
Soon I was done from home and was now in school, am waiting for sintia to come too, especially my nerd buddy Bella, my boys came into the class and we started talking, all they were telling me is how they banged this girl or that girl and I found it interesting, the classroom door wines open and sintia walks in,

I asked all of them to leave and they all departed as she approached, "hi" she says to me sitting next to me, I went closer to her and I kissed her, she held me for more and my friends laughed by the other corner, Am sure they think am flirting, what they don't know is that even bad boys too fall in love,

The door wines open, but I still continue, my side eye saw Bella and I let go of sintia, Bella sits at my front, "the lecturer would be here in three or so minutes, I think you guys should be watchful" she says and am surprised that she sounded like she did not care, "we are not doing it again ma" I said to her and she turns to look at me,

"Do you think that I give a fuck of what you just said now" she says and turns to look at her front, my boys were like "err" with their reactions a confused one, "if you did not give a fuck about it, then why did you have to talk about it,  mama" I said to her and she stands up and sits at the class far corner, the door wines open again and I can see James,

He waves at her and she gave out a smile, sintia starts to write down a note, I looked at her talk to James so happy that it made me jealous, "sintia lets do something fun" I said to do her, "just give me few minutes" she replies to me and I can see that she's busy, my boys leave for their various class after trying to get other girls from my class,

I stood up and I walked towards Bella, James greets me but I did not reply him, "Bella can we talk" I said to her and she nods a yes sign to me, We both walked out of the class and into the laboratory room which no one was in, "why did you bring me here" she questions me and I looked at her, confused about the reason I had brought her into the laboratory,

"I asked a question" she says tapping her fingers to the table, "well I don't like what you are doing" I said to her, "oh...so you noticed, at least am not the one kissing a girl early in the morning" she says to me turning her back on me, my eyes are fixed on her butt now, "well yours hurts more than mine" I said to her and she turns to look at me, "listen we are not in a relationship, so stop acting like you even have feelings for me" she says to me about to leave,

"Wait" I said to her and she stops, "did you refuse my proposal of been your boyfriend before because I wasn't smart" I asked her, trying to know why since we were small she always felt shy of being called my girlfriend but she always acts like she is mine alone, "what do you want now" she asked me, "I think I do have feelings for you but it is not like love feelings, You are my best friend, my childhood best friend, I don't like it when we fight" I said tracing my hand into her palm,

"Okay, I understand," she says to me and sharply leaves, releasing her hand from mine, am just glad I did not end up making any Insensible point after bringing her into the laboratory, sometimes I think I like her more than I think

I walked out too, and when I entered the class, my eyes could see my own Bella smooching out with James, that was so fast, it was as if I got stabbed from behind in less than two minutes, the image of what Emily, my first girlfriend set into my mind, 

I looked at her hold him like her life depended on it, it annoyed me so much that even when sintia waved at me I did not even recognize her, I walked out of the class, "she wants us to be enemies right? Okay, I will give her want she wants" I said to myself, sintia comes out and she looks at me with a worried face,

"What just happened," she says to me and I kept quiet, "Kelvin are you okay," she asked me again, and I noticed that I was overreacting inside me, "something is happening to me Kelvin," Kennedy, my wolf says to me from inside me, "what?" I asked him, "I think mate time is beginning to come," he says to me and I laugh out,

"sintia am fine, I just had a quarrel with Bella because of an assignment she did not help me with," I said to sintia and she still looks at me with the looks of suspect,

"Who do you think is my mate Kennedy" I said to my wolf, "I don't know yet, but am sensing it is near us" he says to me, "it will get stronger on your birthday and We would be able to know who your mate is" he continues and I kissed sintia, "from today, I would be helping you out with your assignments, so you don't need to be upset with Bella" she says to me after releasing herself from my kiss,

"Okay, cool babe" I relied her, when we both saw the lecturer approaching, we both sneakily entered the class speedily, at this time Bella was already done with her kissing section, it doesn't hurt me that much because I was the first guy to kiss her when we were twelve, and James is a nerd, probably smarter than me in academics but am sure am ten times more handsome than he is.

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