
I could feel their anger radiating out from their body, they were werewolf's of the park after that stupid boundary, am sure in their mind now we have trespassed into their land but funnily I and Kelvin are now in my parks area, they ran and then they surrounded us,

"What are you doing in our packs area" one of the black werewolves said looking at Kelvin as he slept in my arms, "we are taking both of you in for investigation" he continued and I laughed out, "sorry I wasn't expecting that laugh to come out" I said looking at all of them and their confused face with slacked cheeks almost made me laugh even more,

"you guys are in my pack area, if you upset me then am going to report you to my alpha," I said to them and that is when they discovered that they were in my pack area instead of theirs, "now hush! Hush!, before my alpha sniffs your scent" I said to them, pointing the boundary stands,

"We are still taking you in," the black wolf said to me and am sure my wolf's mouth opened wide, "but am in my packs land," I said to them and the approached me and grabbed my hand so tight that it hurt me,

"ah!" I gave out a sound of pain and the next thing, Kelvin jumps up breaking the black werewolf's skull with his one hand, he ran so fast and killed each of them like he was haunting them, but then five of the werewolf's fired at him with their guns and he falls to the floor, covering his face with his beast claws,

"Please stop" I screamed out and they all stopped, I ran and I stood at his front, and a bit far from him, I turned to look at Kelvin and Then I turned around as soon as I felt something on my head, one of the men was pointing a gun on me,

"If you move, I will kill her," He said to Kelvin, as his hand crossed over my neck while walking back with me, I looked to see Kelvin looking at me with so many emotions and thoughts am sure we're because of my current situation,

The man cracked the gun and I swallowed, At this point am so sure I even forgot that I had magic magic, the trauma was just so strong on me, it was as if I had forgotten my name, the next thought that set into my mind was to do what guys do in the Hollywood movies, I grabbed his gun and

I faced it elsewhere and then I used my leg to kick his balls, "what next! What next! WHAT NEXT!!!!" I said out loud and then I saw that he was still holding the gun so I kicked it out from his hand, in a manner that I did not even know why I fell to the ground with my head hitting the hard floor,

Kelvin rushes towards me and It is as if It was in slow motion, the werewolf guy was picking up his gun and firing it at me and by my right was Kelvin running towards me as I was on the floor,

"wait...we are actually in slow mode" my wolf said to me and I stood up from the ground, "daughter it's me" the voice of my mum was heard by me but I did not want to believe it, "Bella" she called out again and I turned to see her, "touch kelvin" she says to me and I did what she said,

kelvin turns and he looks at me surprised, "my mum came to save us" I said to him and we both walked towards my mum and she disappeared with us after making sure that each men had fired their bullets at each others skull,

We appeared in the alphas mansion and I was surprised on how my mum brought us here, plus Kelvin was now unconscious again and my mum explained that it was because he was now possessed by the blue werewolf spirits,

I hugged her cause I really missed her, "but mum you should not have brought us here, the alpha might do something really bad to him" I said to her and she shakes her hand in understanding, "mum how come you are still here" I said to her and she calls me to a corner, "you see Kelvin is not like a normal werewolf, he is special" she says looking at me,

"How can this weird dude be special?

plus you left me last time at the judgement cult" I said to her and then looked aside, "Look I can't tell you anything yet, he would tell you everything you need to know in time" she says to me with her hands placed on my shoulders,

"well the alpha asked me to come and stay here because he sensed that kelvins kind of werewolf, were around and that meant harm to me since am a pure witch of this pack, they would want to harm me because they think am the one that killed their Alpha" she said to me and I nodded in understanding,

"Bella blue werewolves are said to be closer to the moon goddess than we normal werewolf's are, they are the moon goddess most treasured kind of werewolf's of which she has created and they are ten times more powerful than ten packs of our kind, and you see this young man here is a threat to you and our kind, and all I will do is to heal him"she said to me and I looked at my best friend Kelvin as he was asleep, but then something hit me back to reality,

"mum, all the blue werewolf spirits are inside of Kelvin, does that mean that Kelvin is the last heir? And now an Alpha" I said to her and she nods a yes sign to me, "he is the last werewolf of his kind and the only one remaining to reborn his kind, that is why they entered into him and changed him to what he is now,

when he wakes he would be someone totally different with little of his memories, I will lie to the alpha that he has been cured" she says to me, looking at him, as she used her hands to heal and give his body strength, "mum did you harm his dad" I asked her and she stops, "No, our great grand witch fought with his dad and finally both of them died and that was long ago when he was still in his mothers womb" she says looking at me,

"Wow, I never knew that a great grand witch existed," I said to her and she looks at me with a look I haven't seen her portray before, then she bows and...

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