
He traced his hands around my waist and brought me closer to himself, I looked at my mum and his step mum to see that their eyes were concentrated on the road, "do you think am like those girls you get to touch how you like?" I whispered to him, trying to release myself from his hold,

then he holds my hand so tightly that I knew that he was using his werewolf strength on me, I used my werewolf strength as well but his strength was greater than mine and shocked filled me as he forcefully made me to touch his trouser feeling his dick from beneath,

"I really hate you" I said to him, even though I know that I don't hate him, soon the car stops at his house and my mum and his step mum are having a talk, I walked into the house and headed straight to the fridge, my stomach has been begging for mercy ever since, "I want to tell you something" Kelvin says from behind me and I stuffed the cake I got from the fridge in my mouth,

"You know, I would be so strong for you when am able to transform into my werewolf self" I said to him, sounding very alike to someone eating and talking, and he chuckles, "and what did you want to say?" I said to him as he walks close to me, "what? If you are thinking of using my virgin body to play those your flirty tricks then you better quit it, because am a very good witch when It comes to making the bad boys dead frogs" I threatened him, of which what I said, totally did not even make sense,

He smirks and still comes close until I was now leaning on the kitchen wall, "I want to focus on my studies from now and I hope we could do it together" he said to me and I was so confused, it was like he had spoken in other tongues, "You want to focus on your education and you want me to help you with that? Is it a trick?" I said to him, trying not to believe that he actually said that, "yeah, I seriously Want to become someone else, I feel hurt cause I hurt sintia, who happens to be the girl, I loved" he says looking at me,

At this point, my mouth was opened, "wow! I never thought you would ever say this, I thought you preferred the girls than your books, well okay, I will help you, and you can step away from me now" I said to him and he smiles, "hey, did you not hear me, I said...step away before I turn you into something you might not like and trust me,

It will be a cat cause I would really want to pet one right now" I said to him and he holds my shoulders placing me to the wall, "it is going to only be us okay, only us, best buddies till when you finally know what is happening on your own" he says to me and I got,

Confused, "Until I discover what? What do I have to know that I have to be with you until I discover it?" I said to him and he looks at me, "never mind" he says releasing me and then walking away, but I grabbed him by his shirt and it tore off, this was like the awkward moment when you say "err, I did not mean to..oh..oh..oh" but then he turns back and I looked away, he walks back close to me arranging my hair behind my ear, he kissed my forehead and he traced it to my lips but I stopped him,

"One day, you will find your mate and you will definitely leave me, so no, am not falling for it" I said to him and he gives me a look that strikes my heart with unknown emotions, "you know if I wanted to do it with you, it would have been since when you were sixteen because am sure you wanted it that time and probably right now" he says to me with one of his eyebrows up, "I don't seriously" I said to him, pushing him off me,

Then my phone rings and I can see that it is James, "oh my boyfriend is calling.." I said showing Kelvin and he walks closer and then the next thing that happened was him trying to collect the phone from me, I managed to push him away with my werewolf abilities and then I looked at the phone to see that the screen was broken, "Fuck you, Kelvin! you broke my screen! I can't even answer the call...oh Goodness! You are so Annoying!" I said angrily to him, and then he transformed only his head into that of a werewolf and starts to laugh, the anger boiling in me as I saw him laugh annoyed me so much, he even turned his head into that of a werewolf and had the audacity to laugh,

I breathe in and out and then I enchanted in my mind, and a lighting bulb starts to appear on my hand and I made it even bigger, Then I launched it at him only for my attack to be countered by my mum, "what the hell is going on here" she says together with kelvins step mum, "He broke my screen" I said angrily with a squeaky voice that sounded more like a rat screaming to giants but in the English kinda way,

"I did not, she tore my shirt and then pushed me over here, and attempted to harm Innocent me" he says to them and it sounded so true even to me, but then he did not include all the things he tried to do, of which I can't say, cause they would think we are dating or something like that, "whatever" I said out cutting him off from saying more, "you guys should learn how to be mature" kelvins step mum says walking away, "and You Bella, I pray for you to immediately find your mate, so that You can for once in your life, focus on one thing, responsibility" She says looking at me..

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