Wang Hao and Xia Yan were left in the office.

Old God Wang Hao was lying in the boss’s chair and asked, “Yanyan, how much money do I still have in my account now?” ”

“Last time I invested 6 billion, the return was 15 billion, a total of 21 billion, plus the remaining 3 billion in your account boss, a total of 24 billion, just gave the company account 5 billion, there is still 19 billion.” Xia Yan said truthfully.

Almost 20 billion, enough for him to spend.

“Boss, there is nothing to do, I will go to other departments of the company first.” Xia Yan said and walked out.

On the corridor, Xia Yan took out her mobile phone and edited a message to send to Chen Xiaoxian (Jade Carving Master), “Our jade water species is imperial green, weighing a total of 46 kilograms, and it is worth a lot, we hope that Mr. Chen will come to Hai City.” ”

The text is accompanied by a jade picture.


The capital is Yideju.

Inside the elegant room, an old man dressed in a white training uniform was playing tai chi.

On the side of the coffee table, a middle-aged man in his forties, dressed in a suit, lit a sandalwood incense into the incense burner, and then cleaned his hands and brewed a pot of fragrant tea.

Among them, the old man is Chen Xiaoxian, the number one jade carving master in China, and the middle-aged man is his apprentice Tang Qin.

“Master, that Xia Yan from the sea market has made seven or eight calls, and wants to invite you to carve a jade carving, and the price has reached 20 million.” Tang Qin said casually.

“If you don’t go, in a month it will be the Tiangong Competition, and I will prepare the entries.” Chen Xiaoxian was unmoved.

At this moment, Tang Qin received a text message from Xia Yan, “My God~~~”

Dang ~~

As soon as he snorted, the phone dropped directly, and he muttered in his mouth: “This is impossible, impossible.” ”

I couldn’t believe it at all.

“What’s wrong?” Chen Xiaoxian frowned.

“Master, have you ever seen 46 kilograms of imperial green jadeite?” Tang Qin’s voice trembled, “This is simply a myth, how can there be such a large imperial green jadeite.” ”

“Nonsense, how can there be such in this world.”

“Master, look.” Tang Qin quickly picked up his mobile phone and handed it to the master to see.

The mobile phone screen God King green emerald green, put a confusing light.

“This, this…” Chen Xiaoxian was dumbfounded, unable to speak

It’s amazing!

It’s incredible!

“If this picture is true, holding a piece of jade is a rare treasure, and you can win the highest honor of the Tiangong Award without carving.” Chen Xiaoxian’s excitement was indescribable.

After a pause, Chen Xiaoxian took off his practice clothes and walked straight out, “Hurry up and book a ticket, we will go to the sea market now.” ”

He couldn’t wait.


Sea market.

In the private club, Wang Jun gathered all the members and was meeting.

“I’m anxious for everyone to come today because I want to discuss a matter.” Wang Jun spoke.

Everyone looked at him.

“Everyone should know that last time the boss led most of our members and earned 12.5 billion.” Wang Jun paused when he said this, his gaze scanning the others.

Because half of the more than thirty people did not participate in the last incident.

“I hope that if you are not involved, you will not have ideas, because you have no seeds and are not willing to invest.”

“I think it’s good, you guys continue to grow it.” Wang Ke interjected and said with a smile: “Last time Lao Tzu gambled all the worth and made 5 billion yuan, now I am also a person worth tens of billions, I can follow the boss to make a lot of money, in the future, if you are not willing to invest, I will top.” ”

This guy tasted the sweetness last time, and the biggest sweetness is an incomparable worship for Wang Hao.

When these words came out, everyone who didn’t invest money last time regretted dying.

“Well, don’t think about it, now I’m discussing with you, I’m going to open a financial investment company in the name of the club, and specifically follow the boss to make money in the future.”

Wang Jun paused and continued: “And I feel that the boss’s ambition is not small, and he will definitely face off with the Gongzi Association and a large foreign consortium in the future, and we may be able to become a multinational consortium in the future, so I ask you what you think today.” ”

“I did it.” Wang Ke was the first to express his position.

“I don’t have an opinion, I have nothing to do anyway, maybe after following the boss, I can become a figure like Bill Gates.” Liu Jian said with a smile.

Lin Wan’er smiled, “It’s useless for us to discuss, it depends on whether the boss is willing or not, in case we open a company and destroy the boss’s plan, then…”

That’s right, also consider the idea of the right lord Wang Hao.

Wang Jun nodded and scrutinized: “Let’s express our position first, and then ask the boss what he thinks, if the boss is not willing, then we will continue in the form of a club.” ”

After that, everyone expressed their willingness to join this investment company.

Those who do not join are fools, you must know that the least they invested last time earned 300 million, and the most was 5 billion.

This is more than the wealth that their fathers accumulated in a lifetime.

Therefore, the club members all agreed, and Wang Hao was sent to express his position.

Next, these rich second generations drove to Wang Hao’s company together and personally went to meet the boss and explain their ideas.

However, the main owner Wang Hao was still napping in the office. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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