looking. Monkey asked.

“I’ll look for it!”

Wang Hao searched and could see.

Then the big screen played Avengers 1, Wang Hao and Monkey were also drinking, watching movies, so unhappy.

It’s really comfortable to live like this.


The east showed a touch of fish bile, and the birds in the trees chirped.

At this time, Wang Hao just woke up, stood at the door of the villa, and stretched out.

The air is fresh and you can smell the flowers.

The small courtyard is full of flowers and is beautiful.

Wang Hao walked along the small bridge and watched the stream babbling.

There is also a red carp in the water … No, it’s not like a carp.

This fish is relatively large, very long, about half a meter.

Wang Hao squatted down and looked carefully, “This won’t be a koi, right?” ”

Saying that, Xia Yan’s voice came from behind him, “This is a koi.” ”

Wang Hao turned his head and saw Xia Yan wearing a light blue dress with long hair and a shawl, fresh and vulgar.

Xia Yan came over, squatted down and said, “There are 30 koi in this stream. ”

It’s really a koi, it’s a bit of a cock.

Then, Wang Hao walked along the stream, circled, and then arrived at the small lawn behind the villa.

There is a covered balcony in the middle of the lawn, and Wang Hao is very comfortable lying on it to bask in the sun.

“Boss, your breakfast is ready.” Behind him, Xia Yan spoke, and a chef brought breakfast later.

A glass of milk, a sandwich, and a plate of fruit.

It’s really a fairy day.

“Boss, do you want to call your friend up and have breakfast together?” Xia Yan asked.

“No, just get up whenever he wants.” Wang Hao ate a sandwich and said, “I want to use the car in the morning, you and I will go to the train station to pick up people.” ”

Private villas also offer the services of a vehicle.

The sun rose.

Square outside the train station exit.

A black Bentley was parked on the side of the road that was quietly parked in the square.

There was Wang Hao sitting in the car, and Xia Yan had two bodyguards, one of whom was also the driver.

Wang Hao came to pick up his sister and Beibei.

Looking at the time, there are still three minutes to reach the station.

Wang Hao opened the door and got out of the car.

Subsequently, Xia Yan and a black-clothed bodyguard got off the train and followed the boss into the train station.

A group of three stood at the exit and waited.

“Uncle, uncle!” A child’s voice sounded in the station.

Haha, heard the voice.

Wang Hao saw Beibei.

This little Mengbao was wearing a purple skirt and a double ponytail, shouting excitedly, if it weren’t for the old lady holding her, she would probably have run over earlier.

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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