
The upstairs window opened and she pops out her head from the window, "they did not give any assignment and if I were you, I would be hiding my face because you look like a mad goblin that is a zombie" she says laughing really hard, " I will catch you in school don't worry" I said to her as I hid my face and entered my car, driving away to my house that was walkable to,

Bella is just seventeen years old now and in one years time she would find her destined mate and would be able to transform into a werewolf, am older than her with just one year and some months, and she is the only girl that does not fear me or hate me for always been hormonal with her,

I had already reached home now, my mum should be in her room, as usual, I went straight into my room and took my bath, and did my best to wash off the ink on my face soon I was done and already wearing my night boxer and a little bit torn shirt, So guessing that it won't be wrong if I have sex tonight, after all, Bella refused me, she always likes telling me that only her mate can have her body, I wonder who her mate would be,

It is late evening already now, I went downstairs, opened the fridge and shoved a monster seized bugger into my mouth at once, sometimes I transform my head into my werewolf head and then I shove the whole bugger into the mouth, then I chew it at once and that is the best way to enjoy food, "my god! What are you doing" my mum voice was heard from behind me,

I transformed my head back to my human head and my head almost blew up, because I had put two buggers in my mouth, I transformed my head back to my wolf head and I chewed on it fast and transformed back to my human self again, "boy what you just did right now is disgusting, even a troll can throw up at that" she says to me, with her eyes looking at me from her side, "mum I learned it from" I said to her but she interrupts me,

"I did it too, when I was your age, they were a time I was so hungry and they were plates full of different fruits so I just transformed and poured everything in my mouth and eat it at once" she says with a smile, "wow, that was cool" I replied to her, "my only disadvantage was that when I transformed to my human self again, my stomach almost exploded, so I had to stay a werewolf throughout the day till the whole food digested I guess" she says with her cheeks getting red,

"I'm going into my room so that I could sleep now, I just need to rest now" she says walking back into her room, my mum is very kind and funny too, I think I really need to get laid, "damn it, I can't wait to meet my mate" I said to myself, I walked upstairs and  looked for my shirt, because I had put sintias number in it then I remembered that I pulled it off at Bella house, I can easily run to her house, Cause it is not so far from my house, I put on a new shirt and

I sneaked out of the house and I used my werewolf ability to run faster, soon I had reached Bella's house, I locked on the door, and Bella opens the door for me, I walked inside and her mum should be sleeping by now, sometimes I wonder why both my mum and her mum desire to sleep earlier than expected maybe it is because of their jobs, "what do you want" Bella says to me, seeing that I was only wearing a boxer,

"You mean you ran from your house to my house wearing only boxers?" she said looking at me with the "are you kidding me face" I looked at what she was wearing, and her chest was showing her sexy boobs, my wolf growled from my inside,

"Bella why don't you want to have a boyfriend" I said to her and she face still looks serious, "if I was to have a boyfriend, It won't be you, because I have seen how you treat girls, you use them and then you dumb them" she says to me and I heard the sound of my blink, "that does not mean I would treat you the same, god damn it! Stop looking at my boxers!" I said to her and she smiles, "stop looking at my chest, dumb" she says to me rolling her eyes,

"Have a seat let me go and bring your shirt" she says to me and walks away, I sat down on the chair waiting for her and that Is when I heard the growl of an Alpha, it sounded like he was in pain, I stood up and opened the entrance looking into the forest that wasn't far from the house, Maybe it was Kennedy trying to scare me again,

Me: Kennedy was that you?

Kennedy: No, it wasn't, I think it came from the forest,

"Why are you still standing, I told you to take a seat" Bella says from behind me and I Walked back and sat down, she offers me juice and a cake she made in less than thirty minutes, I eat the funny way again, I turned our heads into my wolf form and I poured everything in my mouth with my hand, Bella laughs so hard that she even cried the tears of joy,

Soon eating was over, "so do you like James" I said to her and she nods a yes sign, "he is as nerdy as I am and he also dropped me home today" she smiles and then frowns at her end sentence, and I knew she did that because I did not drop her home today...

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